NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
bpstuadd — create NetBackup storage unit or storage group
-label storage_unit_label -path path_name [-dt disk_type] | -dp disk_pool [-dt disk_type] | -density density_type [-rt robot_type -rn robot_number] [-host host_name] [-cj max_jobs] [-odo on_demand_only_flag] [-flags flags] [-cf clearfiles] [-tt transfer_throttle] [-hwm high_water_mark] [-lwm low_water_mark] [-okrt ok_on_root] [-mfs max_fragment_size] [-maxmpx mpx_factor] [-nh NDMP_attach_host] [-nodevhost] [-verbose] [-hostlist host_name...] [-M master_server,...] [-reason "string"] [-uw 1|0]
-group storage_unit_group storage_unit_label ... [-sm selection_method]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
The bpstuadd command creates a NetBackup storage unit or storage unit group. When you create a single storage unit, make sure that you include a label for the new storage unit: either the -density the -path, or the -dp option. bpstuadd cannot create the storage unit if the master server has already created the maximum number of storage units that its NetBackup configuration allows. The command does not create a storage unit that specifies the same destination medium as an existing storage unit.
This command does not enable you to change a disk storage unit (DSU) or a tape storage unit to a disk staging storage unit (DSSU). In addition, you cannot change a DSSU to a DSU or a tape storage unit.
NetBackup has several types of storage units. The storage-unit type affects how NetBackup stores the data. The options on the bpstuadd command line determine one of the following:
Disk. The storage destination is a disk file system directory, a disk pool, or both.
Disk Staging. A disk staging storage unit (DSSU) addresses the automatic (or scheduled sweeping) of images from the DSSU to the final storage unit.
Media Manager. The storage destination is a tape device managed by the Media Manager.
NDMP. An NDMP is a storage unit that Media Manager controls. The NetBackup for NDMP option must be installed. In this command description, references to Media Manager storage-unit types also apply to the NDMP storage-unit type except where specifically mentioned. The media for an NDMP storage unit always attach directly to an NDMP host and cannot be used to store data for other NetBackup clients. To define an NDMP storage unit, run the bpstuadd command on the master server.
For more about how to add NDMP storage units, see the NetBackup NAS Administrator's Guide.
Errors go to stderr. A log of the command activity goes to the NetBackup admin log file for the current day.
For more about storage units, see the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume II.
Only authorized users can run this command.
For more about NetBackup authorization, see the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
- -cf clearfiles
Enables the NetBackup media to perform data translation operations on backup data. Typically, OpenStorage plugins use metadata to perform the block-level deduplication operations that reduce the total amount of disk space being used. This value is valid only for disk storage units that are configured with OST disk pools.
The clearfiles variable can be one of the following values:
0 - Disables all data translation operations.
1 - Enables detailed translation operation. The metadata describes all of the attributes of the files that are backed up. These files are called clear files.
2 - Enables simple translation operation. The metadata identifies only the name, size, and byte offset location of the files that are backed up. They are called opaque files.
- -cj max_jobs
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent jobs that are permitted for this storage unit. max_jobs is a non-negative integer. The appropriate value depends on your server's ability to run multiple backup processes comfortably and the available space on the storage media.
For more about maximum jobs per client, see the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I.
The max_jobs option that is set to zero (0) means that this storage unit is never selected when a job is scheduled. The default is 1.
- -density density_type
Specifies the density type of the media. If this option is present, the storage unit type is Media Manager. This option has no default. Either -density, -path, or -dp must be on the command line. If you have specified the robot type on the command line, the value for density should be consistent with the robot type. The -density, -path, and -dp options can only be used independently.
Valid values for density_type are:
dlt - DLT Cartridge
dlt2 - DLT Cartridge alternate
8mm - 8mm Cartridge
4mm - 4mm Cartridge
qscsi - 1/4 Inch Cartridge
NetBackup supports the following densities on NetBackup Enterprise Servers.
hcart - 1/2-inch cartridge
hcart2 - 1/2-inch cartridge alternate
dtf - DTF Cartridge
- -dp disk_pool
Specifies the name of the disk pool, which is the data storage area for this storage unit. The disk pool must already exist.
- -dt disk_type
Enables the user to specify a disk type. The following are the valid values for disk_type:
1 - BasicDisk
3 - SnapVault
6 - DiskPool
- -flags flags
Specifies the storage unit to be a staging storage unit, which allows for a quick restore. Valid values for flags are: NONE and STAGE_DATA. Currently valid for only disk storage units.
- -group storage_unit_group storage_unit_label...
Adds a storage unit group and specifies the group name and the storage unit(s) that comprise the group. Add multiple storage units to the storage unit group by separating the names with a space. The maximum length of a storage unit group label is 128 characters.
