NetBackup™ Snapshot Manager for Cloud Install and Upgrade Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection (11.0)
  1. Introduction
      About the deployment approach
      Deciding where to run NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud
      About deploying NetBackup Snapshot Manager in the cloud
  2. Section I. NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud installation and configuration
    1. Preparing for NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud installation
        Meeting system requirements
        NetBackup Snapshot Manager host sizing recommendations
        NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension sizing recommendations
        Creating an instance or preparing the host to install NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Installing container platform (Docker, Podman)
        Creating and mounting a volume to store NetBackup Snapshot Manager data
        Verifying that specific ports are open on the instance or physical host
        Preparing NetBackup Snapshot Manager for backup from snapshot jobs
        OCI - iptables rules for backup from snapshot jobs
    2. Deploying NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud using container images
        Before you begin installing NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Installing NetBackup Snapshot Manager in the Docker/Podman environment
        Installing NetBackup Snapshot Manager on CIS Level 2 v2 configured host
        Securing the connection to NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Verifying that NetBackup Snapshot Manager is installed successfully
        Restarting NetBackup Snapshot Manager
    3. Deploying NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud extensions
        Before you begin installing NetBackup Snapshot Manager extensions
        Downloading the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension
      3. Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a VM
          Prerequisites to install the extension on VM
          Installing the extension on a VM
      4. Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster (AKS) in Azure
          Prerequisites to install the extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster in Azure
          Installing the extension on Azure (AKS)
      5. Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster (EKS) in AWS
          Prerequisites to install the extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster in AWS
        2. Installing the extension on AWS (EKS)
            Install extension using the extension script
      6. Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster (GKE) in GCP
          Prerequisites to install the extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster in GCP
          Installing the extension on GCP (GKE)
        Install extension using the Kustomize and CR YAMLs
        Managing the extensions
    4. NetBackup Snapshot Manager for cloud providers
        Why to configure the NetBackup Snapshot Manager cloud providers?
      2. AWS plug-in configuration notes
          Prerequisites for configuring the AWS plug-in
          Before you create a cross account configuration
          Prerequisites for application consistent snapshots using AWS Systems Service Manager
          Prerequisites for configuring AWS plug-in using VPC endpoint
          AWS permissions required by NetBackup Snapshot Manager
          Configuring AWS permissions for NetBackup Snapshot Manager
      3. Google Cloud Platform plug-in configuration notes
        1. Prerequisites for configuring the GCP plug-in using Credential and Service Account option
            Additional prerequisites for configuring the GCP plug-in using Service Account option
          Google Cloud Platform permissions required by NetBackup Snapshot Manager
          Preparing the GCP service account for plug-in configuration
          Configuring a GCP service account for NetBackup Snapshot Manager
          GCP cross-project configuration
          GCP shared VPC configuration
      4. Microsoft Azure plug-in configuration notes
          Configuring permissions on Microsoft Azure
          About Azure snapshots
      5. Microsoft Azure Stack Hub plug-in configuration notes
          Configuring permissions on Microsoft Azure Stack Hub
          Configuring staging location for Azure Stack Hub VMs to restore from backup
          About Azure Stack Hub snapshots
      6. OCI plug-in configuration notes
          Limitation of NetBackup OCI support
          Prerequisite for configuring the OCI plug-in
          OCI configuration parameters
          Configuring host support for OCI
          OCI permissions required by NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Cloud Service Provider endpoints for DBPaaS
    5. Configuration for protecting assets on cloud hosts/VM
        Deciding which feature (on-host agent or agentless) of NetBackup Snapshot Manager is to be used for protecting the assets
      2. Protecting assets with NetBackup Snapshot Manager's on-host agent feature
        1. Installing and configuring NetBackup Snapshot Manager agent
            Downloading and installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager agent
          2. Linux-based agent
              Preparing to install the Linux-based agent
              Registering the Linux-based agent
          3. Windows-based agent
              Preparing to install the Windows-based agent
              Registering the Windows-based agent
        2. Configuring the NetBackup Snapshot Manager application plug-in
            Configuring an application plug-in
          2. Microsoft SQL plug-in
              Microsoft SQL plug-in configuration requirements
              Restore requirements and limitations for Microsoft SQL Server
              Steps required before restoring SQL AG databases
              Additional steps required after restoring SQL AG databases
