Veritas™ Surveillance User Guide
- Introducing Veritas Surveillance
- Getting started
- Working with dashboard widgets
- Managing employees and employee groups
- Managing departments
- Managing department users
- Managing department-level archives
- Managing department-level searches
- Managing department-specific hotword sets
- Managing department-specific labels
- Managing department-specific review comments
- Viewing employees associated with departments
- Managing users, roles, and permissions
- Managing application-level archives
- Managing application-level searches
- Managing application-specific hotword sets
- Managing application-specific labels
- Managing application-specific review comments
- Managing search schedules
- Managing export operations
- Managing reviews
- Working with reports
- Enhanced reporting
- Departments API
- Roles API
- Users API
- UserRoles API
- ItemMetrics API
- ReviewerMapping API
- MonitoredEmployees API
- Evidence of Review API
- Managing Power BI templates for reporting APIs
- Managing Audit Settings
- Working with Audit viewer
Evidence Of Review Async API
EvidenceOfReviewAsync | This API submits the report generation request which executes asynchronously. Result of this API contains identifier for report, status and location for retrieving the report data. The report identifier and locations in the result can be used to track the report generation operation. |
Prior to Veritas Surveillance 5.2, there were two separate reporting endpoint APIs: EvidenceOfReviewByDept and EvidenceOfReviewByUsers. These have now been combined into a single API called EvidenceOfReview, providing the same reports in one place.
To use the EvidenceOfReviewAsync API, follow the steps below:
- Call the EvidenceOfReviewAsync API to submit report generation request.
This asynchronous API supports GET and POST query methods. Use any of the following as needed:
GET https://<Reporting endpoint Base URL>/odata/EvidenceOfReviewAsync
POST https://<Reporting endpoint Base URL>/odata/EvidenceOfReviewAsync
Sample input
GET https://<Reporting endpoint Base URL>/odata/ EvidenceOfReviewAsync?ReportName=<name of report>&StartDate= <YYYY-MM-DD>&EndDate=<YYYY-MM-DD>&Departments=[<DeptID1>,<DeptID2>,...] &Users=[<UserID1>,<UserID2>,...]&MessageTypes=[<MessageTypeID1>,<MessageTypeID2>,...] &MessageDirections=[<MessageDirectionID1>, <MessageDirectionID2>, ...] &CaptureTypes=[<CaptureTypeID1>, <CaptureTypeID2>,...]
GET https://<Reporting endpoint Base URL>/odata/ EvidenceOfReviewAsync?ReportName=TestReport1&StartDate=2024-01-01&EndDate=2024-06-30 &Departments=[101, 102]&MessageTypes=[1,7]&MessageDirections=[1,2] &CaptureTypes=[6,99]
POST https://<Reporting endpoint Base URL>/odata/EvidenceOfReviewAsync
The following filters can be used with the EvidenceOfReviewAsync API when invoked using the GET and POST methods. The system uses the AND operator between the filters to return the result based on the specified filters.
Specify a name of the report.
StartDate is the date on which items are captured or ingested in Veritas Surveillance is recorded as the CaptureDate for that item.
This filter specifies the start date for returning count of items whose CaptureDate is greater than or equal to this start date.
Data Type: Date in the YYYY-MM-DD format that is StartDate.
This filter specifies the end date for returning count of items whose CaptureDate is less than or equal to this date.
Data Type: Date in the YYYY-MM-DD format that is EndDate.
Specifies the type of captured items and returns item counts for items that have the specified message type.
Data Type: JSON array of integers 'id'(identifier fields) that is MessageType IDs.
Limitation: As an input, this API can pass maximum 100 MessageType IDs.
Specifies the departments to which the captured item belongs and returns item counts for items within that department.
Data Type: JSON array of integers 'id'(identifier fields) that is Department IDs.
Limitation: As an input, this API can pass maximum of 1000 Departments IDs.
Specifies User IDs authorized to generate the evidence of review report. This user possesses permissions across all relevant departments for which the counts need to be generated.
The valid value of Users are the IDs of any user from the Veritas Surveillance User ID list. The User ID list can be fetched from the Users API endpoint. See Users API. Refer to the userId field only.
Data Type: Integer ID of the user.
Specifies whether the item was sent/received from within the organization or from an external source and returns item counts for items that have the specified message direction.
Data Type: JSON array of integers 'id'(identifier fields) that is MessageDirection IDs.
Limitation: As an input, this API can pass maximum 5 MessageDirection IDs.
Specifies the mode/technique used to capture the item in Veritas and returns item counts for items with the specified capture type.
Data Type: JSON array of integers 'id'(identifier fields) that is CaptureType IDs.
As an input, this API can pass maximum 10 CaptureTypes IDs.
Only CaptureTypes IDs 2, 6, and 99 are supported.
Scenario 1: New request to submit a report.
Sample input
Sample response
Displays report ID. It is generated upon successful execution of API.
Displays report name. It is generated upon successful execution of API.
Displays the report type as Evidence Of Review.
Displays the date of report generation after successful execution of API.
Displays report status. For more information on statuses, See Report Status API.
Displays a message if the report request has queued successfully or not.
Specifies weather a new report generation request has been submitted or not. The Rate Limiting feature restricts submission of multiple requests with identical input parameters if attempted within one minute.
It returns the following values:
True: The value is shown as True, if the new report request has been queued successfully.
False: The value is shown as False, if the input parameters of the current request are identical to the parameters of the already submitted request within one minute, a new report will not be queued. As a result, the details of the existing report request are returned.
Displays a URL with report ID.
To view the status of this report, use the same URL.
Displays a URL for the location of report data.
To access the report data, use the same URL.
Scenario 2: The same request has been submitted again within one minute.
Sample response
- Call the ReportStatus API to get the status of asynchronous API report.
See Report Status API.
- Call the EvidenceOfReview API to get the report data of the asynchronous API.