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Veritas InfoScale™ 7.4.1 Virtualization Guide - AIX
Last Published:
InfoScale & Storage Foundation (7.4.1)
Platform: AIX
- Section I. Overview
- Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions in AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Section II. Implementation
- Setting up Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions in AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Supported configurations for Virtual I/O servers (VIOS) on AIX
- Installing and configuring Storage Foundation and High Availability (SFHA) Solutions in the logical partition (LPAR)
- Installing and configuring Cluster Server for logical partition and application availability
- Supported configurations for Virtual I/O servers (VIOS) on AIX
- Setting up Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions in AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Section III. Use cases for AIX PowerVM virtual environments
- Application to spindle visibility
- Simplified storage management in VIOS
- Configuring Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) on Virtual I/O server
- Configuring Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) pseudo devices as virtual SCSI devices
- Extended attributes in VIO client for a virtual SCSI disk
- Virtual machine (logical partition) availability
- Simplified management and high availability for IBM Workload Partitions
- Implementing Storage Foundation support for WPARs
- How Cluster Server (VCS) works with Workload Patitions (WPARs)
- Configuring VCS in WPARs
- High availability and live migration
- Limitations and unsupported LPAR features
- Multi-tier business service support
- Server consolidation
- About IBM Virtual Ethernet
- Using Storage Foundation in the logical partition (LPAR) with virtual SCSI devices
- How DMP handles I/O for vSCSI devices
- Physical to virtual migration (P2V)
- Section IV. Reference
Exporting Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) devices as virtual SCSI disks
DMP supports disks backed by DMP as virtual SCSI disks. Export the DMP device as a vSCSI disk to the VIO client.
To export a DMP device as a vSCSI disk
- Log into the VIO server partition.
- Use the following command to access the non-restricted root shell. All subsequent commands in this procedure must be invoked from the non-restricted shell.
$ oem_setup_env
- The following command displays the DMP devices on the VIO server:
dmpvios1$ lsdev -t dmpdisk
ibm_ds8000_0287 Available Veritas DMP Device ibm_ds8000_0288 Available Veritas DMP Device ibm_ds8000_0292 Available Veritas DMP Device ibm_ds8000_0293 Available Veritas DMP Device ibm_ds8000_029a Available Veritas DMP Device ibm_ds8000_02c1 Available Veritas DMP Device ibm_ds8000_0337 Available Veritas DMP Device
- Assign the DMP device as a backing device. Exit from the non-restricted shell to run this command from the VIOS default shell.
dmpvios1$ exit
$ mkvdev -vdev ibm_ds8000_0288 -vadapter vhost0 vtscsi3 Available
- Use the following command to display the configuration.
$ lsmap -all
SVSA Physloc Client Partition ID -------------- -------------------------- ------------------- vhost0 U9117.MMA.0686502-V2-C11 0x00000000 VTD vtscsi0 Status Available LUN 0x8100000000000000 Backing device ibm_ds8000_0337 Physloc VTD vtscsi1 Status Available LUN 0x8200000000000000 Backing device ibm_ds8000_02c1 Physloc VTD vtscsi2 Status Available LUN 0x8300000000000000 Backing device ibm_ds8000_029a Physloc V TD vtscsi3 Status Available LUN 0x8400000000000000 Backing device ibm_ds8000_0288 Physloc
- For a dual-VIOS configuration, export the DMP device corresponding to the same SAN LUN on the second VIO Server in the configuration. To export the DMP device on the second VIO server, identify the DMP device corresponding to the SAN LUN as on the VIO Server1.
If the array supports the AVID attribute, the DMP device name is the same as the DMP device name on the VIO Server1.
Otherwise, use the UDID value of the DMP device on the VIO Server1 to correlate the DMP device name with same UDID on the VIO Server2.
On VIO Server1:
$ oem_setup_env
dmpvios1$ lsattr -El ibm_ds8000_0288
attribute value description user_settable dmpname ibm_ds8x000_0288 DMP Device name True pvid none Physical volume identifier True unique_id IBM%5F2107%5F75MA641%5F6005076308FFC61A000000000 0000288 Unique device identifier True
On VIO Server2:
$ oem_setup_env
dmpvios2$ odmget -q "attribute = unique_id and value = 'IBM%5F2107%5F75MA641%5F6005076308FFC61A000000000 0000288'" CuAt
CuAt: name = "ibm_ds8000_0288" attribute = "unique_id" value = "IBM%5F2107%5F75MA641%5F6005076308FFC61A00 00000000000288" type = "R" generic = "DU" rep = "s" nls_index = 4
- Use the DMP device name identified in step 6 to assign the DMP device as a backing device. Exit from the non-restricted shell to run this command from the VIOS default shell.
dmpvios1$ exit
$ mkvdev -vdev ibm_ds8000_0288 -vadapter vhost0 vtscsi3 Available
- Use the following command to display the configuration.
$ lsmap -all
SVSA Physloc Client Partition ID -------------- ------------------------- ------------------- vhost0 U9117.MMA.0686502-V2-C11 0x00000000 VTD vtscsi0 Status Available LUN 0x8100000000000000 Backing device ibm_ds8000_0337 Physloc VTD vtscsi1 Status Available LUN 0x8200000000000000 Backing device ibm_ds8000_02c1 Physloc VTD vtscsi2 Status Available LUN 0x8300000000000000 Backing device ibm_ds8000_029a Physloc V TD vtscsi3 Status Available LUN 0x8400000000000000 Backing device ibm_ds8000_0288 Physloc