NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
bpplsched — add, delete, or list NetBackup schedules
[-v] [-M master_server,...] [-L | -l | -U] [-label sched_label] [[SLP_Internal_Policy] -slpwindow]
policy_name [-v] [-M master_server,...] -delete sched_label,... [-generation generation] [-reason "string"] [[SLP_Internal_Policy] -slpwindow]
policy_name [-v] [-M master_server,...] -deleteall [-generation generation] [-reason "string"] [[SLP_Internal_Policy] -slpwindow]]
policy_name [-v] [-M master_server,...] -add sched_label [-st sched_type] [-freq frequency] [-mpxmax mpx_factor] [-number_copies number] [-synthetic 0|1] [-pfi_fast_recovery 0|1] [-rl retention_level [,rl_copy,...]] [-residence storage_unit_label [,stunit_copy,...]] [-pool volume_pool_label [,pool_copy,...] [-res_is_stl 0|1] [-fail_on_error 0|1[,0|1,...,0|1]] [-sg share_group [,share_copy,...] [-window start duration] [-cal 0|1|2] [-ut] [-incl mm/dd/yyyy] [-excl mm/dd/yyyy] [-weekday day_name week [day_name week]...] [-dayomonth 1-31 [1-31]... | l] [-xweekday day_name week [day_name week]...] [-xdayomonth 1-31 [1-31]... | l] [-generation generation] [-reason "string"] [[SLP_Internal_Policy] -slpwindow]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
bpplsched does one of the following:
Add a new schedule to a policy.
Delete one or more schedules from a policy.
List one or all schedules in a policy.
Veritas recommends that users do not modify or delete automanaged policies.
If the user modifies the policy, they must make sure that the policy continues to meet the service level objective as defined by the protection plan.
If the user deletes the policy, they must make sure that the asset is added to another protection plan that meets the service level objective.
For the -add and -delete options, bpplsched returns to the system prompt immediately after it submits the schedule change request to NetBackup. To determine whether the change was successful, run bpplsched again to list the updated schedule information.
The -slpwindow option lets you set up a schedule for a storage lifecycle policy (SLP) that is based on a time window and only supports start time and end time. You must use the predefined policy name SLP_Internal_Policy, and the schedule type must be UBAK (User Backup).
When the listing option is used, a single entry for each schedule appears even if the -M option is used. The -l form lists the following information for each schedule:
Field 1 - Schedule name for the specified policy.
Field 2 - Backup type for the schedule. 0 = Full schedule, 1 = Differential incremental schedule, 2 = User backup schedule, 3 = User archive schedule, 4 = Cumulative incremental schedule.
Field 3 - Number of multiplexing copies to run. Valid values are 1-32.
Field 4 - Frequency of the schedule in seconds. Valid values are 1-2147040000 (3550 weeks).
Field 5 - Retention level of the schedule. All retention levels except 9 and 25 are user editable. Valid values are 0-100. See the -rl retention_level option description for a complete list of default values and their retention levels.
If you run this command on a pre-NetBackup 8.0 media server, the output only displays the retention levels between 0 and 24.
Field 6 - u_wind/o/d. Reserved for future use.
Fields 7-8 - Reserved for future use.
Field 9 - Alternate read server.
Field 10 - Maximum fragment size in megabytes.
Field 11 - Calendar. 0 = Schedule is frequency-based, 1 = Schedule is calendar-based with no retries, 2 = Schedule is calendar-based with retries.
Field 12 - Number of copies that are configured for a backup. Valid values are 2-4.
Field 13 - Fail on error setting for each copy.
Field 14 - Synthetic backup. 0 = no, 1 = yes.
Field 15 - PFI fast recover enable. 0 = no, 1 = yes.
Field 16 - Priority of migration job.
Field 17 - Storage service (lifecycle) used for residence. 0 = no, 1 = yes.
Field 18 - Checksum change detection enable. 0 = no, 1 = yes.
If schedule type is CALENDAR, this field indicates whether retries are allowed after run day. 0 = no, 1 = yes
Exclude calendar dates in Epoch time.
Example: To exclude dates of 06/04/2013, 06/07/2013 and 06/18/2013 (all at 05:00:00 GMT) is shown as follows:
SCHEDCALEDATES 1346734800 1346994000 1347944400
Include calendar days of week in day-week format, where day is 1-7 (Sunday is 1) and week is week number of the month.
