Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Registry Values
- About this guide
- Admin Service
- Administration Console
- Agents
- Backtrace
- Clustering
- Code Page Detection
- Directory Service
- Enterprise Vault
- EVcloudExporter
- Event filtering
- External filtering
- File System Archiving
- Indexing
- Installation
- Outlook Add-In
- Location of Outlook Add-In registry values
- Selective Journaling
- Storage Service
Location |
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE \Wow6432Node \KVS \Enterprise Vault \Agents |
Content | DWORD 0 - (Default) Provisioning does not synchronize migrated mail files. 1 - Provisioning synchronizes migrated mail files. |
Description | If Enterprise Vault finds that an archive ID in a mail file is incorrect, Enterprise Vault can copy the archive ID from the Directory database to the mail file. The archive ID may be incorrect if the user has changed name or has moved to a different domain, for example. If Enterprise Vault finds that an archive ID is incorrect it logs event 41302, as follows: The migrated mail file 'MailFileName' has not been synchronized as the 'DominoSynchMigratedMailFiles' registry key is not set. If you see that event 41302 has been logged you can perform the repair as follows:
Do not leave DominoSynchMigratedMailFiles set to 1 permanently. |