NetBackup IT Analytics Installation and Upgrade Guide for Windows

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup IT Analytics (11.4)
  1. Installation overview
      NetBackup IT Analytics components
      Standard or Shared Services licensing edition
      Install options
      Multi-language support and locale considerations (Windows)
      Supported third-party and open source products
  2. Install NetBackup IT Analytics on a Windows server
      Step-1: Get the NetBackup IT Analytics license key file
      Step-2: Portal and database deployment strategies
      Step-3: Pre-installation configuration
    4. Step-4: Installing Oracle application binaries
        Troubleshoot the Oracle installation
      Step-5: Installing Portal application binaries
      Step-6: Log into the Portal
      Step-7: Install the license key file
    8. Verify the current license configuration
        Run the License Summary report
        About NetBackup IT Analytics version and license
        View License Details
    9. Next steps
        Performing a cold backup of the database
        Recommended database backup process
  3. Upgrade NetBackup IT Analytics Portal on Windows
      Upgrade path
      Before upgrading
    4. Upgrade NetBackup IT Analytics Portal
        Upgrading a shared services environment
        Run the upgrade utility installer (Windows)
        Running the upgrade utility
      4. Attribute merging during the Portal upgrade
          Attribute management during the Portal upgrade
      Data Collector upgrades
      Troubleshooting - manual Data Collector upgrades
      Troubleshoot Data Collector upgrade manager upgrade failure and collector bundle download failure on Windows
      Collector updates from the NetBackup IT Analytics Portal
      Upgrade methods to incorporate enterprise objects
  4. Oracle patches for the database server
      Install Oracle 19c Windows October 2024 patch
  5. Upgrade and migrate to a new server
      Upgrade and migrate to a new Windows server

Upgrade and migrate to a new Windows server

The Portal must be running a minimum of NetBackup IT Analytics version 11.1 to upgrade to NetBackup IT Analytics 11.4.

If you migrate a portal from one machine to another, apart from copying over the database, you also need to copy the c:\opt\aptare\datarcvrconf\aptare.ks and c:\opt\aptare\datarcvrconf\ files, and ensure the file permissions allow writing by the 'tomcat' user. If these files are not copied to the new machine, you will not be able to edit existing collector policies and data collection will stop working.

NetBackup IT Analytics installer supports Portal and database installation on custom path. If your Portal or database is installed in a non-default location, replace \opt with the respective absolute installation path in the commands and procedures provided in this section.

Install the latest release of NetBackup IT Analytics on the new server
  1. Download the latest release and installation instructions from the

  2. Perform a fresh install of the database and portal on the new server.

  3. The NetBackup IT Analytics Portal will be installed with evaluation license valid for 60 days. Ensure you request a new license with appropriate entitlement. Refer the NetBackup IT Analytics Licensing Guide for more information.

  4. Install the new license, once you receive it.

Perform an export of the database on the existing server

The database user Aptare must have access to the export files stored in the directory:


Verify that Oracle user has read and execute privileges on these files before starting the database export.

  1. Log into the Windows database server.

  2. Ensure Oracle TNS Listener and Oracle services are running.

  3. At the command prompt execute the script:


  4. After successful completion, the export file aptare_scdb.exp is saved on the Windows database server in the directory:


  5. Copy the c:\opt\datarcvrconf\aptare.ks file to a temporary location.

  6. From the temporary location, copy the aptare.ks file to c:\opt\datarcvrconf\ directory for the target system.

Stop Portal and agent services on the new server

On Windows (as an admin):

Execute \opt\aptare\utils\stopportal.bat
Execute \opt\aptare\utils\stopagent.bat
Drop and re-create the existing portal user on the new server

On Windows (as member of ORA_DBA group):

Import the database onto the new server

Follow the instructions for your platform in the Importing the Oracle Database section in the APTARE IT Analytics System Administrator Guide.

Start Portal and agent services on the new server

On Windows (as an admin):

Execute \opt\aptare\utils\startportal.bat
Execute \opt\aptare\utils\startagent.bat
Download, install, and execute to upgrade the database schema

If you are importing an old version database to 11.4 for your new NetBackup IT Analytics 11.4 portal, you can follow below instructions

  1. Download the upgrade installer and documentation from the

  2. Run the upgrade installer.

    See Run the upgrade utility installer (Windows).

    This installs the upgrade executable, but does not execute it.

  3. In the last step of upgrader, select Run Later option to continue.

  4. Open a command prompt and go to C:\opt\aptare\upgrade.

  5. Run db-upgrade.bat and follow the instructions to upgrade the database.

  6. After completion of db-upgrade.bat, you can login to portal with your admin credentials and try installing the new license.

  7. Login again and access NetBackup IT Analytics portal.

  8. Verify that all NetBackup IT Analytics application services are up and running.

  9. As user root, run the following relevant command and respond to the prompts accordingly:

    • On Windows:


      You will receive warnings that your current version is already up to date, proceed.

      Once the script has completed, review the log file indicated to check for any errors


If desired, you can use the local host file method of IP address resolution to test the functionality of the new portal prior to any DNS cut-over from the existing server.

Update Data Collector binaries (if necessary)

Do not install on the same machine as the new portal/database server.

  1. Download the Data Collector installer and documentation from

  2. Follow the instructions in the documentation for your Data Collector to uninstall.

  3. Re-install the Data Collector to the latest version, giving the correct URL for the new server.