Example: To include days of the week Sunday, Week 1; Tuesday, Week 1; Wednesday, Week 4 is shown as follows:
Exclude calendar dates in Epoch time. Example: To exclude dates of 09/04/2012, 09/07/2012 and 09/18/2012 (all at 05:00:00 GMT) is shown as follows:
SCHEDCALEDATES 1346734800 1346994000 1347944400
Field 1 - Media share group (media owner), a value pair for each copy
Field 1 - Policy data classification. platinum = highest classification, gold = 2nd highest, silver = 3rd highest, bronze = lowest rank
Seven pairs of the form start,duration, which expresses the start and duration of the window for each day of the week. The starting day is Sunday. Start value is the number of seconds past midnight. Duration is the number of seconds past start.
Residence or storage unit, a value pair for each copy (storage_unit storage_unit). Example: 2 copies are specified, with copy 1 going to
, and copy 2 going tostu_advdisk_myhost2
:SCHEDRES stu_msdp_myhost1 stu_advdisk_myhost2 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL*
Pool, a value pair for each copy (volume_pool_name volume_pool_name). Example: 2 copies are specified, with copy 1 going to pool
, and copy 2 going to poolMediaPool_1
:SCHEDRES NetBackup MediaPool_1 *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL*
Retention level of the schedule. All retention levels except 9 and 25 are user editable. Valid values are 0-100. See the -rl retention_level option description for a complete list of default values and their retention levels.
If you run this command on a pre-NetBackup 8.0 media server, the output only displays the retention levels between 0 and 24.
Fail on error. A value pair for each copy. 0 = continue, 1 = fail all copies
Share group (media owner), a value pair for each copy. Example: Copies are defined, the first copy having a share group of NONE, the second copy have a share group of ANY.
If the -M option is used, bpplsched performs the operation on each of the master servers that are listed. For instance, if bpplsched adds a schedule, bpplsched adds the schedule to the policy on each of the master servers that is listed for -M. If -M is used on a listing request, the listing is composed of returned information from all of the master servers in the -M list. If the command fails for any of the master servers, activity stops at that point.
To modify an existing NetBackup schedule, use the NetBackup command bpplschedrep.
Authorized users can initiate this command.
For more about NetBackup authorization, see the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
These options are common to all forms of bpplsched:
- policy_name
The name of the policy that contains the schedules. The policy must exist before you run this command. This option is required, and must be the first one on the command line.
- -M master_server,...
A list of alternative master servers. This list is a comma-separated list of host names. If this option is present, each master server in the list runs the bpplsched command. Each master server in the list must allow access by the system that issues the bpplsched command.
If this option is present, the command is run on each master server in the list. If an error occurs for any master server, the process terminates at that point.
If bpplsched produces a listing, the listing is the composite of the returned information from all the master servers in this list.
If bpplsched adds or deletes a schedule, all master servers in this list receive the change.
- -v
Selects the verbose mode. This option causes bpplsched to log additional information for debugging purposes. The information goes into the NetBackup administration debug log. This option is meaningful only when NetBackup enables the debug log function (that is, when the following directory is defined):
Windows systems:
UNIX systems:
The remaining options depend on the form of bpplsched. The first form of bpplsched adds a schedule to the named policy. The following options apply to this form of bpplsched:
- -add sched_label [suboptions]
Add a single schedule to the named policy.
The sub-options for the -add option are explained later in this description. These are attributes of the schedule being added.
For more about schedules and their attributes, see the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I.
- -cal 0 | 1 | 2
Indicates whether bpplsched follows a calendar-based schedule or a frequency-based schedule.
0 = frequency-based schedule
1 = calendar-based schedule with no retries after run day
2 = calendar-based schedule with retries after run day
- -dayomonth 1-31 [1-31]... | l
Specifies the day or days of every month to run the schedule. Enter l (lowercase L) to run the last day of every month, whether the month contains 28, 29, 30, or 31 days.
For example, to run the policy backup on the 14th day and the 28th day of every month, enter the following:
-dayomonth 14 28
To run the last day of every month, enter:
-dayomonth l
- -excl mm/dd/yyyy
Indicates to exclude this single date.
- -fail_on_error 0|1[,0|1,...,0|1]
Specifies whether to fail all other copies if one copy fails. If no parameter is specified, 0 is default for all copies. Specify a value for each copy.
0 = Do not fail the other copies
1 = Fail other copies
- -freq frequency
Determines how often backups run. Represents the number of seconds between the backups that are initiated according to this schedule. When it is omitted on the command line, the default value is 604800 (duration of one week in seconds). This option is not valid if a deployment schedule is specified (-st [precheck|stage|install]).