- -host host_name
Indicates a single specific media server that is associated with the storage unit. Only this media server can be selected as the system to read or write from the storage. The default is the host name of the local system.
NetBackup Server does not support remote media servers.
The host you select must be either your NetBackup master server or a remote media server (if you configure remote media servers). The host name must be the network name for the server as known by all NetBackup servers and clients.
If host_name is a valid network name, but was not configured previously in NetBackup, it is added to NetBackup's configuration as a media server. On UNIX, this server shows up as a SERVER entry in the
file; on Windows, Host Properties specifies the server in the Servers list. If host_name is not a valid network name, you must configure it manually.
- -hostlist host_name...
Indicates that a subset of the media servers with access to the storage should be used. Use this option if multiple media servers share a disk pool. You want to dedicate one set of media servers to service a set of policies and clients. Then you want a different set to service other policies and clients (or for a specific role such as duplication jobs).
- -hwm high_water_mark
Specifies a percentage of a disk storage unit at which it is considered full. This option is a user-configurable threshold. The valid range for the High Water Mark is 0 to 100 (percentage), and the default setting is 98(%). When the High Water Mark is reached, NetBackup becomes proactive in the following two different scenarios:
When you run a job and the total capacity is used, the DSU is considered to be Full. If you choose a storage unit in a Storage Unit Group, the following occurs: The media and the device selection (MDS) does not assign a new job to a storage unit whose used capacity exceeds the High Water Mark. Instead, it looks for another storage unit in the group to assign to the job.
During a job, if the Staging attribute is set and the total capacity is used, staging expires images to free space on the DSU. This action accommodates more backup data.
- -label storage_unit_label
Specifies the name of the storage unit. This option is required unless you use -group. The maximum length of a storage-unit label is 128 characters.
- -lwm low_water_mark
This option is a user-configurable threshold that the disk storage units that do disk staging use. The valid range for the Low Water Mark is 0 to 100 (percent). The default setting is 80 (percent).
When the High Water Mark is reached, do one of the following:
Migrate images to other storage units until the Low Water Mark is reached.
Free disk space by expiring disk images for the oldest staged images until the Low Water Mark is reached.
If you want to save most of your data, configure the Low Water Mark to be near the High Water Mark.
- -M master_server,...
A list of master servers. This list is a comma-separated list of host names. If this option is present, the command is run on each of the master servers in this list. The servers must allow access by the system that issues the command. If an error occurs for any master server, the process stops at that point. The default is the master server for the system where the command is entered.
- -maxmpx mpx_factor
The maximum multiplexing factor. Multiplexing sends concurrent, multiple backups from one or several clients to a single drive.
For more about multiplexing (MPX), see the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I.
The multiplexing factor can range from 1 to 32. The default is 1, which means no multiplexing. A value greater than one (1) means that NetBackup can create multiplexed images on the destination medium. The license determines the effective subset of the 1 to 32 range for the local NetBackup installation.
- -mfs max_fragment_size
Specifies the maximum fragment size in megabytes, or how large a fragment a NetBackup image can be. NetBackup supports a maximum fragment size of 1,000,000 megabytes (one terabyte).
For removable media, this value is zero or any integer between 50 (megabytes) and 1,048,576 (megabytes) (1024 GB) inclusive. The default value is 0, which means the maximum of 1,048,576 MB.
For a Disk storage unit, this value ranges from 20 MB to 524,288 MB (512 GB). The default value is 524,288 MB.
- -nh NDMP_attach_host
Specifies the host name of the NDMP server. If this option is present, the storage unit type is set to NDMP. The default is no NDMP server.
- -nodevhost
Indicates that no media server is associated with this storage unit. You can select any media server that can access the storage to move the data (such as backup, duplicate, restore).
- -odo on_demand_only_flag
The On-Demand-Only flag controls the condition under which NetBackup uses the storage unit:
To make the storage unit available only to the policies or the schedules that request it, set the flag to 1 (enabled).
To make the storage unit available to any policy or schedule, set the flag to 0 (disabled).
If the storage unit type is Disk, the default is 1; NetBackup uses the storage unit only when explicitly requested. Otherwise, the default is 0.
DSSUs are on demand only. They have to be chosen explicitly as a backup target.
- -okrt ok_on_root
If this flag is not set, neither backups nor directory creation occur on the root file system. If the ok_on_root flag is set, then backups and directory creations occur normally.
The default value for this flag is 0. Backups and directory creations to a disk storage unit (BasicDisk) do not occur if the path is on the root file system.
- -path path_name
Specifies the path to a disk file system that expressed as an absolute pathname, which is the data storage area for this storage unit. When this option is present, the storage unit type is Disk. This option has no default. Either -path, -dp, or -density must be on the command line. The -density, -path, and -dp options can only be used independently.
