Enterprise Vault.cloud™ Lync Connector Administration Guide
- About Lync Connector
- Requirements for Lync Connector
- Steps for setting up archiving with Lync Connector
- Installing Lync Connector
- Configuring Lync Connector
- Managing archiving with Lync Connector
- Managing SIP address substitution
- Lync Connector workflow
- Lync Connector reports and logged events
- Lync Connector advanced settings
- Troubleshooting Lync Connector issues
Resolving issues caused by SIP substitution failures
If a SIP address substitution failure causes a problem you can add an entry to Lync Connector's manual address mapping file, SipAddressMapping.csv. Lync Connector uses any mappings in this file in precedence to the results of its Active Directory lookup. You can therefore use entries in this file to override the results of an Active Directory lookup, as well as to circumvent any email address lookup failures.
To resolve issues caused by SIP substitution failures
- In Windows Explorer go to the Lync Connector configuration folder, at the following location:
If you use the Veritas-branded version of Lync Connector:
%ProgramData%\Veritas\EV.Cloud\Lync connector\configuration
If you use the Symantec-branded version of Lync Connector:
%ProgramData%\Symantec\EV.Cloud\Lync connector\configuration
where %ProgramData% is the value of the ProgramData environment variable, typically C:\ProgramData.
- Open the SipAddressMapping.csv file with a text editor, such as Notepad.
- Edit the file to add an entry for each required mapping, in the format:
Separate the SIP address and its corresponding email address with a comma. See the comments at the beginning of the file for more information.
Entries that begin with a semicolon are treated as comments, and are ignored.
- Save the changes to the file.
Remember to keep the file in .csv format.