NetBackup™ Snapshot Manager for Cloud Install and Upgrade Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection (11.0)
  1. Introduction
      About the deployment approach
      Deciding where to run NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud
      About deploying NetBackup Snapshot Manager in the cloud
  2. Section I. NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud installation and configuration
    1. Preparing for NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud installation
        Meeting system requirements
        NetBackup Snapshot Manager host sizing recommendations
        NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension sizing recommendations
        Creating an instance or preparing the host to install NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Installing container platform (Docker, Podman)
        Creating and mounting a volume to store NetBackup Snapshot Manager data
        Verifying that specific ports are open on the instance or physical host
        Preparing NetBackup Snapshot Manager for backup from snapshot jobs
        OCI - iptables rules for backup from snapshot jobs
    2. Deploying NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud using container images
        Before you begin installing NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Installing NetBackup Snapshot Manager in the Docker/Podman environment
        Installing NetBackup Snapshot Manager on CIS Level 2 v2 configured host
        Securing the connection to NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Verifying that NetBackup Snapshot Manager is installed successfully
        Restarting NetBackup Snapshot Manager
    3. Deploying NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud extensions
        Before you begin installing NetBackup Snapshot Manager extensions
        Downloading the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension
      3. Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a VM
          Prerequisites to install the extension on VM
          Installing the extension on a VM
      4. Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster (AKS) in Azure
          Prerequisites to install the extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster in Azure
          Installing the extension on Azure (AKS)
      5. Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster (EKS) in AWS
          Prerequisites to install the extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster in AWS
        2. Installing the extension on AWS (EKS)
            Install extension using the extension script
      6. Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster (GKE) in GCP
          Prerequisites to install the extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster in GCP
          Installing the extension on GCP (GKE)
        Install extension using the Kustomize and CR YAMLs
        Managing the extensions
    4. NetBackup Snapshot Manager for cloud providers
        Why to configure the NetBackup Snapshot Manager cloud providers?
      2. AWS plug-in configuration notes
          Prerequisites for configuring the AWS plug-in
          Before you create a cross account configuration
          Prerequisites for application consistent snapshots using AWS Systems Service Manager
          Prerequisites for configuring AWS plug-in using VPC endpoint
          AWS permissions required by NetBackup Snapshot Manager
          Configuring AWS permissions for NetBackup Snapshot Manager
      3. Google Cloud Platform plug-in configuration notes
        1. Prerequisites for configuring the GCP plug-in using Credential and Service Account option
            Additional prerequisites for configuring the GCP plug-in using Service Account option
          Google Cloud Platform permissions required by NetBackup Snapshot Manager
          Preparing the GCP service account for plug-in configuration
          Configuring a GCP service account for NetBackup Snapshot Manager
          GCP cross-project configuration
          GCP shared VPC configuration
      4. Microsoft Azure plug-in configuration notes
          Configuring permissions on Microsoft Azure
          About Azure snapshots
      5. Microsoft Azure Stack Hub plug-in configuration notes
          Configuring permissions on Microsoft Azure Stack Hub
          Configuring staging location for Azure Stack Hub VMs to restore from backup
          About Azure Stack Hub snapshots
      6. OCI plug-in configuration notes
          Limitation of NetBackup OCI support
          Prerequisite for configuring the OCI plug-in
          OCI configuration parameters
          Configuring host support for OCI
          OCI permissions required by NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Cloud Service Provider endpoints for DBPaaS
    5. Configuration for protecting assets on cloud hosts/VM
        Deciding which feature (on-host agent or agentless) of NetBackup Snapshot Manager is to be used for protecting the assets
      2. Protecting assets with NetBackup Snapshot Manager's on-host agent feature
        1. Installing and configuring NetBackup Snapshot Manager agent
            Downloading and installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager agent
          2. Linux-based agent
              Preparing to install the Linux-based agent
              Registering the Linux-based agent
          3. Windows-based agent
              Preparing to install the Windows-based agent
              Registering the Windows-based agent
        2. Configuring the NetBackup Snapshot Manager application plug-in
            Configuring an application plug-in
          2. Microsoft SQL plug-in
              Microsoft SQL plug-in configuration requirements
              Restore requirements and limitations for Microsoft SQL Server
              Steps required before restoring SQL AG databases
              Additional steps required after restoring SQL AG databases