            5. Additional steps required after a SQL Server instance snapshot restore
                Steps required after a SQL Server host-level restore
                Steps required after a SQL Server instance disk-level snapshot restore to new location
          3. Oracle plug-in
            1. Oracle plug-in configuration requirements
                Optimizing your Oracle database data and metadata files
              Restore requirements and limitations for Oracle
              Additional steps required after an Oracle snapshot restore
      3. Protecting assets with NetBackup Snapshot Manager's agentless feature
          Prerequisites for the agentless configuration
          Configuring the agentless feature
          Configuring the agentless feature after upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager
    6. Snapshot Manager for cloud catalog backup and recovery
        About using script
        NetBackup Snapshot Manager data backup
        NetBackup Snapshot Manager data recovery
    7. NetBackup Snapshot Manager for cloud assets protection
      1. NetBackup protection plan
          Creating a NetBackup protection plan for cloud assets
          Subscribing cloud assets to a NetBackup protection plan
        Assigning tags on snapshots and Restore Point Collection
        Configuring VSS to store shadow copies on the originating drive
    8. Volume encryption in NetBackup Snapshot Manager for cloud
        About volume encryption support in NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Volume encryption for Azure
        Volume encryption for GCP
        Volume encryption for AWS
        Volume encryption for OCI
    9. NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud security
        Configuring security for Azure Stack
        Configuring the cloud connector for Azure Stack
        CA configuration for Azure Stack
  3. Section II. NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud maintenance
    1. NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud logging
        About NetBackup Snapshot Manager logging mechanism
      2. How Fluentd-based NetBackup Snapshot Manager logging works
          About the NetBackup Snapshot Manager fluentd configuration file
          Modifying the fluentd configuration file
        NetBackup Snapshot Manager logs
        Agentless logs
        Troubleshooting NetBackup Snapshot Manager logging
    2. Upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud
        About NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud upgrades
        Supported upgrade path
        Upgrade scenarios
        Preparing to upgrade NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager using patch or hotfix
        Applying operating system patches on NetBackup Snapshot Manager host
      8. Migrating and upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager
          Before you begin migrating NetBackup Snapshot Manager
          Migrate and upgrade NetBackup Snapshot Manager on RHEL 8.x and 9.x
        GCP configuration for migration from zone to region
      10. Post-upgrade tasks
          Upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager extensions
          Post upgrade limitations
        Post-migration tasks
    3. Uninstalling NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud
        Preparing to uninstall NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Backing up NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Unconfiguring NetBackup Snapshot Manager plug-ins
        Unconfiguring NetBackup Snapshot Manager agents
        Removing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager agents
        Removing NetBackup Snapshot Manager from a standalone Docker host environment
        Removing NetBackup Snapshot Manager extensions - VM-based or managed Kubernetes cluster-based
        Restoring NetBackup Snapshot Manager
    4. Troubleshooting NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud
        Troubleshooting NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        SQL snapshot or restore and granular restore operations fail if the Windows instance loses connectivity with the NetBackup Snapshot Manager host
        Disk-level snapshot restore fails if the original disk is detached from the instance
        Discovery is not working even after assigning system managed identity to the control node pool
        Performance issue with GCP backup from snapshot
        Post migration on host agents fail with an error message
        File restore job fails with an error message
        Acknowledgment not received for datamover
        Google Cloud Platform does display the Snapshot ID of the disk
        Application state of the connected/configured cloud VM(s) displays an error after upgrading to NetBackup Snapshot Manager version 11.x
        Backup and restore jobs fail with timeout error
        GCP restore with encryption key failed with an error message
        Amazon Redshift clusters and databases not available after discovery
        Shared VPC subnet not visible
        Container manager may not spawn the ephemeral registration container timely
        GCP restore from VM fails to obtain firewall rules
        Parameterised VM restore fails to retrieve encryption keys
        Restore from snapshot of a VM with security type Trusted Launch fails
        Snapshot Manager failed to retrieve the specified cloud domain(s), against the specified plugin instance
        Issues with SELinux configuration
        Performance issues with OCI backup from snapshot and restore from backup copy
        Connection to Amazon Linux 2023 or Alma Linux machines fail
        Single file restore from snapshot copy fails with an error
        MS SQL application backup, restore, or SFR job on Windows cloud VM fails with an error
        Status 49 error appears
        Restore from backup fails with an error
        (For AWS) If the specified AMI is not subscribed in the given region an error message appears
        Restore of Azure Disk Encrypted VM fails with an error

