NetBackup™ Web UI Cloud Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (10.0)
  1. Introducing the NetBackup web user interface
      About the NetBackup web UI
      Sign in to the NetBackup web UI
      Sign out of the NetBackup web UI
  2. Monitoring NetBackup
      The NetBackup dashboard
      Job monitoring
      Search for or filter jobs in the jobs list
  3. Managing and protecting cloud assets
      About protecting cloud assets
      Limitations and considerations
    3. Configure CloudPoint servers in NetBackup
        Configure a third-party CA certificate
        Add a CloudPoint server
      3. Add a cloud provider for a CloudPoint server
          IAM Role for AWS Configuration
        Associate media servers with a CloudPoint server
        Discover assets on CloudPoint server
        Edit a CloudPoint server
        Enable or disable a CloudPoint server
        (Optional) Add the CloudPoint extension
    4. Managing intelligent cloud groups
        Create an intelligent cloud group
        Delete an intelligent cloud group
    5. Protecting cloud assets or intelligent cloud groups
        Customize or edit protection for cloud assets or intelligent groups
        Remove protection from cloud assets or intelligent groups
      Cloud asset cleanup
      AWS and Azure government cloud support
    8. About protecting Microsoft Azure resources using resource groups
        Before you begin
        Limitations and considerations
      3. About resource group configurations and outcome
          Examples of resource group configurations
        Troubleshoot resource group permissions
    9. About the NetBackup Accelerator for cloud workloads
        How the NetBackup Accelerator works with virtual machines
        Accelerator forced rescan for virtual machines (schedule attribute)
        Accelerator backups and the NetBackup catalog
        Accelerator messages in the backup job details log
      Configuring backup schedule for cloud workloads
      Backup options for cloud workloads
      Snapshot replication
      Configure AWS snapshot replication
      Using AWS snapshot replication
      Support matrix for account replication
      Protect applications in-cloud with application consistent snapshots
      Discovering PaaS assets
  4. Recovering cloud assets
      Recovering cloud assets
      Perform rollback recovery of cloud assets
      Recovering PaaS assets
  5. Performing granular restore
      About granular restore
      Supported environment list
      List of supported file systems
      Before you begin
      Limitations and considerations
      Restoring files and folders from cloud virtual machines
      Restoring volumes on cloud virtual machines
      Performing steps after volume restore containing LVM
  6. Troubleshooting protection and recovery of cloud assets
      Troubleshoot cloud workload protection issues
      Troubleshoot PaaS workload recovery issues

Protecting cloud assets or intelligent cloud groups

You can create the cloud provider-specific protection plans for your cloud workloads. Then you can subscribe the assets associated with that cloud provider to a provider-specific protection plan.


If you previously had a protection plan that was applied to assets from different cloud providers, it will be automatically converted to the new provider-specific format after upgrading to NetBackup 9.1. For example, if you had the assets from Google Cloud and AWS Cloud subscribed to one protection plan, then the protection plan will be split and converted into two separate plans for each provider.

See Conversion of protection plans after upgrading to NetBackup 9.1. section.

Use the following procedure to subscribe a cloud VM, application, volume, or an intelligent group to a protection plan. When you subscribe an asset to a protection plan, you assign predefined backup settings to the asset.


The RBAC role that is assigned to you must give you access to the assets that you want to manage and to the protection plans that you want to use.

To protect a cloud asset or an intelligent group

  1. On the left, click Cloud.
  2. On the Virtual machines tab, or Applications tab, or Volumes tab or Intelligent groups tab, click the box for the asset or the asset group and click Add protection.
  3. Select a protection plan and click Next.
  4. You can adjust the following settings:
    • Schedules and retention

    • Storage options

    • Backup options

  5. Click Protect.
'Backup now' option for immediate protection

Apart from the scheduled protection plans, you can also use the Backup now option to backup an asset immediately, to safeguard against any unplanned circumstances.

  1. Select a cloud asset or an intelligent group and click Backup now.

  2. Then select a protection plan to apply. Only the protection plans relevant to a specific cloud provider of the asset are displayed as options.

  3. Click Start backup.

    A backup job is triggered, which can be tracked on the Activity monitor page.

For more information, see NetBackup Web UI Administrator's Guide.

Conversion of protection plans after upgrading to NetBackup 9.1

Note the following points with respect to the automatic conversion of older protection plans to the new format.

  • Protection plan conversion starts when the assets migration is completed after upgrading NetBackup to 9.1.

  • Old protection plans that had no assets subscribed will not be converted to the new format. You can manually delete them.

  • Before or during conversion

    • All the assets are unsubscribed from the old protection plan and subscribed to the converted protection plan.

    • No new assets can be subscribed to the old protection plan.

    • 'Backup now' operation will fail for the old plan.

    • Customizing or editing the old protection plan is prevented.

  • After successful conversion

    • If the old protection plan was used to protect the assets from only one cloud provider, then the new plan retains the same name and asset subscription upon conversion.

    • If the old protection plan was used to protect the assets from multiple cloud providers, then the name of the old protection plan is retained as before, except that it is updated to retain the asset subscription for any one cloud provider upon conversion.

      For the other cloud providers which were part of the old plan, new protection plans are created upon conversion, and only the assets of respective providers are subscribed to them. New plans are named in the following format <old_plan_name>_<cloud_provider>.

    • Hence you may see more number of plans in your Protection Plans menu on the Web UI than before.

    • Success messages are shown in the notifications as follows:

      'The protection plan <protectionPlanName> created during conversion to new format.'

      'Successfully converted the protection plan <protectionPlanName> to the new format.'

      Then you can start managing and applying the converted protection plans as normal.

Failure scenarios

Refer to the following to know how the failure scenarios are handled during or after the conversion of protection plans. Also check the notifications for any failure alerts and take the necessary action.

  • Some of the assets might fail to get unsubscribed from the old protection plan. In that case, the conversion still continues with the assets that are successfully unsubscribed. Then the conversion for the assets which failed to get unsubscribed will be retried every four hours.

  • After the conversion, some of the assets might fail to get automatically re-subscribed to the new plan. In that case, you need to manually subscribe those assets to the converted protection plan.

  • Failure might be encountered while assigning the required access permissions to the new, converted protection plan. In that case, you need to manually assign the access permissions.