            5. Additional steps required after a SQL Server instance snapshot restore
                Steps required after a SQL Server host-level restore
                Steps required after a SQL Server instance disk-level snapshot restore to new location
          3. Oracle plug-in
            1. Oracle plug-in configuration requirements
                Optimizing your Oracle database data and metadata files
              Restore requirements and limitations for Oracle
              Additional steps required after an Oracle snapshot restore
      3. Protecting assets with NetBackup Snapshot Manager's agentless feature
          Prerequisites for the agentless configuration
          Configuring the agentless feature
          Configuring the agentless feature after upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager
    6. Snapshot Manager for cloud catalog backup and recovery
        About using script
        NetBackup Snapshot Manager data backup
        NetBackup Snapshot Manager data recovery
    7. NetBackup Snapshot Manager for cloud assets protection
      1. NetBackup protection plan
          Creating a NetBackup protection plan for cloud assets
          Subscribing cloud assets to a NetBackup protection plan
        Assigning tags on snapshots and Restore Point Collection
        Configuring VSS to store shadow copies on the originating drive
    8. Volume encryption in NetBackup Snapshot Manager for cloud
        About volume encryption support in NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Volume encryption for Azure
        Volume encryption for GCP
        Volume encryption for AWS
        Volume encryption for OCI
    9. NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud security
        Configuring security for Azure Stack
        Configuring the cloud connector for Azure Stack
        CA configuration for Azure Stack
  3. Section II. NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud maintenance
    1. NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud logging
        About NetBackup Snapshot Manager logging mechanism
      2. How Fluentd-based NetBackup Snapshot Manager logging works
          About the NetBackup Snapshot Manager fluentd configuration file
          Modifying the fluentd configuration file
        NetBackup Snapshot Manager logs
        Agentless logs
        Troubleshooting NetBackup Snapshot Manager logging
    2. Upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud
        About NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud upgrades
        Supported upgrade path
        Upgrade scenarios
        Preparing to upgrade NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager using patch or hotfix
        Applying operating system patches on NetBackup Snapshot Manager host
      8. Migrating and upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager
          Before you begin migrating NetBackup Snapshot Manager
          Migrate and upgrade NetBackup Snapshot Manager on RHEL 8.x and 9.x
        GCP configuration for migration from zone to region
      10. Post-upgrade tasks
          Upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager extensions
          Post upgrade limitations
        Post-migration tasks
    3. Uninstalling NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud
        Preparing to uninstall NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Backing up NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Unconfiguring NetBackup Snapshot Manager plug-ins
        Unconfiguring NetBackup Snapshot Manager agents
        Removing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager agents
        Removing NetBackup Snapshot Manager from a standalone Docker host environment
        Removing NetBackup Snapshot Manager extensions - VM-based or managed Kubernetes cluster-based
        Restoring NetBackup Snapshot Manager
    4. Troubleshooting NetBackup Snapshot Manager for Cloud
        Troubleshooting NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        SQL snapshot or restore and granular restore operations fail if the Windows instance loses connectivity with the NetBackup Snapshot Manager host
        Disk-level snapshot restore fails if the original disk is detached from the instance
        Discovery is not working even after assigning system managed identity to the control node pool
        Performance issue with GCP backup from snapshot
        Post migration on host agents fail with an error message
        File restore job fails with an error message
        Acknowledgment not received for datamover
        Google Cloud Platform does display the Snapshot ID of the disk
        Application state of the connected/configured cloud VM(s) displays an error after upgrading to NetBackup Snapshot Manager version 11.x
        Backup and restore jobs fail with timeout error
        GCP restore with encryption key failed with an error message
        Amazon Redshift clusters and databases not available after discovery
        Shared VPC subnet not visible
        Container manager may not spawn the ephemeral registration container timely
        GCP restore from VM fails to obtain firewall rules
        Parameterised VM restore fails to retrieve encryption keys
        Restore from snapshot of a VM with security type Trusted Launch fails
        Snapshot Manager failed to retrieve the specified cloud domain(s), against the specified plugin instance
        Issues with SELinux configuration
        Performance issues with OCI backup from snapshot and restore from backup copy
        Connection to Amazon Linux 2023 or Alma Linux machines fail
        Single file restore from snapshot copy fails with an error
        MS SQL application backup, restore, or SFR job on Windows cloud VM fails with an error
        Status 49 error appears
        Restore from backup fails with an error
        (For AWS) If the specified AMI is not subscribed in the given region an error message appears
        Restore of Azure Disk Encrypted VM fails with an error

Upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager

The following procedures describe how to upgrade your NetBackup Snapshot Manager deployment. During the upgrade, you replace the container that runs your current version of NetBackup Snapshot Manager with a newer container.

To upgrade NetBackup Snapshot Manager server in Podman/Docker environment

  1. Download the NetBackup Snapshot Manager upgrade installer.

    On the NetBackup Snapshot Manager download page, click Download Now to download the NetBackup Snapshot Manager installer.

    The NetBackup Snapshot Manager software components are available in a package form. The file name has the following format:



    The actual file name may vary depending on the release version.

  2. Copy the downloaded compressed image file to the computer on which you want to deploy NetBackup Snapshot Manager.
  3. Un-tar the image file and list the contents:
    # ls
  4. Run the following command to prepare the NetBackup Snapshot Manager host for installation:

    # sudo ./

    The output resembles the following:

    For Podman

    Checking for disk space                  ...  done
    Checking for swap space                  ...  done
    Validate host resources                  ...  done
    Validate SELINUX                         ...  done
    Check for podman installation            ...  done
    Validate podman version support          ...  done
    Check for podman socket file             ...  done
    Checking for required packages           ...  done
    Validate required services health        ...  done
    Removing deprecated services             ...  done
    Loading Snapshot Manager service images  ...  done
    Creating nbsvcusr user and group         ...  done
    Loading CIL policy for containers        ...  done
    Copying flexsnap_configure script        ...  done

    For Docker

    Checking for disk space                  ...  done
    Checking for swap space                  ...  done
    Validate host resources                  ...  done
    Check for docker installation            ...  done
    Validate docker version support          ...  done
    Check for docker socket file             ...  done
    Checking for required packages           ...  done
    Validate required services health        ...  done
    Loading Snapshot Manager service images  ...  done
    Copying flexsnap_configure script        ...  done
  5. Verify that there are no protection policy snapshots or other operations in progress and then stop NetBackup Snapshot Manager by running the following command:

    # flexsnap_configure stop


    Veritas recommends the use of flexsnap_configure CLI for Snapshot Manager installation. Snapshot Manager installation through docker/podman CLI is deprecated for non RHEL 8/9 and dropped for RHEL 8/9.


    Use the following equivalent docker/podman command to stop NetBackup Snapshot Manager:

    • For Podman

      # sudo podman run -it --rm -u 0 -v /cloudpoint:/cloudpoint 
      -v /run/podman/podman.sock:/run/podman/podman.sock 
      veritas/flexsnap-deploy:<current_version> stop
    • For Docker

      # sudo docker run -it --rm -u 0 -v /cloudpoint:/cloudpoint 
      -v /run/docker/docker.sock:/run/docker/docker.sock 
      veritas/flexsnap-deploy:<current_version> stop

    Here, current_version represents the currently installed NetBackup Snapshot Manager version.


    Ensure that you enter the command without any line breaks.

    The NetBackup Snapshot Manager containers are stopped one by one. Messages similar to the following appear on the command line:

    Stopping the services
    Stopping services at time: Mon Jul 31 12:49:01 UTC 2023
    Stopping container: flexsnap-workflow-system-0-min ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-workflow-general-0-min ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-listener ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-nginx ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-notification ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-policy ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-scheduler ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-onhostagent ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-agent ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-coordinator ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-api-gateway ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-certauth ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-rabbitmq ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-postgresql ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-fluentd ...done
    Stopping services completed at time: Mon Jul 31 12:49:21 UTC 2023

    Wait for all the NetBackup Snapshot Manager containers to be stopped and then proceed to the next step.

  6. Upgrade NetBackup Snapshot Manager by running the following command:

    flexsnap_configure install


    Veritas recommends the use of flexsnap_configure CLI for Snapshot Manager installation. Snapshot Manager installation through docker/podman CLI is deprecated for non RHEL 8/9 and dropped for RHEL 8/9.


    Use the following equivalent docker/podman command to upgrade NetBackup Snapshot Manager:

    • For Podman

      # podman run -it --rm -u 0 -v /cloudpoint:/cloudpoint
      -v /run/podman/podman.sock:/run/podman/podman.sock
      veritas/flexsnap-deploy:<new_version> install

      For an unattended installation, use the following command:

      # podman run -it --rm -u 0 -v /cloudpoint:/cloudpoint
      -v /run/podman/podman.sock:/run/podman/podman.sock 
      veritas/flexsnap-deploy:<new_version> install -y
    • For Docker

      # sudo docker run -it --rm -u 0 -v /cloudpoint:/cloudpoint -v /cloudpoint:/cloudpoint 
      -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      veritas/flexsnap-deploy:<new_version> install

      For an unattended installation, use the following command:

      # sudo docker run -it --rm --privileged -u 0 -v /cloudpoint:/cloudpoint -v /cloudpoint:/cloudpoint 
      -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      veritas/flexsnap-deploy:<new_version> install -y

    Here, new_version represents the NetBackup Snapshot Manager version you are upgrading to, for example '11.0.x.x-xxxx'

    The -y option passes an approval for all the subsequent installation prompts and allows the installer to proceed in a non-interactive mode.


