Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Utilities
- About this guide
- ArchivePoints
- Audit Viewer
- Backtrace
- CenteraPing
- Domino Archive Exporter
- Domino Profile Document Tool
- Domino Retention Plan Tool
- DTrace
- EVDominoExchangeMigration Tool
- Running the EVDominoExchangeMigration tool
- EVDuplicateCleaner
- EVEARemovalUtility
- EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions
- EVrights
- EVservice
- EVSPShortcutManager
- About EVSVR
- About the EVSVR operation settings
- Using the output from one EVSVR operation as input for another operation
- Viewing the EVSVR output log file
- Running EVSVR in interactive mode
- FSARunNow
- FSAUndelete
- FSAUtility
- NTFS to Centera Migration
- Permissions Browser
- Policy Manager (EVPM)
- Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
- Policy Manager initialization file examples
- About using the Provisioning API to run Policy Manager scripts
- ResetEVClient
- Vault Store Usage Reporter
EVSVR operations that support item list processing
Only certain combinations of Verify and Repair operations can process item lists; Report operations cannot output them or input them. In the EVSVR Operations dialog box, the Input and Output check boxes are disabled for operations and options that do not support item lists. Some operations can output item lists but cannot receive them as input, whereas for other operations the reverse is true; and some other operations support both input and output item lists.
When EVSVR opens an input item list file, it checks that a compatible operation created the file. For example, EVSVR does not let you use the output from a Verify ArchiveObjects operation as input for a Repair DatabaseReferences operation, as the two operations process different types of data. Table: Compatible EVSVR operations for item list processing shows the combinations of operations that can process item lists.
Table: Compatible EVSVR operations for item list processing
Output operation | Input operation |
Verify ArchiveObjects | Verify ArchiveObjects |
Verify Archives | Either of the following:
Verify ArchivesDirectory | Repair ArchivesDirectory |
Verify ArchivesVaultStore | Repair ArchivesVaultStore |
Verify Complete | Either of the following:
Verify DatabaseLinkages | Repair DatabaseLinkages |
Verify DatabaseReferences | Repair DatabaseReferences |
Verify QueuedItems | Repair QueuedItems |
Both of the following:
| Repair Archives |
All the verification levels for a Verify ArchiveObjects operation can output item lists. However, not all the verification levels are compatible. Table: Compatible Verify ArchiveObjects levels shows the verification levels from which each ArchiveObjects level can receive item lists as input.
Table: Compatible Verify ArchiveObjects levels
Level setting | Can input item lists that these levels have output |
ObjectContainerExists |
ObjectExtractsFromContainer | |
ObjectInContainer | |
FingerprintValid |
SavesetValid |
SISPartsMatch |