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Veritas InfoScale™ 7.4.1 Virtualization Guide - AIX
Last Published:
InfoScale & Storage Foundation (7.4.1)
Platform: AIX
- Section I. Overview
- Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions in AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Section II. Implementation
- Setting up Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions in AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Supported configurations for Virtual I/O servers (VIOS) on AIX
- Installing and configuring Storage Foundation and High Availability (SFHA) Solutions in the logical partition (LPAR)
- Installing and configuring Cluster Server for logical partition and application availability
- Supported configurations for Virtual I/O servers (VIOS) on AIX
- Setting up Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions in AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Section III. Use cases for AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Application to spindle visibility
- Simplified storage management in VIOS
- Configuring Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) on Virtual I/O server
- Configuring Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) pseudo devices as virtual SCSI devices
- Extended attributes in VIO client for a virtual SCSI disk
- Virtual machine (logical partition) availability
- Simplified management and high availability for IBM Workload Partitions
- Implementing Storage Foundation support for WPARs
- How Cluster Server (VCS) works with Workload Patitions (WPARs)
- Configuring VCS in WPARs
- High availability and live migration
- Limitations and unsupported LPAR features
- Multi-tier business service support
- Server consolidation
- About IBM Virtual Ethernet
- Using Storage Foundation in the logical partition (LPAR) with virtual SCSI devices
- How DMP handles I/O for vSCSI devices
- Physical to virtual migration (P2V)
- Section IV. Reference
Configuring VCS service groups to manage the LPAR
You must configure a VCS service group to manage the LPAR.
To configure LPAR service groups
- Create a failover service group for LPAR.
- Set the PhysicalServer attribute of all the systems (which are management LPARs) using the name of the physical server (managed system name).
- Set SysDownPolicy = { "AutoDisableNoOffline" } for this group.
- Configure all the cluster nodes (management LPARs) in the SystemList attribute where the managed LPAR can fail over.
- Configure LPAR resource for the managed LPAR.
The sample for a VCS failover cluster for managed LPARs:
include "" cluster cluster01 ( ) system aixnode55mp1 ( PhysicalServer = sys1 ) system aixnode56mp1 ( PhysicalServer = sys2 ) group LPAR_aixnode5556mp2 ( SystemList = { aixnode55mp1 = 0, aixnode56mp1 = 1 } SysDownPolicy = { AutoDisableNoOffline } ) LPAR aixnode5556mp2 ( LPARName = aixnode5556mp2 MCUser = { hscroot, hscroot } MCName = { hmc6, hmc7 } VIOSName @aixnode55mp1 = { aixnode55vio1, aixnode55vio2 } VIOSName @aixnode56mp1 = { aixnode56vio1, aixnode56vio2 } RestartLimit = 1 )