    Ensure that you enter the command without any line breaks.

    The installer first loads the individual service images and then launches them in their respective containers.

    The output resembles the following (Below is an example of the Podman environment output:

    Stopping the services
    Stopping services at time: Wed Jan  3 06:12:52 UTC 2024
    Stopping container: flexsnap-workflow-system-0-min ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-workflow-general-0-min ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-listener ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-nginx ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-notification ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-policy ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-scheduler ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-onhostagent ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-agent ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-coordinator ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-api-gateway ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-certauth ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-rabbitmq ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-postgresql ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-fluentd ...done
    Stopping services completed at time: Wed Jan  3 06:13:24 UTC 2024
    Configuration started at time: Wed Jan  3 06:13:31 UTC 2024
    Podman server version: 4.2.0
    This is an upgrade to NetBackup Snapshot Manager 11.0.x.x-xxxx
    Previous Snapshot Manager version: 10.4.x.x.xxxx
    Removing exited container flexsnap-nginx ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-scheduler ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-listener ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-api-gateway ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-agent ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-onhostagent ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-notification ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-postgresql ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-certauth ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-fluentd ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-policy ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-coordinator ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-rabbitmq ...done
    Deleting network : flexsnap-network ...done
    Taking backup of Snapshot Manager metadata...done
    Backup completed successfully.
    Backup file located at /cloudpoint/backup/cloudpoint_10.4.x.x.xxxx.tar.gz.
    Creating network: flexsnap-network ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-fluentd ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-postgresql ...done
    Waiting for flexsnap-postgresql container to move to healthy state...Starting container: flexsnap-rabbitmq ...done
    Waiting for flexsnap-rabbitmq container to move to healthy state...Starting container: flexsnap-certauth ...done
    Waiting for flexsnap-certauth container to move to healthy state...Starting container: flexsnap-api-gateway ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-coordinator ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-listener ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-agent ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-onhostagent ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-scheduler ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-policy ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-notification ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-nginx ...done
    Upgrade finished at time: Wed Jan  3 06:16:56 UTC 2024

    Example 2:

    Stopping the services
    Stopping services at time: Fri Aug  4 10:38:37 UTC 2023
    Stopping container: flexsnap-workflow-system-0-min ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-workflow-general-0-min ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-listener ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-nginx ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-notification ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-policy ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-scheduler ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-onhostagent ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-agent ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-coordinator ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-api-gateway ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-certauth ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-rabbitmq ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-mongodb ...done
    Stopping container: flexsnap-fluentd ...done
    Stopping services completed at time: Fri Aug  4 10:38:55 UTC 2023
    Configuration started at time: Fri Aug  4 10:38:57 UTC 2023
    Docker server version: 20.10.7
    IPv6 configuration is temporarily disabled on system. Snapshot Manager will be configured without IPv6 support.
    For Snapshot Manager with IPv6 support, enable IPv6 configuration on the system.
    This is an upgrade to NetBackup Snapshot Manager 11.0.x.x-xxxx
    Previous Snapshot Manager version:
    Removing exited container flexsnap-nginx ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-notification ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-policy ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-scheduler ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-onhostagent ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-agent ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-listener ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-coordinator ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-api-gateway ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-certauth ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-rabbitmq ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-mongodb ...done
    Removing exited container flexsnap-fluentd ...done
    Deleting network : flexsnap-network ...done
    Taking backup of Snapshot Manager metadata...done
    Backup completed successfully.
    Backup file located at /cloudpoint/backup/cloudpoint_10.4.0.0.xxxx.tar.gz.
    Creating network: flexsnap-network ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-fluentd ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-postgresql ...done
    Waiting for flexsnap-postgresql container to move to healthy state...Starting container: flexsnap-mongodb ...done
    Waiting for flexsnap-mongodb container to move to healthy state...Data migration required from mongo database to postgresql database
    Data migration is successful.
    Starting container: flexsnap-rabbitmq ...done
    Waiting for flexsnap-rabbitmq container to move to healthy state...Starting container: flexsnap-certauth ...done
    Waiting for flexsnap-certauth container to move to healthy state...Starting container: flexsnap-api-gateway ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-coordinator ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-listener ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-agent ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-onhostagent ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-scheduler ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-policy ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-notification ...done
    Starting container: flexsnap-nginx ...done
    Deleteing mongo resources
  7. Interactive and non interactive upgrade of NetBackup Snapshot Manager:
    • Interactive upgrade of NetBackup Snapshot Manager:

