Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Utilities
- About this guide
- ArchivePoints
- Audit Viewer
- Backtrace
- CenteraPing
- Domino Archive Exporter
- Domino Profile Document Tool
- Domino Retention Plan Tool
- DTrace
- EVDominoExchangeMigration Tool
- Running the EVDominoExchangeMigration tool
- EVDuplicateCleaner
- EVEARemovalUtility
- EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions
- EVrights
- EVservice
- EVSPShortcutManager
- About EVSVR
- About the EVSVR operation settings
- Using the output from one EVSVR operation as input for another operation
- Viewing the EVSVR output log file
- Running EVSVR in interactive mode
- FSARunNow
- FSAUndelete
- FSAUtility
- NTFS to Centera Migration
- Permissions Browser
- Policy Manager (EVPM)
- Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
- Policy Manager initialization file examples
- About using the Provisioning API to run Policy Manager scripts
- ResetEVClient
- Vault Store Usage Reporter
About the information that Permissions Browser provides
Table: Permissions information describes the information that the Permissions box provides for the selected archive or folder.
Table: Permissions information
Field | Description |
Archive | The name of the archive that you selected in the Archives box. |
Folder | If displayed, the path to the archive folder that you selected in the Folders box. |
ID | The identifier that Enterprise Vault has assigned to the archive. |
Read | The date and time at which Permissions Browser retrieved the permissions information. |
Permission Type | Whether the user or group is authorized to perform the operations that are listed below in the Permissions list (Allow) or is explicitly denied permission (Deny). |
Inherited | Whether this permission has been inherited from a parent folder (Yes) or set directly (No). |
User or Group, SID | The security identifier (SID) that uniquely identifies the user or group. |
User or Group, Name | The account name of the user or group in the form domain\name. If Permissions Browser cannot match a user name or group name with the SID for any reason, it displays the text "<unable to resolve user name>". This may indicate a permissions issue. |
Permissions | The permissions that are allowed or denied. The possible permissions are as follows:
Permissions Browser lists the permissions in the order in which they are evaluated. By convention, Deny permissions are listed before Allow permissions. |
SDDL | A Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) representation of all the listed permissions. For more information on SDDL, see the following article on the Microsoft website: |