Arctera™ Insight eDiscovery Help
- About Arctera Insight eDiscovery
- Getting started with Insight eDiscovery
- Insight eDiscovery roles
- Managing investigations
- About Targeted Collections
- About Searches in investigation
- Working with searched emails
- Working with searched collaboration messages
- Working with searched files
- Working with Advanced ECA searches
- Applying tags to the Advanced ECA search items
- Applying labels to the Advanced ECA search items
- Exporting the Advanced ECA search items
- Exporting an Advanced ECA search summary report
- About Mail Reassignment
- About labels
- About legal holds
- About Tags
- About search log
- Managing cases
- About searches in eDiscovery
- Managing case documents
- Managing redaction reasons
- Managing reviews
- Reviewing emails
- Reviewing collaboration messages
- Reviewing files
- Managing production sets
- Annotating and redacting content in native viewer
- Managing exports
- Collaborative reports
- Insight eDiscovery alerts
- Email Continuity
- Methods for searching cases and accounts
- Boolean operator searches
- Methods for searching tables and reports
- Insight eDiscovery Frequently Asked Questions
- Best practices, limitations, and known issues
- Insight eDiscovery updates in previous releases
Configuring Targeted Collection for Enterprise Vault
The Enterprise Vault reactive collector lets your organization collect items that are associated with your Enterprise Vault. After an administrator configures this collector for your organization, the items that match the filter criteria can be collected in Insight eDiscovery.
You must configure the filter criteria for each Enterprise Vault reactive collector. Based on the filter criteria, the Enterprise Vault reactive collector collects the archive-level and vault-level data in Insight eDiscovery to perform all eDiscovery operations.
: Before you use the Enterprise Vault collector Insight eDiscovery to collect Enterprise Vault content, you need to enable this service. To enable Enterprise Vault service, do the following:
Contact Arctera™ Insight support team to enable the Enterprise Vault collector in Arctera Insight Archiving.
Install the Enterprise Vault Agent on a server that can access your Enterprise Vault environment.
You can download the Enterprise Vault Agent from here
Refer the following procedure to configure the Targeted Collection for Enterprise Vault.
To configure Targeted Collection for Enterprise Vault
- On the Investigations tab, in the left navigation pane, select Targeted Collection.
- Click Add and select the Enterprise Vault collector.
At the time of adding the first collector, the Set up Collection button appears in the middle of the screen. If one or more collectors are already added, the Add option appears.
- On the Collection Information tab, specify the following:
Collection name
Provide a unique name for this collection.Arctera Insight Archiving
Enter email to get notification once the targeted collection has finished processing.
Select a site
If you have multiple sites in your Enterprise Vault environment or have multiple individual Enterprise Vault environments, the application displays a list of all sites which this tenant has as a part of direct migration agent configuration.
Select a required site from the displayed options.
- Click Save and Next to navigate to the Filter tab.
- On the Filter tab, do the following:
Specify the date range for collection. The available options are Before, After, and Between.
Vault stores and Archives
Select the appropriate vault stores or archives in which you want to search the data.
It supports selecting vault stores and archives from multiple sites.
Select the All vault stores option to consider all the available vault stores to search items.
Select the Selected vault store(s) option to select the required vault stores for the selected archives. The Select vault(s) button appears. Click Select vault(s) to search for and select the required vaults for searching items. You can remove the selection from the same dialog box.
Select the All archives option to consider all the available archives to search items.
Select the Selected archive(s) option to select the required archives. The Select archive(s) button appears. Click Select Vault(s) to search for and select the required archives for searching items. You can remove the selection from the same dialog box.
If you have many archives for targeted collection, use the Import functionality that supports importing data in the CSV format. Click Import, and choose a CSV file with the list of archives.
The CSV file must contain Archive IDs in the first column.
The file should not contain any other information. It may lead to error during the import.
Search terms
Specify the criteria with the help of keywords. It helps you to restrict searching items from the selected vault stores and archives.
Use the plus-icon to save the search term and add a new criteria under the Search terms section.
Use the minus-icon to remove an existing criteria.
Specify the file types (Enterprise Vault compatible file extensions such as .pdf, .doc, .zip, and so on) that you want to collect during data collection from Enterprise Vault.
Custom attributes
Specify attributes that you want to include in the search configuration.
If you want to provide several attributes, specify either All of or Any of option under the Attribute inclusion section. It determines whether the search results should match any of the attributes or all of them.
- Click Save and Next to navigate to the Send to Cases tab.
- On the Send to Cases tab, specify the following:
Send to existing case
Although this field is optional, the check box is selected by default.
If you want to send a search result to cases, select this check box and choose one or more cases from the list of available cases. Navigate to the next and previous pages to access the available cases.
If you do not want to send a search result to cases, clear this check box.
Upon clearing this check box, the application displays a confirmation prompt that you have not selected any case to send the collected items. Do the following as required:
Click No to assign a case and complete the setup.
Click Yes to proceed without selecting a case. This allows you to archive the items first and send them to the required cases later.
Collection set name
Enter the collection set name.
When you select a single or multiple cases in the eDiscovery tab, the node of this name is displayed under the Case Documents node.
After the targeted collector is configured and the displayed status is Archived, all the items are sent to this Collection Set in the respective cases under the Case Documents node.
- Click Save and Next to navigate to the Review tab.
- On the Review tab, do the following:
Check the configuration information to ensure accuracy.
To modify configuration information, click the corresponding Edit link.
- If the data is correct, click Complete.
The Enterprise Vault reactive collector appears in the Targeted Collections page.
If the status of the Enterprise Vault targeted collector is Archived, you can expand the targeted collector row to view the Collection Defensibility Report of the Enterprise Vault reactive data. It displays the details like Items Collected, Items Received, Items Archived, Items Duplicate, Items Rejected, and Items Failed. To download the Collection Defensibility Report, click the Download icon.
- If the status of the targeted collector is Incomplete, modify the collector configuration. To modify the configuration, click on the targeted collection name.
If the configuration is incomplete, items cannot be sent to case. User cannot remove the previously selected and saved options.
- If the status of the targeted collector is Archived, and you want to send items to cases, click Send to case in the respective row.
See Creating collection sets from archived targeted collector.