Veritas InfoScale™ 7.4.1 Virtualization Guide - AIX
- Section I. Overview
- Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions in AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Section II. Implementation
- Setting up Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions in AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Supported configurations for Virtual I/O servers (VIOS) on AIX
- Installing and configuring Storage Foundation and High Availability (SFHA) Solutions in the logical partition (LPAR)
- Installing and configuring Cluster Server for logical partition and application availability
- Supported configurations for Virtual I/O servers (VIOS) on AIX
- Setting up Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions in AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Section III. Use cases for AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Application to spindle visibility
- Simplified storage management in VIOS
- Configuring Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) on Virtual I/O server
- Configuring Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) pseudo devices as virtual SCSI devices
- Extended attributes in VIO client for a virtual SCSI disk
- Virtual machine (logical partition) availability
- Simplified management and high availability for IBM Workload Partitions
- Implementing Storage Foundation support for WPARs
- How Cluster Server (VCS) works with Workload Patitions (WPARs)
- Configuring VCS in WPARs
- High availability and live migration
- Limitations and unsupported LPAR features
- Multi-tier business service support
- Server consolidation
- About IBM Virtual Ethernet
- Using Storage Foundation in the logical partition (LPAR) with virtual SCSI devices
- How DMP handles I/O for vSCSI devices
- Physical to virtual migration (P2V)
- Section IV. Reference
Managing logical partition (LPAR) failure scenarios
VCS handles the LPAR failures in the following cases.
Table: Failure scenarios and their resolutions
Failure scenario | Resolution |
Physical server is down | When the physical server is down, the management LPAR as well as managed LPARs will be down. In this case, the managed LPARs which are running will be failed over to another system by VCS using the sysoffline trigger with the help of HMC. Ensure that HMC access is setup on all nodes of the cluster even if the node is not managing any LPAR. If the managed LPAR is configured for live migration, make sure that profile file for the managed LPAR is created on other management LPARs and its path is configured in ProfileFile attribute. For details on ProfileFile attribute and creation of profile file: See Providing logical partition (LPAR) failover with live migration. |
Management LPAR is down but physical server is up | When the management LPAR is down, the physical server may not be down. The managed LPARs might be running. In this case, it is not desirable to automatically failover the managed LPARs. To ensure that the managed LPAR is not automatically failed over, the group that has LPAR resource should have SysDownPolicy = { "AutoDisableNoOffline" }. With this the groups will remain autodisabled on system fault. You can online the LPAR on any other system by setting autoenable for the group, after ensuring that the LPAR is down on the faulted system. |
VIO servers are down | When all the VIO servers which are providing virtual resources to the managed LPARs are down, then the managed LPARs are failed over to another host. Ensure that VIOSName attribute of the LPAR resources is populated with list of all VIO servers which are servicing that LPAR. If VIOSName is not populated, managed LPARs will not be failed over in case of VIO server(s) crash. If any one of the VIO servers specified in VIOSName attribute is running, LPAR agent won't failover the managed LPARs. |
HMC is down | If the environment has redundant HMC, then even if one of the HMC goes down, LPAR agent can still manage the LPARs without any issues. For this, ensure that MCName and MCUser attributes are populated with both HMC details. |