NetBackup™ Snapshot Manager for Cloud Install and Upgrade Guide
- Introduction
- Section I. NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud installation and configuration
- Preparing for NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud installation
- Deploying NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud using container images
- Deploying NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud extensions
- Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a VM
- Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster (AKS) in Azure
- Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster (EKS) in AWS
- Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster (GKE) in GCP
- NetBackup Snapshot Manager for cloud providers
- AWS plug-in configuration notes
- Google Cloud Platform plug-in configuration notes
- Prerequisites for configuring the GCP plug-in using Credential and Service Account option
- Microsoft Azure plug-in configuration notes
- Microsoft Azure Stack Hub plug-in configuration notes
- OCI plug-in configuration notes
- Configuration for protecting assets on cloud hosts/VM
- Protecting assets with NetBackup Snapshot Manager's on-host agent feature
- Installing and configuring NetBackup Snapshot Manager agent
- Configuring the NetBackup Snapshot Manager application plug-in
- Microsoft SQL plug-in
- Oracle plug-in
- Protecting assets with NetBackup Snapshot Manager's agentless feature
- Snapshot Manager for cloud catalog backup and recovery
- NetBackup Snapshot Manager for cloud assets protection
- Volume encryption in NetBackup Snapshot Manager for cloud
- NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud security
- Preparing for NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud installation
- Section II. NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud maintenance
- NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud logging
- Upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud
- Migrating and upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager
- Post-upgrade tasks
- Uninstalling NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud
- Troubleshooting NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud
Microsoft Azure Stack Hub plug-in configuration notes
The Microsoft Azure Stack Hub plug-in lets you create, delete, and restore snapshots at the virtual machine level and the managed disk level. You can configure the Azure Stack Hub plugin using AAD or ADFS authentication methods.
Before you configure the Azure Stack Hub plug-in, complete the following preparatory steps:
Use the Microsoft Azure Stack Portal to create an application in the Azure Active Directory (AAD) if using AAD as the identify provider for the Azure Stack Hub plug-in.
For more information on your identity provider options, refer to the Azure Stack documentation.
Assign the service principal to a role that has access to the resources.
For details, follow the steps mentioned in the Azure Stack documentation.
Table: Azure Stack Hub plug-in configuration parameters using AAD
NetBackup Snapshot Manager configuration parameter | Microsoft equivalent term and description |
Azure Stack Hub Resource Manager endpoint URL | The endpoint URL in the following format, that allows NetBackup Snapshot Manager to connect with your Azure resources.
Tenant ID | The ID of the AAD directory in which you created the application. |
Client ID | The application ID. |
Secret Key | The secret key of the application. |
Authentication Resource URL (optional) | The URL where the authentication token is sent to. |
Table: Azure Stack Hub plug-in configuration parameters using AD FS
NetBackup Snapshot Manager configuration parameter | Microsoft equivalent term and description |
Azure Stack Hub Resource Manager endpoint URL | The endpoint URL in the following format, that allows NetBackup Snapshot Manager to connect with your Azure resources.
Tenant ID (optional) | The ID of the AD FS directory in which you created the application. |
Client ID | The application ID. |
Secret Key | The secret key of the application. |
Authentication Resource URL (optional) | The URL where the authentication token is sent to. |
The current release of the plug-in does not support snapshots of blobs.
NetBackup Snapshot Manager currently only supports creating and restoring snapshots of Azure Stack managed disks and the virtual machines that are backed up by managed disks.
NetBackup Snapshot Manager currently only supports creating and restoring snapshots of Azure Stack managed disks and the virtual machines that are deployed using Azure Stack Resource Manager deployment model.
Rollback restore operation is not supported for Azure Stack VM, because the OS disk swap not supported.
Disk encryption is not possible with the NetBackup Snapshot Manager Azure Stack Hub plug-in, because Azure Stack Hub 2008 does not support disk encryption.
NetBackup Snapshot Manager does not support disk-based protection for applications that store data on virtual disks or storage spaces that are created from a storage pool. While taking snapshots of such applications, the disk-based option is not available.
NetBackup Snapshot Manager does not support snapshot operations for Ultra SSD disk types in an Azure Stack environment.
If you are creating multiple configurations for the same plug-in, ensure that they manage assets from different Tenant IDs. Two or more plug-in configurations should not manage the same set of cloud assets simultaneously.
When you create snapshots, the Azure Stack Hub plug-in creates an Azure Stack-specific lock object on each of the snapshots. The snapshots are locked to prevent unintended deletion either from the Azure console or from an Azure CLI or API call. The lock object has the same name as that of the snapshot. The lock object also includes a field named "
" that contains the ID of the corresponding VM or asset that the snapshot belongs to.You must ensure that the "
" field in the snapshot lock objects is not modified or deleted. Doing so will disassociate the snapshot from its corresponding original asset.The Azure Stack Hub plug-in uses the ID from the "
" fields of the lock objects to associate the snapshots with the instances whose source disks are either replaced or deleted, for example, as part of the 'Original location' restore operation.