NetBackup™ Snapshot Manager for Cloud Install and Upgrade Guide
- Introduction
- Section I. NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud installation and configuration
- Preparing for NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud installation
- Deploying NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud using container images
- Deploying NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud extensions
- Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a VM
- Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster (AKS) in Azure
- Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster (EKS) in AWS
- Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster (GKE) in GCP
- NetBackup Snapshot Manager for cloud providers
- AWS plug-in configuration notes
- Google Cloud Platform plug-in configuration notes
- Prerequisites for configuring the GCP plug-in using Credential and Service Account option
- Microsoft Azure plug-in configuration notes
- Microsoft Azure Stack Hub plug-in configuration notes
- OCI plug-in configuration notes
- Configuration for protecting assets on cloud hosts/VM
- Protecting assets with NetBackup Snapshot Manager's on-host agent feature
- Installing and configuring NetBackup Snapshot Manager agent
- Configuring the NetBackup Snapshot Manager application plug-in
- Microsoft SQL plug-in
- Oracle plug-in
- Protecting assets with NetBackup Snapshot Manager's agentless feature
- Snapshot Manager for cloud catalog backup and recovery
- NetBackup Snapshot Manager for cloud assets protection
- Volume encryption in NetBackup Snapshot Manager for cloud
- NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud security
- Preparing for NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud installation
- Section II. NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud maintenance
- NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud logging
- Upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud
- Migrating and upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager
- Post-upgrade tasks
- Uninstalling NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud
- Troubleshooting NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud
AWS permissions required by NetBackup Snapshot Manager
The following is a IAM role definition (in JSON format) that gives NetBackup Snapshot Manager the ability to configure AWS plugin and discover assets, manage the snapshots and so on.
Table: NetBackup Snapshot Manager feature Vs permissions for AWS cloud provider
Feature | Task/Operation | Required permission |
VM based | ||
KMS (Encryption and Decryption) | To list the KMS keys during various operations. | kms:ListKeys |
KMS feature provided by NetBackup Snapshot Manager. | kms:Encrypt kms:Decrypt kms:GenerateDataKey kms:GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext kms:CreateGrant | |
Internally required by AWS for replication of encrypted snapshot. | kms:ReEncryptTo kms:ReEncryptFrom | |
To get the information of a particular KMS key. | kms:DescribeKey | |
To list the KMS keys aliases during various operations. | kms:ListAliases | |
Protection of RDS resources | To list RDS database snapshots (discovery). | rds:DescribeDBSnapshots |
To list RDS database clusters (discovery). | rds:DescribeDBClusters | |
To list RDS database cluster snapshots (discovery). | rds:DescribeDBClusterSnapshots | |
To delete RDS database snapshot (snapshot expiry). | rds:DeleteDBSnapshot | |
To create RDS database snapshot. | rds:CreateDBSnapshot | |
To create RDS database cluster snapshot. | rds:CreateDBClusterSnapshot | |
To share/un share RDS database snapshot with a different account, for cross-account replication. | rds:ModifyDBSnapshotAttribute | |
To list RDS database subnet groups (discovery). | rds:DescribeDBSubnetGroups | |
To list RDS database instances (discovery). | rds:DescribeDBInstances | |
To copy RDS database snapshot between regions, used for replication. | rds:CopyDBSnapshot | |
To copy RDS database cluster snapshot between regions, used for replication. | rds:CopyDBClusterSnapshot | |
Implicitly required during restore/replicate operations of cross-account snapshot to read the attributes. | rds:DescribeDBSnapshotAttributes | |
To list all RDS proxies. | rds:DescribeDBProxies | |
To list RDS database instances for a particular proxy. | rds:DescribeDBProxyTargets | |
To delete RDS database cluster snapshot (snapshot expiry). | rds:DeleteDBClusterSnapshot | |
To list tags for RDS resources. | rds:ListTagsForResource | |
To add tags for RDS resources, during snapshot, replication and restore. | rds:AddTagsToResource | |