- -generation generation
Ensures that the command acts on a specific generation or version of a policy. The generation value increments each time a policy is saved. Use bpplinfo or bppllist to list the current generation value. If no generation is indicated, the command acts on the current version.
- -incl mm/dd/yyyy
Indicates to include this single date.
- -mpxmax mpx_factor
The maximum number of jobs for this schedule that NetBackup multiplexes on any one drive. mpx_factor is an integer that can range from 1 through 8 for NetBackup Server and 1 through 32 for NetBackup Enterprise Server. A value of one (1) means that backups for this schedule are not multiplexed. The default is no multiplexing.
- -number_copies number
Specify the number of simultaneous backup copies. The valid value range is 1-4. The default is 1.
- -pfi_fast_recovery 0|1
Enables the user to turn on the feature to retain snapshots for instant recovery. The default value is 0, which means this feature is disabled. A value of 1, enables this feature.
- -pool volume_pool_label[,pool-copy,...]
The name of the volume pool. This choice overrides the policy-level volume pool. If you enter "*NULL*", NetBackup uses the volume pool that is specified at the policy level. The default is to use the volume pool that is specified at the policy level. The volume pool label cannot be None. If you do not specify a volume pool at either the schedule level or the policy level, NetBackup uses a default value of NetBackup.
When you specify -number_copies greater than 1, specify a pool for each copy. If the storage unit is a disk enter "*NULL" for that copy.
- -reason "string"
Indicates the reason why you choose this command action. The reason text string that you enter is captured and appears in the audit report. Enclose this string with double quotes ("..."). The string must not exceed 512 characters. It cannot begin with a dash character (-) nor contain a single quotation mark (').
- -res_is_stl
Identifies that the data in the storage unit is storage lifecycle.
- -residence storage_unit_label[,stunit-copy,...]
The name of the storage unit, which specifies the location of the backup images. The value "*NULL*" causes NetBackup to use the storage unit that is specified at the policy level. The default is for NetBackup to use the storage unit that is specified at the policy level. If you do not specify a storage unit at either the schedule level or the policy level, NetBackup uses the next storage unit available.
When you specify -number_copies greater than 1, specify a residence for each copy.
- -rl retention_level[,rl-copy,...]
The retention level determines how long to retain backups and archives. The retention_level is an integer between 0 and 100. The default retention level is 1. Valid retention levels and their corresponding default retention times are listed later in this description.
If you run this command on a pre-NetBackup 8.0 media server, you can only specify a retention level between 0 and 24.
When you specify -number_copies greater than 1, specify a retention level for each copy.
You can change the retention period that is associated with each level by using the NetBackup administration interface. Therefore, your configuration may have different values for each level than those shown here. Use the NetBackup administration interface to determine the actual retention periods before you make any changes with this command.
Otherwise, backups can expire sooner than you expect, which results in loss of data.
0 (one week)
1 (2 weeks)
2 (3 weeks)
3 (1 month)
4 (2 months)
5 (3 months)
6 (6 months)
7 (9 months)
8 (1 year)
9-100 (infinite, except 25 which is expire immediately)
- -sg share_group [,share_copy,...]
Specifies the share group(s) for the schedule. Do not use this option if the schedule resides on a disk storage unit. If *NONE* is specified, the writing media server owns the media that this policy writes. If *ANY* is specified, EMM chooses the media owner. *ANY* is the default value. Otherwise, the named share group owns the media. Specify a share group for each copy to display the configured share groups. Enter the following:
UNIX systems:
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbsvrgrp -list -summary
Windows systems:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbsvrgrp -list -summary
- [SLP_Internal_Policy] -slpwindow
Adds, deletes, or lists time windows for an SLP_Internal_Policy. You can perform this action in the following two ways:
bpplsched -slpwindow
bpplsched SLP_Internal_Policy -slpwindow
- -st sched_type
The type of the schedule. The default schedule type is FULL. The following list contains the possible values for this attribute with their meanings:
FULL - full
INCR - differential incremental
CINC - cumulative incremental
TLOG - transaction log
UBAK - user backup
UARC - user archive
precheck - Runs the NetBackup preinstall environment checker. You can only use this option with the Deployment policy type.
stage - Moves a package to the client, but does not install it. Also performs the precheck operation. You can only use this option with the Deployment policy type.
install - Installs the specified package. Also performs the precheck and stage operations. If you already performed the stage operation, the install command does not move the package again. You can only use this option with the Deployment policy type.
