Arctera™ Insight eDiscovery Help
- About Arctera Insight eDiscovery
- Getting started with Insight eDiscovery
- Insight eDiscovery roles
- Managing investigations
- About Targeted Collections
- About Searches in investigation
- Working with searched emails
- Working with searched collaboration messages
- Working with searched files
- Working with Advanced ECA searches
- Applying tags to the Advanced ECA search items
- Applying labels to the Advanced ECA search items
- Exporting the Advanced ECA search items
- Exporting an Advanced ECA search summary report
- About Mail Reassignment
- About labels
- About legal holds
- About Tags
- About search log
- Managing cases
- About searches in eDiscovery
- Managing case documents
- Managing redaction reasons
- Managing reviews
- Reviewing emails
- Reviewing collaboration messages
- Reviewing files
- Managing production sets
- Annotating and redacting content in native viewer
- Managing exports
- Collaborative reports
- Insight eDiscovery alerts
- Email Continuity
- Methods for searching cases and accounts
- Boolean operator searches
- Methods for searching tables and reports
- Insight eDiscovery Frequently Asked Questions
- Best practices, limitations, and known issues
- Insight eDiscovery updates in previous releases
Best practices and limitations with Insight eDiscovery
Although the users that are provisioned for archive access can view their messages from Insight eDiscovery, we recommend that users work with their messages using Insight Personal Archive. Additional functionality such as search filters and active folders is provided when users work with archived messages in Insight Personal Archive.
Search times improve after a user performs their first search during each session because Insight eDiscovery keeps the index in memory during each session.
Inaccurate search results may be returned if the hyphen in a domain name is included because the hyphen is dropped.
Use Advanced Search to cut down search results If you see a message stating that you have exceeded the number of search results that can be returned.
Search terms are limited to 1,000 characters.
Use Query Search to accurately find and to reduce search results.
Searching with empty quotes or whitespace within quotes produces unexpected results.
Searching with an empty field produces an error.
Tags are only searchable on the Tags node, which is located within the Investigations tab.
The search interface prevents the user from entering the following special characters: / \ # < >
The maximum number of Boolean operands in a search is 249. Note that roof rusted OR paint has two Boolean operands: the OR, and the space between the first two terms. The space is treated as an AND operator.
Unable to search for DBCS/hiascii char in the Quick Search field in Alerts.
Unable to search for DBCS/hiascii char in Policy Names - Alerts.
Unable to search for DBCs/hiascii char in Advanced/Query search - comments
Unable to search for DBCs/hiascii char in Advanced/Query search - Alert Emails
Search fails in Managed Account if last name includes non-ASCII characters
Search fails in Reviewers Account if last name includes non-ASCII characters
Corrupted DBCS/hiascii character results in Case Review Status Tag name and description
Case Status has the hard-code issue risk