NetBackup IT Analytics Installation and Upgrade Guide for Windows
- Installation overview
- Install NetBackup IT Analytics on a Windows server
- Step-4: Installing Oracle application binaries
- Verify the current license configuration
- Next steps
- Upgrade NetBackup IT Analytics Portal on Windows
- Upgrade NetBackup IT Analytics Portal
- Oracle patches for the database server
- Upgrade and migrate to a new server
Run the upgrade utility installer (Windows)
Before you run the upgrade utility installer:
Download the Upgrade Utility Installer ISO and copy it to the portal server.
Perform the upgrade as an Administrator user who is a member of the ORA_DBA group.
When upgrading to version 11.x.xx, the date format defaults to the Portal operating system locale, and ignores any previous configuration.
The following instructions assume you have the required upgrade installer file for your platform.
Double-click the ISO file to mount and run
.Follow the installer prompts to extract the upgrade files and utilities.
If you have chosen to Run Later in the earlier steps, complete the upgrade process by running the upgrade utility located at:
If you have the portal running with shared services and Oracle parameters such as service name and port are different than the default configuration, the upgrade utility installer will detect the parameters from the portal configuration file.
On rare occasions after upgrading to version 11.4, NetBackup IT Analytics may display an access denied error while starting the portal Tomcat or agent Tomcat service.
To resolve this access error:
- From the command prompt, run the script to delete the Portal and Tomcat services
If the service delete fails, reboot the system and again try to delete the services.
- Install the Portal services.
C:\opt\aptare\utils\setupPortalTomcatService.bat C:\opt\aptare\utils\setupAgentTomcatService.bat
- Start the Portal Tomcat and Agent Tomcat services from the Service Panel.