- -synthetic 0|1
Enables the user to determine which schedule occurs. A value of zero (0)means that the schedule is a real (non-synthetic) backup schedule. (0 is the default.) A value of one (1) means that the schedule is a synthetic backup schedule.
- -ut
If any of the date or the time arguments follow -ut, they are accepted as UNIX time, instead of the standard time format. The -ut option is used primarily for Java.
- -weekday day_name week [day_name week]...
Specifies a day of the week, and the week of the month, as a run day in the schedule.
The day_name is: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.
The week is the number of the week in the month. A week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. Valid values are 1-5.
For example, to instruct the policy to run every Sunday of the month, enter:
-weekday Sunday 1 Sunday 2 Sunday 3 Sunday 4 Sunday 5
- -window start duration
Specifies when NetBackup can run the backups for this schedule. Every day of the week has the same window. This option is not valid if a deployment schedule is specified (-st [precheck|stage|install]).
start is the time at which the backup window opens for this schedule. This time is the number of seconds since midnight. This number is an integer between 0 and 86399 (86400 seconds in a day).
duration is the length of time that the window remains open. The time unit is seconds. This unit is a non-negative integer.
- -xdayomonth 1-31 [1-31]... | l
Specifies the day or days of the month that you want to exclude as run days in the schedule. Use l (lowercase L) to indicate the last day of the month.
For example, to instruct the policy to not run on the 14th and 15th of the month, enter:
-xdayomonth 14 15
- -xweekday day_name week [day_name week]...
Specifies the day of the week and week of the month, to exclude as a run day in the schedule.
The day_name is: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.
The week is the number of the week in the month. Valid values are 1-5.
For example, to instruct the policy to not run on the first and the third Mondays of the month, enter:
-xweekday Monday 1 Monday 3
The second form of bpplsched deletes one or more schedules from the named policy. The following option applies to this form of bpplsched:
- -delete sched_label
Delete the listed schedules from the named policy Separate the elements of the sched_label list with spaces. There can be up to 25 labels in the list.
The third form of bpplsched deletes all schedule from the named policy. The following option applies to this form of bpplsched:
- -deleteall
Delete all schedules from the named policy.
The fourth form of bpplsched produces a listing of information about the schedules for the named policy. The following options apply to this form of bpplsched:
- -l
The list type is short (the default list type). This option produces a terse listing that includes all attributes for the schedule. Each schedule occupies one line of the listing. Most attribute values are expressed numerically. This option is useful for scripts or the programs that rework the listing contents into a customized report format.
- -L
The list type is long. This listing includes all attributes for the schedule. Some attribute values are descriptive terms, rather than numbers.
- -label sched_label
List the attributes for this schedule in the named policy. The default is to list information for all schedules for the named policy.
- -U
The list type is user. This listing is similar to the long-type list, but it has fewer entries. Most attribute values are descriptive terms, rather than numbers.
Example 1 - List the information for schedule user within policy tstpolicy in two different ways. The first display is in long mode. The second is in User mode, which shows fewer entries than the Long mode display.
