Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Utilities
- About this guide
- ArchivePoints
- Audit Viewer
- Backtrace
- CenteraPing
- Domino Archive Exporter
- Domino Profile Document Tool
- Domino Retention Plan Tool
- DTrace
- EVDominoExchangeMigration Tool
- Running the EVDominoExchangeMigration tool
- EVDuplicateCleaner
- EVEARemovalUtility
- EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions
- EVrights
- EVservice
- EVSPShortcutManager
- About EVSVR
- About the EVSVR operation settings
- Using the output from one EVSVR operation as input for another operation
- Viewing the EVSVR output log file
- Running EVSVR in interactive mode
- FSARunNow
- FSAUndelete
- FSAUtility
- NTFS to Centera Migration
- Permissions Browser
- Policy Manager (EVPM)
- Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
- Policy Manager initialization file examples
- About using the Provisioning API to run Policy Manager scripts
- ResetEVClient
- Vault Store Usage Reporter
Running DTrace from the command line
By running DTrace from the command line, you can create more customized traces than those that you can create from the Administration Console.
To run DTrace from the command line
- Log on to the Enterprise Vault server as the Vault Service account.
- Click the DTrace shortcut.
The DTrace prompt (DT>) indicates that DTrace has loaded. Some commands change the prompt. For example, if you type filter, the prompt changes to DT FILTER>. To return to the DT> prompt, type Quit or Exit.
- Type the required commands.
See DTrace commands below.
- When you want to stop DTrace, press Ctrl+C to stop monitoring and then type Quit or Exit.
Table: DTrace commands describes the commands that you can type at the DTrace prompt.
Table: DTrace commands
Command | Description | |
cls | Clears the console. | |
comment | Lets you type a comment to add to the trace output. | |
display | Displays the selected trace entries. You can specify the start entries and end entries in a range, and choose whether to apply a filter to those entries. | |
filter | Lets you filter the contents of the trace by specifying the text strings that the entries either must contain (includes) or cannot contain (excludes). You can type the following commands at the DT Filter> prompt: | |
+ string [;string] or Include string [;string] | Adds the nominated strings to the filter include list. These strings are case-sensitive. | |
- string [;string] or exclude string [;string] | Adds the nominated strings to the filter exclude list. These strings are case-sensitive. | |
clear [Includes|Excludes|Both] | Deletes all the include strings from the filter, all the exclude strings, or both. | |
delete string | Deletes the nominated string from the filter. | |
exit or quit | Exits filter management. | |
reset | Resets the filter to the default settings. | |
view | Displays the current filter settings. | |
log | Specifies the name (and optionally the full path) of the log file. The default location for the log file is the Enterprise Vault | |
monitor | Displays the trace live in the console but does not write it to disk. Press Ctrl+C to stop the console output. | |
open | Lists the available log files and lets you open them in a text editor. | |
pause | Pauses tracing for the specified period or until the current watch command has completed. | |
registry | Displays the entries under the following key in the Windows registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE \Wow6432Node \KVS \Enterprise Vault | |
reset | Resets the trace options. | |
rollover | Lets you view and edit the rollover settings for the DTrace log files. By default, DTrace automatically creates a new log file when the current one reaches 100 megabytes (MB) in size. You can enable and disable file rollover, specify the required size of the log files, and reset the rollover settings to the default settings. Type the following commands at the DT Rollover> prompt: | |
disable or off | Disables file rollover. | |
enable or on | Enables file rollover. | |
exit or quit | Exits file rollover management. | |
help or ? | Displays online Help on the rollover commands. | |
reset | Resets the rollover settings to the default settings. | |
size number | Specifies the maximum size of each log file in megabytes. | |
view | Displays the current rollover settings. | |
save | Specifies the name (and optionally the full path) of the file to which DTrace saves the selected trace entries. You can specify the start entries and end entries in a range, and choose whether to apply a filter to those entries. | |
set | Sets the monitoring level for a service or component. The available levels are Off (o), Brief (b), Medium (m), and Verbose (v). Specify the monitoring level as follows: set servicename_or_ID level For example: set ArchiveTask v set 59 m All lines of code have a minimum monitoring level, and these are viewable within the DTrace log files. For example, if you set the logging level to Medium, only code lines that are marked for Brief and Medium logging show in the log file. | |
trigger | Starts logging after a particular string appears in the trace. You set up triggers using the same syntax as for filters. | |
version | Displays version information on the executable files in the Enterprise Vault program folder (for example | |
view | Lists all the available processes and services against which you can run DTrace. This list may change slightly depending on what is loaded or installed. It is always a good idea to use view first to see a current list of processes and their IDs. This is particularly important if you want to set a monitoring level with an ID rather than using the name of the process. | |
watch | After a trigger filter that you have defined with the trigger command has taken effect, records the specified number of trace entries in the log. |