AWS plug-in configuration notes

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) plug-in lets you create, restore, and delete snapshots of the following assets in an Amazon cloud:

  • Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances

  • Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes

  • Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) instances

  • Aurora clusters

  • Redshift clusters

  • AWS DocumentDB

  • AWS Neptune

  • RDS Custom for SQL

  • RDS Custom for Oracle


Before you configure the AWS plug-in, ensure that you have enabled the regions that you want to protect and configured the proper permissions so that NetBackup Snapshot Manager can work with your AWS assets.

NetBackup Snapshot Manager supports the following AWS regions:

Table: AWS regions supported by NetBackup Snapshot Manager

AWS commercial regions

AWS GovCloud (US) regions

  • us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2

  • ap-east-1, ap-south-1, ap-south-2, ap-northeast-1, ap-northeast-2, ap-northeast-3, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-southeast-3, ap-southeast-4, ap-southeast-5, ap-southeast-7

  • eu-central-1, eu-central-2, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, eu-west-3, eu-north-1, eu-south-1, eu-south-2

  • cn-north-1, cn-northwest-1

  • ca-central-1

  • me-south-1, me-central-1

  • mx-central-1

  • sa-east-1

  • cn-north-1, cn-northwest-1

  • af-south-1

  • il-central-1

  • FIPS supported regions: us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2

  • us-gov-east-1

  • us-gov-west-1

The following information is required for configuring the NetBackup Snapshot Manager plug-in for AWS:

If NetBackup Snapshot Manager is deployed in the AWS cloud:

Table: AWS plug-in configuration parameters: cloud deployment

NetBackup Snapshot Manager configuration parameter


For Source Account configuration


One or more AWS regions associated with the AWS source account in which to discover cloud assets.


If you deploy NetBackup Snapshot Manager using the CloudFormation template (CFT), then the source account is automatically configured as part of the template-based deployment workflow.

VPC Endpoint

First DNS name of AWS Security Token Service (STS) endpoint service with no zone specified.

For Cross Account configuration

Account ID

The account ID of the other AWS account (cross account) whose assets you wish to protect using the NetBackup Snapshot Manager instance configured in the Source Account.

Role Name

The IAM role that is attached to the other AWS account (cross account).


One or more AWS regions associated with the AWS cross account in which to discover cloud assets.

VPC Endpoint

First DNS name of AWS Security Token Service (STS) endpoint service with no zone specified.

For example,


For an existing NetBackup Snapshot Manager deployed on AWS cloud to be used by using VPC Endpoint, then edit the configured plug-in by adding the VPC Endpoint entry.

See Prerequisites for configuring AWS plug-in using VPC endpoint.

When NetBackup Snapshot Manager connects to AWS, it uses the following endpoints. You can use this information to create a allowed list on your firewall.