# bpplsched tstpolicy -L -label user Schedule: user Type: UBAK (2) Frequency: 1 day(s) (86400 seconds) Retention Level: 0 (1 week) u-wind/o/d: 0 0 Incr Type: DELTA (0)) Incr Depends: (none defined) Max Frag Size:0 MB (1048576 MB) Maximum MPX: 1 Number copies:1 Fail on Error:0 Residence: (specific storage unit not required) Volume Pool: (same as policy volume pool) Daily Windows: Day Open Close W-Open W-Close Sunday 000:00:00 024:00:00 000:00:00 024:00:00 Monday 000:00:00 024:00:00 024:00:00 048:00:00 Tuesday 000:00:00 024:00:00 048:00:00 072:00:00 Wednesday 000:00:00 024:00:00 072:00:00 096:00:00 Thursday 000:00:00 024:00:00 096:00:00 120:00:00 Friday 000:00:00 024:00:00 120:00:00 144:00:00 Saturday 000:00:00 024:00:00 144:00:00 168:00:00 # bpplsched tstpolicy -U -label user Schedule: user Type: User Backup Retention Level: 0 (1 week) Maximum MPX: 1 Number copies:1 Fail on Error:0 Residence: (specific storage unit not required) Volume Pool: (same as policy volume pool) Daily Windows: Sunday 00:00:00 --> Sunday 24:00:00 Monday 00:00:00 --> Monday 24:00:00 Tuesday 00:00:00 --> Tuesday 24:00:00 Wednesday 00:00:00 --> Wednesday 24:00:00 Thursday 00:00:00 --> Thursday 24:00:00 Friday 00:00:00 --> Friday 24:00:00 Saturday 00:00:00 --> Saturday 24:00:00
Example 2 - While in operation on the system hatt
, list information for the schedule named full in policy tstpolicy, as defined on the master server beaver:
# bpplsched tstpolicy -M beaver -L -label full Schedule: full Type: FULL (0) Frequency: 0+ day(s) (14400 seconds) Retention Level: 0 (1 week) u-wind/o/d: 0 0 Incr Type: DELTA (0) Incr Depends: (none defined) Max Frag Size: 0 MB (1048576 MB) Maximum MPX: 1 Number copies:1 Fail on Error:0 Residence: (specific storage unit not required) Volume Pool: (same as policy volume pool) Daily Windows: Day Open Close W-Open W-Close Sunday 000:00:00 024:00:00 000:00:00 024:00:00 Monday 000:00:00 024:00:00 024:00:00 048:00:00 Tuesday 000:00:00 024:00:00 048:00:00 072:00:00 Wednesday 000:00:00 024:00:00 072:00:00 096:00:00 Thursday 000:00:00 024:00:00 096:00:00 120:00:00 Friday 000:00:00 024:00:00 120:00:00 144:00:00 Saturday 000:00:00 024:00:00 144:00:00 168:00:00
Example 3 - Add new schedule full_2
to the policy tstpolicy on beaver
, then list the new schedule in long mode (-L). These commands run on the system hatt.
# bpplsched tstpolicy -M beaver -add full_2 # bpplsched tstpolicy -M beaver -label full_2 -L Schedule: full_2 Type: FULL (0) Frequency: 7 day(s) (604800 seconds) Retention Level: 1 (2 weeks) u-wind/o/d: 0 0 Incr Type: DELTA (0) Incr Depends: (none defined) Max Frag Size: 0 MB (1048576 MB) Maximum MPX: 1 Number copies:1 Fail on Error:0 Residence: (specific storage unit not required) Volume Pool: (same as policy volume pool) Daily Windows: Day Open Close W-Open W-Close Sunday 000:00:00 000:00:00 Monday 000:00:00 000:00:00 Tuesday 000:00:00 000:00:00 Wednesday 000:00:00 000:00:00 Thursday 000:00:00 000:00:00 Friday 000:00:00 000:00:00 Saturday 000:00:00 000:00:00
Example 4 - Delete the specified schedules from policy tstpolicy:
# bpplsched tstpolicy -delete full_3 user user_2 user_3
Example 5 - List the schedule information for policy tstpolicy:
# bpplsched tstpolicy -L Schedule: full Type: FULL (0) Frequency: 1 day(s) (86400 seconds) Retention Level: 0 (1 week) u-wind/o/d: 0 0 Incr Type: DELTA (0) Incr Depends: (none defined) Max Frag Size: 0 MB (1048576 MB) Maximum MPX: 1 Number copies:1 Fail on Error:0 Residence: (specific storage unit not required) Volume Pool: (same as policy volume pool) Daily Windows: Day Open Close W-Open W-Close Sunday 000:00:00 024:00:00 000:00:00 024:00:00 Monday 000:00:00 024:00:00 024:00:00 048:00:00 Tuesday 000:00:00 024:00:00 048:00:00 072:00:00 Wednesday 000:00:00 024:00:00 072:00:00 096:00:00 Thursday 000:00:00 024:00:00 096:00:00 120:00:00 Friday 000:00:00 024:00:00 120:00:00 144:00:00 Saturday 000:00:00 024:00:00 144:00:00 168:00:00 Schedule: user Type: UBAK (2) Frequency: 1 day(s) (86400 seconds) Retention Level: 0 (1 week) u-wind/o/d: 0 0 Incr Type: DELTA (0) Incr Depends: (none defined) Max Frag Size: 0 MB (1048576 MB) Maximum MPX: 1 Number copies:1 Fail on Error:0 Residence: (specific storage unit not required) Volume Pool: (same as policy volume pool) Daily Windows: Day Open Close W-Open W-Close Sunday 000:00:00 024:00:00 000:00:00 024:00:00 Monday 000:00:00 024:00:00 024:00:00 048:00:00 Tuesday 000:00:00 024:00:00 048:00:00 072:00:00 Wednesday 000:00:00 024:00:00 072:00:00 096:00:00 Thursday 000:00:00 024:00:00 096:00:00 120:00:00 Friday 000:00:00 024:00:00 120:00:00 144:00:00 Saturday 000:00:00 024:00:00 144:00:00 168:00:00
Example 6 - Add a new schedule, full, with a window from 11 P.M. to midnight. The second bpplsched lists the information for schedule full:
# bpplsched elevenpm -add full -window 82800 3600 bpplsched elevenpm -U -label full Schedule: FULL (0) Type: Full Backup Frequency: every 7 days (604800 seconds) Retention Level: 1 (2 weeks) Maximum MPX: 1 Number copies:1 Fail on Error:0 Residence: (specific storage unit not required) Volume Pool: (same as policy volume pool) Daily Windows: Sunday 23:00:00 --> Sunday 24:00:00 Monday 23:00:00 --> Monday 24:00:00 Tuesday 23:00:00 --> Tuesday 24:00:00 Wednesday 23:00:00 --> Wednesday 24:00:00 Thursday 23:00:00 --> Thursday 24:00:00 Friday 23:00:00 --> Friday 24:00:00 Saturday 23:00:00 --> Saturday 24:00:00
Example 7 - Add an SLP schedule called dup_tape1
with a window open from 6:00 to 10:00 a.m. Use the predefined policy name SLP_Internal_Policy
and the UBAK schedule type. This window has no properties.
# bpplsched SLP_Internal_Policy -add dup_tape1 -window 21600 14400 -st UBAK -slpwindow
Example 8 - List the SLP windows that were created for your system. The output lists all the attributes for the two schedules.
# bpplsched -slpwindow -L Schedule: Default_24x7_Window Type: UBAK (2) Frequency: 7 day(s) (604800 seconds) Excluded Dates---------- No specific exclude dates entered No exclude days of week entered Retention Level: 0 (1 hour) u-wind/o/d: 0 0 Incr Type: DELTA (0) Alt Read Host: (none defined) Max Frag Size: 0 MB PFI Recovery: 0 Maximum MPX: 1 Number Copies: 1 Fail on Error: 0 Residence: (specific storage unit not required) Volume Pool: (same as policy volume pool) Server Group: (same as specified for policy) Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy: 0 Daily Windows: Day Open Close W-Open W-Close Sunday 000:00:00 024:00:00 000:00:00 024:00:00 Monday 000:00:00 024:00:00 024:00:00 048:00:00 Tuesday 000:00:00 024:00:00 048:00:00 072:00:00 Wednesday 000:00:00 024:00:00 072:00:00 096:00:00 Thursday 000:00:00 024:00:00 096:00:00 120:00:00 Friday 000:00:00 024:00:00 120:00:00 144:00:00 Saturday 000:00:00 024:00:00 144:00:00 168:00:00 Schedule: Overnight Type: UBAK (2) Frequency: 7 day(s) (604800 seconds) Excluded Dates---------- No specific exclude dates entered No exclude days of week entered Retention Level: 0 (1 hour) u-wind/o/d: 0 0 Incr Type: DELTA (0) Alt Read Host: (none defined) Max Frag Size: 0 MB PFI Recovery: 0 Maximum MPX: 1 Number Copies: 1 Fail on Error: 0 Residence: (specific storage unit not required) Volume Pool: (same as policy volume pool) Server Group: (same as specified for policy) Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy: 0 Daily Windows: Day Open Close W-Open W-Close Sunday 020:00:00 030:00:00 020:00:00 030:00:00 Monday 020:00:00 030:00:00 044:00:00 054:00:00 Tuesday 020:00:00 030:00:00 068:00:00 078:00:00 Wednesday 020:00:00 030:00:00 092:00:00 102:00:00 Thursday 020:00:00 030:00:00 116:00:00 126:00:00 Friday 020:00:00 030:00:00 140:00:00 150:00:00 Saturday 020:00:00 030:00:00 164:00:00 174:00:00 006:00:00
UNIX systems:
/usr/openv/netbackup/logs/admin/* /usr/openv/netbackup/db/policy/policy_name/schedule
Windows systems:
install_path\NetBackup\logs\admin\* install_path\NetBackup\db\policy\policy_name\schedule
See bpplschedrep.