      # flexsnap_configure install -i

      The output resembles the following:

      Do you want to take a backup of the Snapshot Manager metadata prior to upgrade? (y/n): n
      Stopping the services
      Stopping services at time: Wed Jan  3 06:12:52 UTC 2024
      Stopping container: flexsnap-workflow-system-0-min ...done
      Stopping container: flexsnap-workflow-general-0-min ...done
      Stopping container: flexsnap-listener ...done
      Stopping container: flexsnap-nginx ...done
      Stopping container: flexsnap-notification ...done
      Stopping container: flexsnap-policy ...done
      Stopping container: flexsnap-scheduler ...done
      Stopping container: flexsnap-onhostagent ...done
      Stopping container: flexsnap-agent ...done
      Stopping container: flexsnap-coordinator ...done
      Stopping container: flexsnap-api-gateway ...done
      Stopping container: flexsnap-certauth ...done
      Stopping container: flexsnap-rabbitmq ...done
      Stopping container: flexsnap-postgresql ...done
      Stopping container: flexsnap-fluentd ...done
      Stopping services completed at time: Wed Jan  3 06:13:24 UTC 2024
      Configuration started at time: Wed Jan  3 06:13:31 UTC 2024
      Podman server version: 4.2.0
      This is an upgrade to NetBackup Snapshot Manager 11.0.x.x-xxxx
      Previous Snapshot Manager version: 10.4.x.x.xxxx
      Removing exited container flexsnap-nginx ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-scheduler ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-listener ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-api-gateway ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-agent ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-onhostagent ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-notification ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-postgresql ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-certauth ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-fluentd ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-policy ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-coordinator ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-rabbitmq ...done
      Deleting network : flexsnap-network ...done
      Creating network: flexsnap-network ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-fluentd ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-postgresql ...done
      Waiting for flexsnap-postgresql container to move to healthy state...Starting container: flexsnap-rabbitmq ...done
      Waiting for flexsnap-rabbitmq container to move to healthy state...Starting container: flexsnap-certauth ...done
      Waiting for flexsnap-certauth container to move to healthy state...Starting container: flexsnap-api-gateway ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-coordinator ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-listener ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-agent ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-onhostagent ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-scheduler ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-policy ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-notification ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-nginx ...done
      Upgrade finished at time: Wed Jan  3 06:16:56 UTC 2024
    • Non-interactive upgrade of NetBackup Snapshot Manager:

      # flexsnap_configure install

      The output resembles the following:

      Configuration started at time: Thu Jul 13 09:23:27 UTC 2023
      Docker server version: 1.13.1
      This is an upgrade to NetBackup Snapshot Manager 11.0.x.x-xxxx
      Previous Snapshot Manager version:
      Taking backup of Snapshot Manager metadata...done
      Backup completed successfully.
      Backup file located at /cloudpoint/backup/cloudpoint_10.
      Removing exited container flexsnap-agent.837b51be82f5451e8eca27761d2f5b0c ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-nginx ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-notification ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-policy ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-scheduler ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-onhostagent ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-agent ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-listener ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-coordinator ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-api-gateway ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-certauth ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-rabbitmq ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-postgresql ...done
      Removing exited container flexsnap-fluentd ...done
      Deleting network : flexsnap-network ...done
      Creating network: flexsnap-network ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-fluentd ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-postgresql ...done
      Waiting for flexsnap-postgresql container to move to healthy state...
      Starting container: flexsnap-rabbitmq ...done
      Waiting for flexsnap-rabbitmq container to move to healthy state...
      Starting container: flexsnap-certauth ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-api-gateway ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-coordinator ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-listener ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-agent ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-onhostagent ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-scheduler ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-policy ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-notification ...done
      Starting container: flexsnap-nginx ...done
      Upgrade finished at time: Thu Jul 13 09:27:18 UTC 2023
  8. NetBackup Snapshot Manager can be upgraded to a higher version without upgrading Primary/Media server for cloud VM workloads.
  9. (Optional) Run the following command to remove the previous version images.

    (For Podman) # podman rmi -f <imagename>:<oldimage_tagid>

    (For Docker) # docker rmi -f <imagename>:<oldimage_tagid>

  10. To verify that the new NetBackup Snapshot Manager version is installed successfully:

    See Verifying that NetBackup Snapshot Manager is installed successfully.

  11. This concludes the upgrade process. Verify that your NetBackup Snapshot Manager configuration settings and data are preserved as is.

    The next step is to register the NetBackup Snapshot Manager with the Veritas NetBackup primary server (10.2 or earlier) with credentials.