NetBackup™ Web UI Cloud Administrator's Guide
- Introducing the NetBackup web user interface
- Monitoring NetBackup
- Managing and protecting cloud assets
- Configure CloudPoint servers in NetBackup
- Managing intelligent cloud groups
- Protecting cloud assets or intelligent cloud groups
- About protecting Microsoft Azure resources using resource groups
- About the NetBackup Accelerator for cloud workloads
- Recovering cloud assets
- Performing granular restore
- Troubleshooting protection and recovery of cloud assets
About protecting cloud assets
Using NetBackup, you can now protect your in-cloud workloads. The cloud data protection framework leverages the CloudPoint infrastructure to drive faster proliferation of cloud providers. Starting with 8.3, CloudPoint can now protect assets in AWS, Azure, Azure Stack hub and GCP clouds.
The following table describes the tasks.
Table: Configuring protection for cloud assets
Task | Description |
Before you begin ensure that you have the appropriate permissions. | To manage and protect cloud assets in the web UI you must have the workload administrator role or similar permissions. The NetBackup security administrator can manage your role permissions at an individual asset level or at the account or subscription level, or at a cloud provider level. See the NetBackup Web UI Administrator's Guide. Note: For managing hosted applications, you need Manage Assets and Manage Protection Plans permissions. |
Deploy CloudPoint |
Install CloudPoint in your environment. Review CloudPoint and NetBackup limitations. |
Configure the CloudPoint server using the NetBackup Administration Console | Register the CloudPoint server in NetBackup. See, NetBackup Snapshot Client Administrator's Guide. |
Add a configuration | All the supported cloud providers are displayed in the web UI. You need to add the cloud account (configure the cloud plug-in) for the cloud provider you need. You can create multiple configurations for each provider. See Add a cloud provider for a CloudPoint server. For Amazon, you can choose to use IAM role. |
Asset discovery | NetBackup retrieves the cloud assets pertaining to the cloud accounts that are configured in NetBackup. Assets are populated in NetBackup asset DB. By default, asset discovery happens every 2 hours and is configurable. In case of applications, you can set discovery interval between 15 minutes to 45 minutes. |
Create a protection plan | Create a protection plan. A protection plan is used to schedule backup start windows. See the NetBackup Web UI Administrator's Guide. You can also configure the protection plan for snapshot replication. See Configure AWS snapshot replication. |
Choose to protect a virtual machine, application, or volume | For each cloud provider, a list of discovered assets is displayed. Add the assets to a protection plan. See the NetBackup Web UI Administrator's Guide. You can also choose to protect application using application consistent snapshots. See Protect applications in-cloud with application consistent snapshots. |
Recover cloud assets |
Troubleshooting |