Amazon Web Services recommends using the regional endpoint instead of global endpoints.

  • ec2.*

  • sts.*

  • rds.*

  • kms. *

  • ebs.*

  • iam.*

  • eks.*

  • autoscaling.*

  • (For DBPaaS protection) dynamodb.*, redshift.*

  • (For provider managed consistency) ssm.*

In addition, you must specify the following resources and actions:

  • ec2.SecurityGroup.*

  • ec2.Subnet.*

  • ec2.Vpc.*

  • ec2.createInstance

  • ec2.runInstances

Support for restore of multiple network interfaces (NIC)

NetBackup Snapshot Manager provides an option to restores the original network configuration (all the NIC's and IP addresses on the source VM) on AWS:

  • Private IPs are restored as they were on the source VM, if that IP is available to attach.

  • For public IPs, the AssociatePublicIpAddress property is restored as it was on the source VM. Based on this attribute, a public IP would be assigned to the VM.

Configuring multiple accounts or subscriptions or projects
  • If you are creating multiple configurations for the same plug-in, ensure that they manage assets from different Regions. Two or more plug-in configurations should not manage the same set of cloud assets simultaneously.

  • When multiple accounts are all managed with a single NetBackup Snapshot Manager, the number of assets being managed by a single NetBackup Snapshot Manager instance might get too large and it would be better to space them out.

  • To achieve application consistent snapshots,

    • Ensure that the prerequisites for provider managed consistency are met. For more information, refer to AWS Documentation.

    • If above prerequisites are not met, then agent/agentless network connections between the remote VM instance and NetBackup Snapshot Manager is required. This would require setting up cross account/subscription/project networking.

AWS plug-in considerations and limitations

Before you configure the plug-in, consider the following:

  • NetBackup Snapshot Manager does not support AWS Nitro-based instances that use EBS volumes that are exposed as non-volatile memory express (NVMe) devices.

    To allow NetBackup Snapshot Manager to discover and protect AWS Nitro-based Windows instances that use NVMe EBS volumes, ensure that the AWS NVMe tool executable file, ebsnvme-id.exe, is present in any of the following locations on the AWS Windows instance:

    • %PROGRAMDATA%\Amazon\Tools

      This is the default location for most AWS instances.

    • %PROGRAMFILES%\Veritas\Cloudpoint

      Manually download and copy the executable file to this location.

    • System PATH environment variable

      Add or update the executable file path in the system's PATH environment variable.

      If the NVMe tool is not present in one of the mentioned locations, NetBackup Snapshot Manager may fail to discover the file systems on such instances.

      You may see the following error in the logs:

      "ebsnvme-id.exe" not found in expected paths!"
  • To allow NetBackup Snapshot Manager to discover and protect Windows instances created from custom/community AMI.

    • AWS NVMe drivers must be installed on custom or community AMIs. See this link.

    • Install the ebsnvme-id.exe either in %PROGRAMDATA%\Amazon\Tools or %PROGRAMFILES%\Veritas\Cloudpoint

    • Friendly device name must contain the substring "NVMe", or update in Windows registry for all NVMe backed devices.

      Registry path:



      Property Name: FriendlyName

      Value: NVMe Amazon Elastic B SCSI Disk Drive

  • Missing permission exception during discovery: By default, while adding a new AWS provider plug-in configuration, no permission check would be done for AWS cloud related operations. To enable permission check during AWS provider plug-in configuration, add skip_permissions_check = "no" parameter under the AWS section in flexsnap.conf file.

  • Redshift clusters and databases must be in an available state on the AWS portal in order to allow NetBackup Snapshot Manager to discover and protect Redshift assets. When Redshift cluster is in the available state, assets are marked as Active on NetBackup UI; otherwise, assets are marked as Inactive.

  • You cannot delete automated snapshots of RDS instances, Redshift clusters, and Aurora clusters through NetBackup Snapshot Manager.