In general when this option is used, enable the On-Demand-Only flag (see -odo). Otherwise, if you have any NetBackup policies that do not require specific storage units, they can fill the disk file system path_name. This action can cause serious system problems. For example, if the system swap area happens to be on the same file system, new processes may fail.
- -reason "string"
Indicates the reason why you choose this command action. The reason text string that you enter is captured and appears in the audit report. Enclose this string with double quotes ("..."). The string must not exceed 512 characters. It cannot begin with a dash character (-) nor contain a single quotation mark (').
- -rn robot_number
Specifies the robot number for this storage unit. It must be greater than or equal to 0. The robot number can be obtained from the Media and Device Management of the Administration Console. This option is ignored unless the -rt option is present. This option has no default.
For more about rules that concern the use of the robot number, see the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume II.
- -rt robot_type
The robot type for this storage unit. For non-robotic (stand-alone) devices select NONE or omit this option. The default value is NONE (Not Robotic). The value for density should be consistent with the robot type.
If this option is set to any value other than NONE, the -rn option is required. Available robot type codes are:
NONE - Not Robotic
TLD - Tape Library DLT
ACS - Automated Cartridge System
- -sm selection_method
Selects the method in which a storage unit group is chosen. This option is valid only for storage unit groups. The possible values for selection_method are:
Prioritized = 1 (default)
Least Recently Selected = 2
Failover = 3
Load Balance = 4
Option 1: Prioritized, selects the first storage unit in the list until the unit is down, is full, or its max-concurrent-jobs setting is reached. Then the next storage unit in the list is examined and so on until an available one is found.
Option 2: Least Recently Selected, selects the least-recently selected storage unit.
Option 3: Failover is the same as Prioritized except MDS queues a job to wait for the first storage unit if the max-concurrent-jobs is reached. MDS moves on to the next storage unit in the list only if the first unit is down or full.
Option 4: Load Balance. If the user selects this option and has installed the capacity management license, Media Device Selection (MDS) balances the job load. It balances the job load by considering if a media server meets the following conditions:
Enough disk volume free space available to accommodate the estimated job size.
Enough CPU and memory resources available to accommodate another job.
Least amount of estimated job size data being processed compared to other media servers of the same class or rank.
If the user does not have the capacity management license, then Load Balance reverts to option 2, the least-recently selected storage unit.
- -tt transfer_throttle
The Transfer Throttle setting appears for SnapVault storage units only.
The setting indicates the maximum SnapVault data transfer bandwidth. A setting of zero (default) indicates an unlimited bandwidth and data transfer would occur at the full network bandwidth. (Range: 0 (default) to 9999999.)
- -uw 1|0
This option is used to define a storage unit as write once, read many (WORM). If this option is set, the images that are written to the storage until are WORM locked. The default value for this option is 0. Once -uw is set to 1, defining the storage unit for WORM, it cannot be reverted. You must delete the storage unit and create it again with -uw 0.
- -verbose
Select verbose mode for logging. This option is meaningful only when it runs with debug log function on (that is, when the following directory is defined):
UNIX systems: /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/admin
Windows systems: install_path\NetBackup\logs\admin
Example 1 - Create a new storage unit, named hatunit. Its storage unit type is Disk.
On UNIX systems, the path for the storage unit is /tmp/hatdisk
On Windows systems, the path for the storage unit is C:\tmp\hatdisk
UNIX systems:
# bpstuadd -label hatunit -path /tmp/hatdisk -verbose
Windows systems:
# bpstuadd -label hatunit -path C:\tmp\hatdisk -verbose <2>bpstuadd: INITIATING: NetBackup 8.0 created: 0 <2>bpstuadd: EXIT status = 0.
Example 2 - Create a storage unit by using a UNIX server, which has not been configured previously in NetBackup:
The following example refers to remote media servers and applies only to NetBackup Enterprise Server. NetBackup Server supports only a master server, not remote media servers.
# bpstuadd -label parrot_stu -host parrot -density dlt -rt TLD -rn 2
Remote media server parrot was added to the bp.conf
You must also install NetBackup and Media Manager on parrot and run the add_media_server_on_clients executable on the master server.
% grep parrot /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf SERVER = parrot
An exit status of zero (0) means that the command ran successfully.
Any exit status other than zero (0) means that an error occurred.
If the administrative log function is enabled, bpstuadd logs the exit status in the administrative daily log under the log directory:
UNIX systems:
Windows systems:
It has the following form:
# bpstuaddnew: EXIT status = exit status
If an error occurred, a diagnostic precedes this message.
UNIX systems:
Windows systems:
EMM database