NetBackup™ Web UI Cloud Administrator's Guide
- Introducing the NetBackup web user interface
- Monitoring NetBackup
- Managing and protecting cloud assets
- Configure CloudPoint servers in NetBackup
- Managing intelligent cloud groups
- Protecting cloud assets or intelligent cloud groups
- About protecting Microsoft Azure resources using resource groups
- About the NetBackup Accelerator for cloud workloads
- Recovering cloud assets
- Performing granular restore
- Troubleshooting protection and recovery of cloud assets
Limitations and considerations
Consider the following when protecting cloud workloads
Deletion of CloudPoint host entry and its associated plug-ins is not supported in NetBackup.
If you delete plug-ins that are configured in NetBackup, you cannot recover any CloudPoint images that are associated with that plug-in.
Review the Veritas CloudPoint Install and Upgrade Guide for information on the capabilities of CloudPoint.
If you have a previous installation of CloudPoint, Veritas recommends that you upgrade the CloudPoint server and not reinstall it.
If you do reinstall the CloudPoint server, you need to reconfigure the CloudPoint server and perform all the protection-related steps.
By default, CloudPoint is configured with port 443.
After CloudPoint server is added, the host machine tries to use the IPv6 address to discover assets on cloud. If the IPV6 address is found on the host, the application is configured to use it. If an IPv6 address is not found, the IPv4 address is used.
For CloudPoint server, enhanced auditing is not supported. Thus, when you add or update a CloudPoint server, with non-root but NetBackup Admin rights, during auditing the user is shown as root.
If you deploy CloudPoint using the CloudFormation template, when you register the on-host agent with the CloudPoint node using the command, the IP address used must be private IP and not public IP.