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NetBackup IT Analytics Installation and Upgrade Guide for Windows
Last Published:
NetBackup IT Analytics (11.4)
- Installation overview
- Install NetBackup IT Analytics on a Windows server
- Step-4: Installing Oracle application binaries
- Verify the current license configuration
- Next steps
- Upgrade NetBackup IT Analytics Portal on Windows
- Upgrade NetBackup IT Analytics Portal
- Oracle patches for the database server
- Upgrade and migrate to a new server
Step-7: Install the license key file
Receive and save the license file on your portal server and then complete all of the following steps.
Ensure that the Oracle Processes are Running.
Open a DOS command prompt window using Start > Run > cmd
Run the license installer utility: C:\opt\aptare\utils\installLicense.bat
Enter the complete path to the license key file you saved on your server when prompted for the name of the license file. A sample dialog is shown below:
Enter the name of the license file you wish to install [*.slf] : C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Slic\ A3351334429_QTY200_APTARE_ITA_10_6_COMPLETE_STANDARD_DR_LIC_NNL_4756411672.slf Verifying license... License installed
Verify that the services are running by viewing the Services panel:
Verify the License Installation.
After you apply a new license or when you remove an existing license, the Portal takes about 30 seconds to display the changes.