Veritas Surveillance Reviewer's Guide
- Introducing Veritas Surveillance
- Getting started
- Working with dashboard widgets
- Managing department-level searches
- Managing reviews
Adding comments to items
As like assigning a review mark to an item, you can add a comment to it.
To add comments to an item
- In the left navigation pane, click Review.
- Filter the items in the review pane.
- Click Apply.
The application displays emails and collaboration messages from the selected departments.
If only the Exchange service is enabled for you, then only emails are displayed. If the MS Teams Archiving service is enabled for you, then collaboration messages are also displayed.
- During manual review, select the item to view its details in the Preview pane.
- Click Add Comment.
Alternatively, use the Alt+T shortcut key to add comments to an item. The Add Comment dialog box appears.
- Expand the Standard or Recent comments group, and select a relevant predefined comment, depending on your permission level.
If you do not find a relevant predefined comment, enter a new comment for the item.
To view the Standard review comments first always, enable the Show standard review comments first option.
- Click OK.
The item is marked with the comment symbol.
A comment indicator is displayed in the Comment present column of the item list to show that you have added the comment. Click the Comments tab at the bottom of the Reading pane to view the comments assigned to an item. You can also customize the item list columns to add a column that shows the comments on items.