Veritas™ Appliance AutoSupport Reference Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Appliances (Version Not Specified)
Platform: Veritas 5340,Veritas 5260,Veritas 5250,Veritas 5150,Veritas 5350,Veritas 5330,Veritas 5240,Veritas 5360,Veritas 3340,Veritas 3350,Veritas 3360

How the Call Home data is transmitted

Enabling Call Home provides a one-way communication that only transmits data and does not allow the appliance to receive any incoming data or notifications. All data that is transmitted to Veritas from an appliance is done with TLS-encrypted transmission by HTTPS PUT over port 443/tcp.

Starting with appliance software release 5.3. the AutoSupport client supports both TLS 1.3 and 1.2 protocols. If your SMTPS server and https proxy server support TLS 1.3, communication with the appliance is encrypted by default using the more secure TLS 1.3 protocol.

Data transmissions for the following services are sent to

  • Appliance Call Home Provisioning

  • Data Collect packages


If you configure a proxy server on the appliance, the proxy must allow connections to the above URLs to ensure that the AutoSupport feature can transmit data to Veritas.

The infrastructure consists of a set of endpoints with static IP address pools for data transmission.

Veritas highly recommends using DNS or fully qualified hostname resolution provisioning at the proxy and/or the firewall level to reduce the chance of possible service interruptions.

If your firewalls can only register entities by IP addresses the static endpoints retain their respective dedicated IP address pools.

On the appliance, make sure that you enable the proxy and/or the firewall to outbound 443/TCP TLS socket connections to the following site:

For more information about the Call Home data transmission infrastructure, see the following technical article: