NetBackup IT Analytics Installation and Upgrade Guide for Windows
- Installation overview
- Install NetBackup IT Analytics on a Windows server
- Step-4: Installing Oracle application binaries
- Verify the current license configuration
- Next steps
- Upgrade NetBackup IT Analytics Portal on Windows
- Upgrade NetBackup IT Analytics Portal
- Oracle patches for the database server
- Upgrade and migrate to a new server
NetBackup IT Analytics components
NetBackup IT Analytics Portal installation involves deployments of the product components and the install mechanism allows you to choose the deployment option depending on your environment.
The following components are installed during the Portal installation:
Portal Server: The server on which the NetBackup IT Analytics Portal Server software resides.
Portal Server Software: The binaries, SQL scripts, configuration files, and open-source and third-party software products needed to retrieve and render reporting data from the Reporting Database.
Reporting Database: The Oracle database that stores all the report data. The Reporting Database is usually installed on the Portal server.
After the Portal installation, you are also required to install the Data Collector software on a separate server to retrieve and report data for analytics.