Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Utilities
- About this guide
- ArchivePoints
- Audit Viewer
- Backtrace
- CenteraPing
- Domino Archive Exporter
- Domino Profile Document Tool
- Domino Retention Plan Tool
- DTrace
- EVDominoExchangeMigration Tool
- Running the EVDominoExchangeMigration tool
- EVDuplicateCleaner
- EVEARemovalUtility
- EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions
- EVrights
- EVservice
- EVSPShortcutManager
- About EVSVR
- About the EVSVR operation settings
- Using the output from one EVSVR operation as input for another operation
- Viewing the EVSVR output log file
- Running EVSVR in interactive mode
- FSARunNow
- FSAUndelete
- FSAUtility
- NTFS to Centera Migration
- Permissions Browser
- Policy Manager (EVPM)
- Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
- Policy Manager initialization file examples
- About using the Provisioning API to run Policy Manager scripts
- ResetEVClient
- Vault Store Usage Reporter
Provisioning API error handling for Policy Manager scripts
When setting object properties, HRESULT errors are returned if the property is invalid. If Policy Manager returns an error when calling EnableScript, DisableScript, or ExecuteScript, you can use the two properties available to help with tracing problems with the Provisioning API.
These properties are as follows:
ReportText | Returns the report text from the previous run. |
LastScript | Returns the script from the previous run. |
Table: Provisioning API error codes describes the standard set of errors that the API returns.
Table: Provisioning API error codes
Error code | Error type | Message text |
0xC004C000 | PROV_DIRECTORY_INVALID | The Directory Service name is invalid or the Directory Service is not running. |
0xC004C001 | PROV_MUST_SET_DIRECTORY _FIRST | The Directory property must be set first. |
0xC004C002L | PROV_COULD_NOT_CREATE_ DIRECTORYCONNECTION | Could not create the Enterprise Vault Directory Connection object. |
0xC004C003 | PROV_ENTRYID_INVALID | The Entry Id is not valid. |
0xC004C004 | PROV_INVALID_TABLE_ID | Invalid table ID. |
0xC004C005 | PROV_ERROR_INSERTING_ PARAMETERS | An error occurred replacing the script parameters. |
0xC004C006 | PROV_INVALID_ARG_ PARAMETER | One of the arguments supplied in the arguments array could not be converted to a string. |
0xC004C007 | PROV_MUST_SET_SITE_FIRST | The Site property must be set before this property. |
0xC004C008 | PROV_NAME_INVALID | Invalid property value. |
0xC004C009 | PROV_INDEXING_SVC_NOT_FOUND | The Indexing Service could not be found. |
0xC004C00A | PROV_NOT_ENOUGH_PROPERTIES_SET | The following properties must be set before Enable/Disable can be called: %n%nDirectory, Site, ExchangeServer, SystemMailbox, (MailboxDN or LDAPQuery). |
0xC004C00B | PROV_FAILED_CREATE_STDIN_PIPE | Failed to create a StdIn pipe. |
0xC004C00C | PROV_FAILED_CREATE_STDOUTERR_PIPE | Failed to create the StdOut pipe. |
0xC004C00D | PROV_FAILED_DUPLICATE_HANDLE | Failed to duplicate the std handle. |
0xC004C00E | PROV_FAILED_CLOSE_TEMP_HANDLE | Failed to close the temporary handle. |
0xC004C00F | PROV_NO_PASSWORD_FOR_USER | The password for the Logon details was not set. |
0xC004C010 | PROV_CREATE_PROCESS_FAILED | Failed to create the policy manager process. |
0xC004C011 | PROV_CREATE_PROCESS_AS_USER_FAILED | Failed to create the policy manager process under the specified account. |
0xC004C012 | PROV_LOGON_USER_FAILED | Could not log the user on for the policy manager process. |
0xC004C013 | PROV_WAIT_SINGLE_OBJECT_FAILED | Failed to wait for the process to complete. |
0xC004C014 | PROV_GETEXITPROCESS_FAILED | Could not get the exit code from the policy manager process. |
0xC004C015 | PROV_FAILED_GET_TEMP_PATH | Could not get the temp file path. |
0xC004C016 | PROV_FAILED_GET_TEMP_FILE_NAME | Could not get the temp file name. |
0xC004C017 | PROV_FAILED_CREATE_INI_FILE | Could not create the provisioning initialization file. |
0xC004C018 | PROV_WRITE_WRITE_INI_FILE | Could not write the provisioning initialization file. |
0xC004C019 | PROV_FAILED_CLOSE_INI_FILE | Could not close the provisioning initialization file. |
0xC004C01A | PROV_FAILED_COCREATE_POLICYINVOKER | Failed to connect to the Admin Service. |
0xC004C01B | PROV_PARAMS_NOT_ARRAY | The second argument must be an array. |
0xC004C01C | PROV_SCRIPT_FILE_NOT_FOUND | The Script file could not be found. |
0xC004C01D | PROV_INPUT_FILE_NOT_UNICODE | Script file is not unicode. |
0xC004C01E | PROV_FAILED_OPEN_REGISTRY | Could not open the Enterprise Vault Registry Key. |
0xC004C01F | PROV_FAILED_READ_REGISTRY | Could not read the Installation directory from the registry. |
0xC004C020 | PROV_FAILED_EXECUTE | The script returned errors, check the report for details. |
0xC004C021 | PROV_SCRIPT_TIMED_OUT | The script timed out. |
0xC004C022 | PROV_FAILED_READ_LOGON_DETAILS | Failed to read the Logon Details. |