Veritas InfoScale™ 7.4.1 Virtualization Guide - AIX
- Section I. Overview
- Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions in AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Section II. Implementation
- Setting up Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions in AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Supported configurations for Virtual I/O servers (VIOS) on AIX
- Installing and configuring Storage Foundation and High Availability (SFHA) Solutions in the logical partition (LPAR)
- Installing and configuring Cluster Server for logical partition and application availability
- Supported configurations for Virtual I/O servers (VIOS) on AIX
- Setting up Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions in AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Section III. Use cases for AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Application to spindle visibility
- Simplified storage management in VIOS
- Configuring Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) on Virtual I/O server
- Configuring Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) pseudo devices as virtual SCSI devices
- Extended attributes in VIO client for a virtual SCSI disk
- Virtual machine (logical partition) availability
- Simplified management and high availability for IBM Workload Partitions
- Implementing Storage Foundation support for WPARs
- How Cluster Server (VCS) works with Workload Patitions (WPARs)
- Configuring VCS in WPARs
- High availability and live migration
- Limitations and unsupported LPAR features
- Multi-tier business service support
- Server consolidation
- About IBM Virtual Ethernet
- Using Storage Foundation in the logical partition (LPAR) with virtual SCSI devices
- How DMP handles I/O for vSCSI devices
- Physical to virtual migration (P2V)
- Section IV. Reference
Configuring AIX WPARs for disaster recovery using VCS
AIX workload partitions (WPARs) can be configured for disaster recovery by replicating the base directory using replication methods like Hitachi TrueCopy, EMC SRDF, Veritas Volume Replicator, and so on. The network configuration for the WPAR in the primary site may not be effective in the secondary site if the two sites are in different IP subnets. Hence, you need to make these additional configuration changes to the WPAR resource.
To configure the WPAR for disaster recovery, you need to configure VCS on both the sites in the logical partitions (LPARs) with the GCO option.
Refer to the Cluster Server Administrator's Guide for more information about global clusters.
To set up the WPAR for disaster recovery
- On the primary site, create the WPAR and configure its network parameters.
- On the primary site, start the WPAR and configure the DNS settings.
- On the primary site, shut down the WPAR.
- Use replication-specific commands to fail over the replication to the secondary site from the primary site.
- Repeat step 1 on the secondary site.
- Perform step 7, step 8, step 9, and step 10 on both the primary cluster and secondary clusters.
- Create a VCS service group with a VCS WPAR resource for the WPAR.
Refer to the Cluster Server Bundled Agents Reference Guide for more information about the WPAR resource.
Configure the DROpts association attribute on the WPAR resource with the following keys and site-specific values for each: DNSServers, DNSSearchPath, and DNSDomain.
- Add the appropriate Mount resources and DiskGroup resources for the file system and disk group on which the WPAR's base directory resides.
Add a resource dependency from the WPAR resource to the Mount resource and another dependency from the Mount resource to the Diskgroup resource.
- Add the appropriate VCS replication resource in the service group.
Examples of hardware replication agents are SRDF for EMC SRDF, HTC for Hitachi TrueCopy, MirrorView for EMC MirrorView, etc.
Refer the appropriate VCS replication agent guide for configuring the replication resource.
For VVR-based replication, add the appropriate RVGPrimary resource to the service group.
Refer to the following manuals for more information:
For information about configuring VVR-related resources, see the Veritas InfoScale Replication Administrator's Guide.
For information about the VVR-related agents, see the Cluster Server Bundled Agents Reference Guide.
- Add a dependency from the DiskGroup resource to the replication resource.
When the replication resource is online in a site, the replication agent makes sure of the following:
The underlying replicated devices are in primary mode and hence the underlying storage and eventually the WPAR's base directory is always in read-write mode.
The remote devices are in secondary mode.
When the WPAR resource goes online the resource modifies the appropriate files inside the WPAR to apply the disaster recovery-related parameters to the WPAR.