Enterprise Vault.cloud™ Lync Connector Administration Guide
- About Lync Connector
- Requirements for Lync Connector
- Steps for setting up archiving with Lync Connector
- Installing Lync Connector
- Configuring Lync Connector
- Managing archiving with Lync Connector
- Managing SIP address substitution
- Lync Connector workflow
- Lync Connector reports and logged events
- Lync Connector advanced settings
- Troubleshooting Lync Connector issues
The Reports tab
The Reports tab of the Lync Connector Console provides information on the status of the synchronizations that Lync Connector has performed, and the transcripts that it processed in each synchronization.
The Synchronizations table reports on the status of the synchronizations that Lync Connector has performed during the period for which the synchronization records are retained.
To filter on failed and canceled synchronizations only, select Filter drop-down menu.
from theTo sort on a table column, click the column heading.
The Synchronizations table contains the following columns of information about each synchronization:
Status |
The status of a synchronization can be one of the following:
Start | The time when the synchronization started. |
End | The time when the synchronization completed. |
Successful (new) | Of the transcripts that were extracted in this synchronization, the number that were successfully forwarded to Enterprise Vault.cloud for archiving. |
Excluded (new) | Of the transcripts that were extracted in this synchronization, the number that Lync Connector excluded from archiving. |
Failed (new) | Of the transcripts that were extracted in this synchronization, the number for which the processing failed. |
Successful (total) | The total number of transcripts that Lync Connector successfully forwarded to Enterprise Vault.cloud for archiving in this synchronization. This figure includes the transcripts from auto-retries and manual retries, and transcripts that were extracted but unprocessed in previous synchronizations. |
Excluded (total) | The total number of transcripts that Lync Connector excluded in this synchronization. This figure includes the transcripts from auto-retries and manual retries, and transcripts that were extracted but unprocessed in previous synchronizations. |
Failed (total) | The total number of transcripts for which processing failed in this synchronization. This figure includes the transcripts from auto-retries and manual retries, and transcripts that were extracted but unprocessed in previous synchronizations. |
Failure | For failed transcripts, this column lists the reason for the failure. |
If Lync Connector has performed more than 10,000 synchronizations, the table lists only the most recent 10,000.
Lync Connector also generates reports for each synchronization in the reports subfolder of the working folder.
The Transcripts table reports on the transcripts that Lync Connector processed in a particular synchronization.
To view the transcripts for a synchronization, select a row from the Synchronizations table.
By default, the Transcripts table shows only failed or excluded transcripts. To remove or change the filter, select the required option from the Filter drop-down list.
To sort on a table column, click the column heading.
The Transcripts table contains the following columns of information about each transcript that Lync Connector processed in the selected synchronization:
If a synchronization processed more than 10,000 transcripts, only the first 10,000 transcripts are listed. To view the details of the additional transcripts, view the sync_details report for the selected synchronization in the Lync Connector reports subfolder.
Number | The table row number. This number is provided for ease of navigation, and has no other significance. |
File | The location of the transcript at the time when Lync Connector processed it. The location may have changed subsequently, as a result of processing. |
Status | The result of processing of the transcript, which can be one of the following:
Source | The source of the transcript, which can be one of the following:
Exclusion reason | If Lync Connector excluded the transcript from archiving, the reason for the exclusion. The exclusion reason can be one of the following:
Failure reason | If Lync Connector failed to send the transcript for archiving, the reason for the failure. |
Size (bytes) | The size of the transcript email, in bytes. |
Time processed | The date and time that Lync Connector began the processing of the transcript. |