NetBackup™ Web UI Cloud Administrator's Guide
- Introducing the NetBackup web user interface
- Monitoring NetBackup
- Managing and protecting cloud assets
- Configure CloudPoint servers in NetBackup
- Managing intelligent cloud groups
- Protecting cloud assets or intelligent cloud groups
- About protecting Microsoft Azure resources using resource groups
- About the NetBackup Accelerator for cloud workloads
- Recovering cloud assets
- Performing granular restore
- Troubleshooting protection and recovery of cloud assets
The following table describes the concepts and terms in web user interface.
Table: Web user interface terminology and concepts
Term | Definition |
Asset group | See intelligent group. |
Asset | The data to be protected, such as physical clients, virtual machines, and database applications. |
Backup now | An immediate backup of an asset. NetBackup performs a one-time, full backup of an asset using the selected protection plan. This backup does not affect any scheduled backups. |
Intelligent group | Allows NetBackup to automatically select assets for protection based on the criteria (queries) that you specify. An intelligent group automatically stays up-to-date with changes in the production environment. These groups are also referred to as asset groups. These groups appear under the tab or . |
Protection plan | A protection plan defines when backups are performed, how long the backups are retained, and the type of storage to use. Once a protection plan is set up, assets can be subscribed to the protection plan. |
RBAC | Role-based access control. The role administrator can delegate or limit access to the NetBackup web UI through the roles that are configured in RBAC. The roles that you configure in RBAC do not control access to the NetBackup Administration Console. |
Role | For RBAC, defines the operations that a user can perform and the assets or objects that they can access. For example, you can configure a role to manage recovery of specific databases and the credentials that are needed for backups and restores. |
Storage | The storage to which the data is backed up, replicated, or duplicated (for long-term retention). |
Subscribe, to a protection plan | The action of selecting an asset or an asset group to subscribe to a protection plan. The asset is then protected according to the schedule in the plan. The web UI also refers to Subscribe as Add protection. |
Unsubscribe, from a protection plan | Unsubscribe refers to the action of removing protection or removing an asset or asset group from a plan. |
Workload | The type of asset. For example: VMware, RHV, AHV, Microsoft SQL, Oracle, Cloud, or Kubernetes. |