NetBackup™ Web UI Cloud Administrator's Guide
- Introducing the NetBackup web user interface
- Monitoring NetBackup
- Managing and protecting cloud assets
- Configure CloudPoint servers in NetBackup
- Managing intelligent cloud groups
- Protecting cloud assets or intelligent cloud groups
- About protecting Microsoft Azure resources using resource groups
- About the NetBackup Accelerator for cloud workloads
- Recovering cloud assets
- Performing granular restore
- Troubleshooting protection and recovery of cloud assets
Performing steps after volume restore containing LVM
You can perform steps after volume restore for the LVM volumes.
SFR (Single File Restore) or GRT (Granule Restore) and application restore is performed through the installed agents. But for volume recovery, it is necessary to make the associated file systems online after successful recovery.
To perform steps after volume restore
- Run the command to see all newly attached post volumes on to the host.PVS
If there are duplicate PVs (a warning is displayed on the above command) then run,
vgimportclone --import /dev/<Device1> /dev/<Device2> ... --basevgname <NewVGName>
Else, find out the newly created Volume Groups (VG) on the host. If new VGs are not displayed then import the VG using the following command. It will discover new VG as <NewVGName>
vgimport -a
- Run below command to list all the logical volumes (new and old)
lvs <NewVGName>
- Activate all the LVs belonging to <NewVGName> as,
lvchange --activate y /dev/mapper/<NewVGName>-<LVName1>
lvchange --activate y /dev/mapper/<NewVGName>-<LVName2>
lvchange --activate y /dev/mapper/<NewVGName>-<LVNameN>
- Identify the UUID and file system of an authenticate and newly activated LV.
blkid -p /dev/mapper/<NewVGName>-<LVName1>
Output: /dev/mapper/<NewVGName>-<LVName1>: UUID="2a4bdc14-b5eb-4ee6-b876-ebdcb66c55d9" BLOCK_SIZE="4096"TYPE="xfs" USAGE="filesystem"
blkid -p /dev/mapper/<OldVGName>-<LVName1>
Output: /dev/mapper/<OldVGName>-<LVName1>: UUID="2a4bdc14-b5eb-4ee6-b876-ebdcb66c55d9" BLOCK_SIZE="4096"TYPE="xfs" USAGE="filesystem"
- If the UUID is the same, then you need to change it as follows
File System
mkdir <NewMountPoint>
mount -o nouuid /dev/mapper/<NewVGName>-<LVName1> <NewMountPoint>
umount <NewMountPoint>
xfs_admin -U generate /dev/mapper/<NewVGName>-<LVName1>
mount /dev/mapper/<NewVGName>-<LVName1> <NewMountPoint>
ext2 / ext3/ ext4
tune2fs -U random /dev/mapper/<NewVGName>-<LVName1>
mount /dev/mapper/<NewVGName>-<LVName1> <NewMountPoint>
- If the UUID is different, then run the following command.
mount /dev/mapper/<NewVGName>-<LVName1> <NewMountPoint>