Veritas InfoScale™ 7.4.1 Virtualization Guide - AIX
- Section I. Overview
- Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions in AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Section II. Implementation
- Setting up Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions in AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Supported configurations for Virtual I/O servers (VIOS) on AIX
- Installing and configuring Storage Foundation and High Availability (SFHA) Solutions in the logical partition (LPAR)
- Installing and configuring Cluster Server for logical partition and application availability
- Supported configurations for Virtual I/O servers (VIOS) on AIX
- Setting up Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions in AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Section III. Use cases for AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Application to spindle visibility
- Simplified storage management in VIOS
- Configuring Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) on Virtual I/O server
- Configuring Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) pseudo devices as virtual SCSI devices
- Extended attributes in VIO client for a virtual SCSI disk
- Virtual machine (logical partition) availability
- Simplified management and high availability for IBM Workload Partitions
- Implementing Storage Foundation support for WPARs
- How Cluster Server (VCS) works with Workload Patitions (WPARs)
- Configuring VCS in WPARs
- High availability and live migration
- Limitations and unsupported LPAR features
- Multi-tier business service support
- Server consolidation
- About IBM Virtual Ethernet
- Using Storage Foundation in the logical partition (LPAR) with virtual SCSI devices
- How DMP handles I/O for vSCSI devices
- Physical to virtual migration (P2V)
- Section IV. Reference
Installing the application
Install the application in the WPAR. Perform the following:
If you have created WPARs on each node in the cluster, install the application identically on all nodes. If you are installing an application that supports a High Availability agent, see the installation and configuration guide for the agent.
Install the agent. Agent filesets are installed in the global environment and the currently existing WPARs. The operating system installs the agents in future WPARs when they are created.
In the WPAR, configure all mount points used by the application.
If you use namefs mounts, verify the global directories are properly mounted inside the WPAR.
If you use a direct mount, verify the mount points used by the application have been mounted relative to the WPAR's root. For example, if a WPAR w_ora needs to use /oracle, mount the drive at /wpars/w_ora/oracle.