Arctera™ Insight eDiscovery Help
- About Arctera Insight eDiscovery
- Getting started with Insight eDiscovery
- Insight eDiscovery roles
- Managing investigations
- About Targeted Collections
- About Searches in investigation
- Working with searched emails
- Working with searched collaboration messages
- Working with searched files
- Working with Advanced ECA searches
- Applying tags to the Advanced ECA search items
- Applying labels to the Advanced ECA search items
- Exporting the Advanced ECA search items
- Exporting an Advanced ECA search summary report
- About Mail Reassignment
- About labels
- About legal holds
- About Tags
- About search log
- Managing cases
- About searches in eDiscovery
- Managing case documents
- Managing redaction reasons
- Managing reviews
- Reviewing emails
- Reviewing collaboration messages
- Reviewing files
- Managing production sets
- Annotating and redacting content in native viewer
- Managing exports
- Collaborative reports
- Insight eDiscovery alerts
- Email Continuity
- Methods for searching cases and accounts
- Boolean operator searches
- Methods for searching tables and reports
- Insight eDiscovery Frequently Asked Questions
- Best practices, limitations, and known issues
- Insight eDiscovery updates in previous releases
Viewing export details of native documents
node lets you view the export-specific details of the native documents. The page provides a list of export batches. Insight eDiscovery splits large exports into 2-gigabyte batches. Therefore, multiple export batches can be associated with one export. You can expand the rows to view the export details and export download link. The details include information such as export file type, download size of the file, export start and completion dates, expiration date for download link, output file type, export status, and so on.The page displays the
section only when the selected export batch contains failed export items. Exports contain failed items when the Completed with Errors or Error is listed in the Step field.To review export status of the native documents
- On the eDiscovery tab, click Cases.
- Search for and select the case.
The selected Case_Name node appears below Cases.
- From the displayed case nodes, select Exports > Native.
The application displays a list of the native exports.
- If required, click the Refresh icon in the top-right corner of the Native page to get the latest available records.
Batch ID
ID number for the export batch.
Export Name
Name of the export file.
Created By
Name of the user who has created the export.
Created Date
Date and time export was created.
Start Date
Date and time export started processing.
End Date
Date and time export process ended.
Describes the export status:
Complete - export without any errors
Completed with Errors - export with failed export items
Error - export failed
Terminated - export canceled
# Total
Total number of export items.
# Exported
Number of successful export items.
# Failed
Number of failed export items.
- Search for and select the export batch to view export details on native email exports.
When you expand an individual export batch (one without associated export batches), the Export Details section displays key information such as priority, export status, output file name, file size, created by, creation date, start and completion dates, file download expiry date, and more.
When you expand an export batch that contains associated export batches, the Export Details section displays a list of these associated batches. To view the details of each associated batch, you must expand them individually.
- Download the export summary reports.
If it is an individual export batch (one without associated export batches), click the Download icon provided in the Download column of the item grid. The export summary of that individual batch will be downloaded for your review.
If it is an export batch that contains associated export batches, click the Download icon provided in the Download column of the item grid. A new browser window appears.
When you expand an export batch that contains associated export batches, the Export Details section displays a list of these associated batches. To view the details of each associated batch, you must expand them individually.
Click any of the following as needed:
Download All Batches: Downloads all batches. Irrespective of the download status, all completed, failed, and unexported batches will begin downloading. The user will see a confirmation box to proceed or not, as the existing download status and download date columns will be reset to their default values.
To avoid performance issues and potential browser crashes, files will be downloaded in chunks of 10 batches at a time. Once the first chunk of 10 batches/files is downloaded, the next chunk will begin automatically.
Download selected Batches: Select one or multiple batches to download exported results.
Pause/Resume: Pause puts ongoing downloads on hold till you click Resume. Upon resuming, the paused batches' start downloading. Resume works for remaining batches if the window is reopened.
Cancel: Stops ongoing downloads, saves status, and shows it upon reopening.
The downloaded zip file is password protected. Enter the appropriate password to view the report.