To list the proxy endpoint for given RDS proxy. | rds: DescribeDBProxyEndpoints | |
To grant permission to retrieve and decrypt encrypted data. | secretsmanager:GetSecretValue | |
To get the details of the instance types that are offered in a location. It is used to decide the parallelism during backups/restore of the RDS database(s). | ec2:DescribeInstanceTypes | |
Recovery of RDS resources | To modify settings for RDS database instance. To modify security group during restore. | rds:ModifyDBInstance |
To share/un share RDS database cluster snapshot with a different account for cross-account replication. | rds:ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttribute | |
To create RDS database instance from snapshot (snapshot restore). | rds:RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot | |
To modify settings for RDS database cluster. | rds:ModifyDBCluster | |
To create RDS database cluster from snapshot (snapshot restore). | rds:RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot | |
To create RDS database instance while restoring RDS cluster. | rds:CreateDBInstance | |
Required internally by AWS to restore RDS database cluster. | rds:RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime | |
To create RDS database security group, restore RDS with default security group. | rds:CreateDBSecurityGroup | |
To create RDS database cluster. | rds:CreateDBCluster | |
Required internally by AWS to restore RDS database instance. | rds:RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTime | |
To get the information about parameter group during restore of RDS cluster snapshot. | rds:DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups | |
Backup of EC2 resources | To get the information about the user/role being used to make API requests (through which CSP is configured). | sts:GetCallerIdentity |
This is required on the source account role, for configuring cross-account provider configuration along with other pre-requisites which are required on the cross account role. | sts:AssumeRole | |
To create EBS volume snapshot. | ec2:CreateSnapshot | |
To create EC2 instance snapshot (snapshot of all the attached disks). | ec2:CreateSnapshots | |
To list EC2 instances (discovery) . | ec2:DescribeInstances | |
To get the status of the specified EC2 instance. | ec2:DescribeInstanceStatus | |
To share/un share the EBS snapshots with a different account for cross-account replication. | ec2:ModifySnapshotAttribute | |
To replicate EBS snapshot from one region to other. To replicate EC2 instance snapshots disk by disk. | ec2:CopySnapshot | |
To list EBS snapshots (discovery). | ec2:DescribeSnapshots | |
To get the status of the specified EBS volume. | ec2:DescribeVolumeStatus | |
To list EBS volumes (discovery). | ec2:DescribeVolumes | |
Used during restore of EC2 instance snapshot, an AMI is registered intermediately to launch the EC2 instance. | ec2:RegisterImage | |
To get the specific attribute of specified EBS volume during various operations. | ec2:DescribeVolumeAttribute | |
To list subnets (discovery). | ec2:DescribeSubnets | |
To list VPCs (discovery). | ec2:DescribeVpcs | |
To de-register intermediate AMI registered during restore of EC2 instance | ec2:DeregisterImage | |
To delete EBS snapshot (snapshot expiry / cleanup during snapshot creation failure). | ec2:DeleteSnapshot | |
To get the specific attribute of specified EC2 instance. | ec2:DescribeInstanceAttribute | |
To list regions. | ec2:DescribeRegions | |
To list availability zones (discovery). | ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones | |
To reset permission settings for the specified snapshot modified during cross account replication. | ||
To reset permission settings for the specified snapshot modified during cross account replication. | ec2:ResetSnapshotAttribute | |
To list dedicated hosts (discovery). | ec2:DescribeHosts | |
To list AMIs (EC2 instance snapshots created by NetBackup Snapshot Manager) (discovery) | ec2:DescribeImages | |
To list security groups (discovery). | ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups | |
To list the network interfaces of EC2 instance, required for EC2 instance discovery. | ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces | |
To get the tags created on the specific resource. | ec2:DescribeTags | |
To get the details of the instance information that are offered in a location. | ec2:DescribeInstanceTypes | |
Recovery of EC2 resources | To create EC2 instance (restoring the host snapshot). | ec2:RunInstances |
Internally used by AWS to attach specified network interface to given instance, required for restore for host snapshot. | ec2:AttachNetworkInterface | |