  • The application consistency of AWS RDS applications depend on the behavior of AWS. (AWS suspends I/O while backing up the DB instance).

    This is a limitation from AWS and is currently outside the scope of NetBackup Snapshot Manager.

  • All automated snapshot names start with the pattern rds:. For Redshift clusters, it starts with rs:

  • If you are configuring the plug-in to discover and protect AWS Nitro-based Windows instances that use NVMe EBS volumes, you must ensure that the AWS NVMe tool executable file, ebsnvme-id.exe, is present in any of the following locations on the AWS instance:

    • %PROGRAMDATA%\Amazon\Tools

      This is the default location for most AWS instances.

    • %PROGRAMFILES%\Veritas\Cloudpoint

      Manually download and copy the executable file to this location.

    • System PATH environment variable

      Add or update the executable file path in the system's PATH environment variable.

    If the NVMe tool is not present in one of the mentioned locations, NetBackup Snapshot Manager may fail to discover the file systems on such instances. You may see the following error in the logs:

    "ebsnvme-id.exe" not found in expected paths!"

    This is required for AWS Nitro-based Windows instances only. Also, if the instance is launched using the community AMI or custom AMI, you might need to install the tool manually.

  • NetBackup Snapshot Manager does not support cross-account replication for AWS RDS instances, RDS clusters, or Redshift clusters, if the snapshots are encrypted using the default RDS encryption key (aws/rds). You cannot share such encrypted snapshots between AWS accounts.

    If you try to replicate such snapshots between AWS accounts, the operation fails with the following error:

    Replication failed The source snapshot KMS key [<key>] does not exist, 
    is not enabled or you do not have permissions to access it.

    This is a limitation from AWS and is currently outside the scope of NetBackup Snapshot Manager.

  • If a region is removed from the AWS plug-in configuration, then all the discovered assets from that region are also removed from the NetBackup Snapshot Manager assets database. If there are any active snapshots that are associated with the assets that get removed, then you may not be able perform any operations on those snapshots.

    Once you add that region back into the plug-in configuration, NetBackup Snapshot Manager discovers all the assets again and you can resume operations on the associated snapshots. However, you cannot perform restore operations on the associated snapshots.

  • NetBackup Snapshot Manager supports commercial as well as GovCloud (US) regions. During AWS plug-in configuration, even though you can select a combination of AWS commercial and GovCloud (US) regions, the configuration will eventually fail.

  • NetBackup Snapshot Manager does not support IPv6 addresses for AWS RDS instances. This is a limitation of Amazon RDS itself and is not related to NetBackup Snapshot Manager.

    For more information, refer to the AWS documentation.

  • NetBackup Snapshot Manager does not support application consistent snapshots and granular file restores for Windows systems with virtual disks or storage spaces that are created from a storage pool. If a Microsoft SQL server snapshot job uses disks from a storage pool, the job fails with an error. But if a snapshot job for virtual machine which is in a connected state is triggered, the job might be successful. In this case, the file system quiescing and indexing is skipped. The restore job for such an individual disk to original location also fails. In this condition, the host might move to an unrecoverable state and requires a manual recovery.

  • AWS virtual machine cannot be restored with a security group not owned by the account where the restore is being performed. This is due to a limitation from AWS which restricts creating the EC2 instance on shared VPC's security group that is not owned by the account creating the virtual machine.

    For more information, refer to the 'Share your VPC' section of the Amazon VPC User Guide.

  • For filesystem/application consistent snapshots using AWS Systems Service Manager:

    • The SSM document created must be removed manually on plug-in/NetBackup Snapshot Manager removal.

    • Snapshot of the VM workloads having ext2 filesystem would be consistent depending on the kernel/Operating system version.

    • If AWS CLI, AWS VSS components module is not installed on the VM workload, then internet is required to install.

    • If pre- and post- script is not provided, Linux application consistent snapshot requires VM to be in connected state with application plug-in configured.