Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Utilities
- About this guide
- ArchivePoints
- Audit Viewer
- Backtrace
- CenteraPing
- Domino Archive Exporter
- Domino Profile Document Tool
- Domino Retention Plan Tool
- DTrace
- EVDominoExchangeMigration Tool
- Running the EVDominoExchangeMigration tool
- EVDuplicateCleaner
- EVEARemovalUtility
- EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions
- EVrights
- EVservice
- EVSPShortcutManager
- About EVSVR
- About the EVSVR operation settings
- Using the output from one EVSVR operation as input for another operation
- Viewing the EVSVR output log file
- Running EVSVR in interactive mode
- FSARunNow
- FSAUndelete
- FSAUtility
- NTFS to Centera Migration
- Permissions Browser
- Policy Manager (EVPM)
- Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
- Policy Manager initialization file examples
- About using the Provisioning API to run Policy Manager scripts
- ResetEVClient
- Vault Store Usage Reporter
Using the output from one EVSVR operation as input for another operation
The Item Lists feature lets you use the output from one EVSVR operation as input for a second operation. There are two scenarios in which you may want to use EVSVR item lists:
To use the output from a Verify operation as input for a Repair operation. For example, you can perform a Verify operation and output a list of items that have failed verification and need repairing. Then you can perform the appropriate Repair operation to process only the items in the item list.
To use the output from a Verify operation as input for another Verify operation. For example, suppose that you perform a Verify operation and output a list of items that have failed verification and need repairing. If you cannot repair these items using EVSVR and must repair them by other means, such as restoring missing or corrupted files from backup, then you may want to rerun the Verify operation using the item list after you have done so. You can repeat the process with increasingly smaller input item lists until you have repaired all the items.
In both scenarios, the second operation is significantly faster than normal because it has less data to process. This is especially important in the case of Repair operations, which require you to place the target vault stores in backup mode and so block any modifications to them temporarily.