To detach EBS volume(s) from EC2 instance during rollback restore. Also, during GRT workflow, the intermediate volume which first gets attached is later detached. | ec2:DetachVolume | |
To attach the new EBS volume(s) to EC2 instance in case of rollback restore. Also, during restore of volume snapshot to an EC2 instance, the new created disk is attached to the specified instance. | ec2:AttachVolume | |
To delete tags on EC2 resources. Some NetBackup Snapshot Manager internal tags are created during various operations which need to be removed later. | ec2:DeleteTags | |
To create tags on EC2 resources. Required to tag the created/restored resources with NetBackup Snapshot Manager metadata tags and source resource tags. | ec2:CreateTags | |
To power on the specified instance. Required during restore flow where option to start/stop the instance post restore is specified. | ec2:StartInstances | |
To power off the specified instance. Required during restore flow where option to start/stop the instance post restore is specified. | ec2:StopInstances | |
To delete EC2 instance in case of failed restore operation. Also required to delete intermediate EC2 instance created during restore from backup copy. | ec2:TerminateInstances | |
To create EBS volume from snapshot. Used during volume snapshot restore and instance snapshot rollback restore. | ec2:CreateVolume | |
To delete EBS volume in case of failed restore operation. Delete detached volumes in case of successful rollback restore. Delete intermediate volume created during GRT operation. Delete volumes along with intermediate EC2 instance created during restore from backup copy. | ec2:DeleteVolume | |
To get IAM instance profile association status for IAM role attached to the restored instance. | ec2:DescribeIamInstanceProfileAssociations | |
To attach IAM role to the restored EC2 instance. | ec2:AssociateIamInstanceProfile | |
To associate elastic IP to EC2 instance/network interface during restore. | ec2:AssociateAddress | |
To list the SSH key pair for validating the user provided key pair for associating with the restored EC2 instance. | ec2:DescribeKeyPairs | |
To check whether the availability zone associated with the selected subnet for EC2 instance restore supports the instance type. | ec2:DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings | |
Internally used by AWS to check whether EBS encryption by default is enabled for the account in the current region. | ec2:GetEbsEncryptionByDefault | |
To modify block device mappings as per original instance on the restored EC2 instance. | ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute | |
Backup from snapshot | To list the blocks of the snapshot(s) being backed up. | ebs:ListSnapshotBlocks |
To get the data of a particular snapshot block, read snapshot block. | ebs:GetSnapshotBlock | |
To list the changed blocks between two snapshots of same EBS volume. | ebs:ListChangedBlocks | |
Restore from backup copy | To mark the snapshot as complete after writing all the blocks, close the snapshot post restore. | ebs:CompleteSnapshot |
To write the blocks to the newly created snapshot during restore from backup. | ebs:PutSnapshotBlock | |
To create an empty snapshot to be used to write blocks for restoring from backup copy. | ebs:StartSnapshot | |
Identity management and authorization | To get the alias of the AWS account configured in CSP. This is used for display name of the AWS account usable in various contexts including intelligent groups. | iam:ListAccountAliases |
Simulates IAM policies and permissions against a set of operations. Used to verify if required permissions are present with the user/role being used for CSP configuration. | iam:SimulatePrincipalPolicy | |
PaaS workloads protection (DynamoDB) | To list DynamoDB tables used during discovery. | dynamodb:ListTables |
To get the information of a particular DynamoDB table during backup . | dynamodb:DescribeTable | |
To create table during restore. | dynamodb:CreateTable | |
To do batch write during restore of dynamodb table. | dynamodb:BatchWriteItem | |
To list the continuous backups of dynamodb table during backup. | dynamodb:DescribeContinuousBackups | |
To do point in time restore of dyanmodb table which continues backup to s3 during backup. | dynamodb:ExportTableToPointInTime | |
To check status of export of continues backup of dynamodb table to s3. | dynamodb:DescribeExport | |
To delete table in case of failure during restore. | dynamodb:DeleteTable | |
To update dynamodb table metadata. | dynamodb:UpdateTable | |
To set the continues backup for table if not already set. | dynamodb:UpdateContinuousBackups | |
