Arctera™ Insight eDiscovery Help
- About Arctera Insight eDiscovery
- Getting started with Insight eDiscovery
- Insight eDiscovery roles
- Managing investigations
- About Targeted Collections
- About Searches in investigation
- Working with searched emails
- Working with searched collaboration messages
- Working with searched files
- Working with Advanced ECA searches
- Applying tags to the Advanced ECA search items
- Applying labels to the Advanced ECA search items
- Exporting the Advanced ECA search items
- Exporting an Advanced ECA search summary report
- About Mail Reassignment
- About labels
- About legal holds
- About Tags
- About search log
- Managing cases
- About searches in eDiscovery
- Managing case documents
- Managing redaction reasons
- Managing reviews
- Reviewing emails
- Reviewing collaboration messages
- Reviewing files
- Managing production sets
- Annotating and redacting content in native viewer
- Managing exports
- Collaborative reports
- Insight eDiscovery alerts
- Email Continuity
- Methods for searching cases and accounts
- Boolean operator searches
- Methods for searching tables and reports
- Insight eDiscovery Frequently Asked Questions
- Best practices, limitations, and known issues
- Insight eDiscovery updates in previous releases
Exporting an individual production set for emails, collaboration messages, or files
To export an individual production set for emails, collaboration messages, or files
- On the eDiscovery tab, select the case under which the production set is created.
Under the Cases node in the left pane, a case_name node appears for the selected case. This node contains a number of sub-nodes that provide details of the case as follows. The available options depend on your permissions:
- Expand Production Sets and select the set you want to export.
The emails, collaboration messages, and files are displayed under respective tabs.
- Based on your requirement, select the Emails, Collaboration, or Files tab.
On the Files tab, the application does not display a preview of file content if the file type of the selected file is not supported by the native viewer. In such scenarios, the application notifies that the PrizmDoc tool does not support the specific file type.
- Configure the production options before you export the production set. See Configuring production set export options.
- Click Export.
- In the Production Set Export Options dialog box, specify the following details, and click Export.
Export Name
By default, this field displays the name of the selected production set. However, you can change this name and provide another unique name.
You can search this name under Exports > Production Sets after successful export.
Export Password
Enter the strong password to protect the export file.
Confirm Password
Retype the same password for confirmation.
Image Format
Select this option to choose output format of the documents. You can publish the document in PDF and TIFF formats.
The PDF option is selected by default.
TIFF Options
This field becomes enabled when you select the TIFF option in the Image Format field and provides the following options:
Each file on a single page: If a document has multiple pages, a separate TIFF file will be generated for each page. For example, when exporting a production set, three TIFF files will be generated for a three-page email.
In the image below, the pre00002suff.xlsx file has two pages. After selecting this option, while exporting the production set from the native folder to the image folder, the application generated two separate TIFF files for the two pages.
Each file on multiple pages: If a document has multiple pages, a single TIFF file will be generated for all pages. For example, when exporting a production set, only one TIFF file will be generated for a three-page email.
In the image below, the pre00002suff.xlsx file has two pages. After selecting this option, while exporting the production set from the native folder to the image folder, the application generated a single TIFF file for the two pages.
Markup Type
Select this option to include redactions and annotations during export.
Select the Redactions checkbox to include the redactions in the export document. You can export the redacted area as an Opaque or a Transparent area.
Select the Annotations checkbox to include the annotations in the export document.
Include Extracted Text
Select this option to include the actual text of the documents in a text file. For redacted documents, only non-redacted text will be included in the extracted text.
Include EDRM Metadata File
Select this option to preserve and export the EDRM XML output file.
Include Natives
Select this option if you want to export all supported files in their native format.
- Click Export.
- To view the status of exported production set and download the zip file, in the left navigation, select Exports > Production Sets. After the export is completed, do the following:
Expand the production set row to view its details.
Click the Download icon to download the zip file that contains exported emails, collaboration messages, or files.