To import tables from S3 | dynamodb:ImportTable | |
To describe the import operation | dynamodb:DescribeImport | |
CloudWatch log restore with S3 (DynamoDB) | To create log groups to restore logs for DynamoDB import from S3 operations. | logs:CreateLogGroup |
To create log stream used for read and write logs for DynamoDB import from S3 operations. | logs:CreateLogStream | |
To describe log groups created during DynamoDB import from S3 operations. | logs:DescribeLogGroups | |
To describe log streams created during DynamoDB import from S3 operations. | logs:DescribeLogStreams | |
To write log events for DynamoDB import from S3 operations. | logs:PutLogEvents | |
To set the logs retention policy for the logs created during DynamoDB import from S3 operations. | logs:PutRetentionPolicy | |
PaaS workloads protection (Redshift databases) | To list databases of a Redshift cluster. Retrieve information about database names and their metadata. This permission is for cluster level. | redshift:ListDatabases |
To connect to Redshift cluster database using IAM. | redshift:GetClusterCredentialsWithIAM | |
To run a query in a Redshift cluster database. | redshift-data:ExecuteStatement | |
To list databases of a Redshift cluster via redshift-data API which is a different endpoint than redshift API endpoint. This permission is required for redshift without a server. | redshift-data:ListDatabases | |
To fetch temporarily cached result of an SQL statement executed on Redshift cluster databases. | redshift-data:GetStatementResult | |
For getting properties of Redshift clusters. | redshift:DescribeClusters | |
For canceling a query executed on Redshift cluster database used during NetBackup job cancellation. | redshift-data:CancelStatement | |
To connect to Redshift cluster database. | redshift:GetClusterCredentials | |
Required to get the details about a specific instance when a query is run by the Amazon Redshift Data API. | redshift-data:DescribeStatement | |
PaaS workloads protection (Redshift cluster) | To list databases of a Redshift cluster. Retrieve information about database names and their metadata. This permission is for cluster level. | redshift:ListDatabases |
For getting properties of Redshift clusters. | redshift:DescribeClusters | |
To create tags on Redshift cluster. | redshift:CreateTags | |
To create a manual snapshot of the specified cluster. | redshift:CreateClusterSnapshot | |
To get properties of cluster snapshots. | redshift:DescribeClusterSnapshots | |
To delete a cluster snapshot. | redshift:DeleteClusterSnapshot | |
To get cluster subnet groups. | redshift:DescribeClusterSubnetGroups | |
To restore from cluster snapshot. | redshift:RestoreFromClusterSnapshot | |
To access the internet gateway. | ec2:DescribeInternetGateways | |
To list interface assignments and private IPs | ec2:DescribeAddresses | |
To list availability zones. | ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones | |
To list VPCs. | ec2:DescribeVpcs | |
To get account attributes list. | ec2:DescribeAccountAttributes | |
To list subnets. | ec2:DescribeSubnets | |
To list security group. | ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups | |
Access IAM roles. | iam:GetRole | |
PaaS workloads protection (Neptune) | To list AWS Neptune snapshots - discovery | neptune:DescribeDBSnapshots |
To list AWS Neptune clusters - discovery | neptune:DescribeDBClusters | |
To delete AWS Neptune snapshot | neptune:DeleteDBSnapshot | |
To list AWS Neptune cluster | neptune:DescribeDBClusters | |
To create Neptune database snapshot | neptune:CreateDBSnapshot | |
To create Neptune database cluster | neptune:CreateDBCluster | |
To list Neptune database subnet groups | neptune:DescribeDBSubnetGroups | |
To delete Neptune database cluster snapshot | neptune:DeleteDBSnapshot | |
To list AWS Neptune cluster snapshots | neptune:DescribeDBSnapshots | |
PaaS workloads protection (DocumentDB) | To list AWS DocumentDB snapshots - discovery | rds:DescribeDBSnapshots |
To list AWS DocumentDB clusters - discovery | rds:DescribeDBClusters | |
To delete AWS DocumentDB snapshot | rds:DeleteDBSnapshot | |
To list AWS DocumentDB cluster | rds:DescribeDBClusters | |
To create DocumentDB database snapshot | rds:CreateDBSnapshot | |
To create DocumentDB database cluster | rds:CreateDBCluster | |
To list DocumentDB database subnet groups | rds:DescribeDBSubnetGroups | |
To delete DocumentDB database cluster snapshot | rds:DeleteDBSnapshot | |
To list Amazon DocumentDB cluster snapshots | rds:DescribeDBClusterSnapshots | |
PaaS workloads protection (RDS Custom for Oracle and RDS Custom for SQL ) | To set up a trail that records API activity for your AWS account, enabling you to track and monitor resource usage, security events, and user actions. | cloudtrail:CreateTrail |
To enable logging for an AWS CloudTrail trail. | cloudtrail:StartLogging | |
PaaS workloads protection (S3) | To create a s3 bucket required during DynamoDB, Custom for SQL, Custom for Oracle, and Redshift backup/restores. | s3:CreateBucket |
To check if bucket already exists used during DynamoDB, Custom for SQL, Custom for Oracle, and Redshift backup/restores. | s3:ListBucket | |
To retrieve ACLs of an s3 object (file) stored in bucket during DynamoDB, Custom for SQL, Custom for Oracle, and Redshift backups. | s3:GetObjectAcl | |
To retrieve contents of an s3 object (file) stored in bucket during DynamoDB, Custom for SQL, Custom for Oracle, and Redshift backups. | s3:GetObject | |
To remove object from s3 bucket required during DynamoDB and Redshift backup/restores. | s3:DeleteObject | |
To upload data on s3 bucket required during DynamoDB and Redshift restores. | s3:PutObject | |
Restore object lock S3 | To place an Object Retention configuration on objects. | s3:PutObjectRetention |
To modify the bucket policy of an Amazon S3 bucket during Custom for Oracle and Custom for SQL backups. | s3:PutBucketPolicy | |
To configure or modify the Object Lock configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket during Custom for Oracle and Custom for SQL backups. | s3:PutBucketObjectLockConfiguration | |
To enable or modify versions for an Amazon S3 bucket during Custom for Oracle and Custom for SQL backups. | s3:PutBucketVersioning | |
To retrieve the tags associated with an object in an Amazon S3 bucket during Custom for Oracle and Custom for SQL backups. | s3:GetObjectTagging | |
Provider managed consistent snapshots | To send command to the instance configured with SSM, it will run the SSM document to take snapshot. | ssm:SendCommand |
To get details of the SSM document and to check the existence of the document created by NetBackup Snapshot Manager for taking application consistent snapshot. | ssm:DescribeDocument | |
To get the list of instances configured with SSM which are online. The information is also used to fetch platform of the instance. | ssm:DescribeInstanceInformation | |
To update the default version of the SSM document created by NetBackup Snapshot Manager. | ssm:UpdateDocumentDefaultVersion | |
To update the contents of the SSM document with the latest one in case of upgrade. | ssm:UpdateDocument | |
To create the SSM document which will be used to take application consistent snapshot. | ssm:CreateDocument | |
To get the status and output of the command, that is document execution, and snapshot response. | ssm:GetCommandInvocation | |
To take application consistent snapshots. | ssm:listCommand | |
Provider managed consistent snapshots Role/Policy:AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore | ||
Permissions on workload VM | To create consistent snapshot of the workload VM on which SSM document runs. | ec2:CreateSnapshots |
To create tags to the snapshots created through SSM document. | ec2:CreateTags | |
To create snapshot of the VM disk by disk. | ec2:CreateSnapshot | |
Kubernetes cluster based Role/Policy: AmazonEKSClusterPolicy, AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy, AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser, AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy, AmazonEKSServicePolicy | ||
EKS | To get kubernetes cluster's nodegroup details regarding scaling configuration. | eks:DescribeNodegroup |
To get the status of the scaling done on the cluster. | eks:DescribeUpdate | |
To scale kubernetes cluster, update node group size. | eks:UpdateNodegroupConfig | |
To list kubernetes clusters, discover cluster. | eks:ListClusters | |
To get the information of specified kubernetes cluster, discover cluster attributes. | eks:DescribeCluster | |
To fetch the list of node groups in EKS cluster. | eks:ListNodegroups | |
Marketplace deployment | ||
High availability | Required for EKS and for marketplace deployment. | autoscaling:UpdateAutoScalingGroup |
autoscaling:AttachInstances | ||
For DR through marketplace. | autoscaling:DescribeScalingActivities | |
autoscaling:TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup | ||
To send notifications during DR. | sns:Publish | |
sns:GetTopicAttributes | ||
Deployment | To add the specified outbound (egress) rules to a security group during restore. | ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress |
To add the specified inbound (ingress) rules to a security group during restore. | ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress |