NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
tpconfig — run tape configuration utility
UNIX systems:
-d | -dl | -l
UNIX systems:
-add -drive -type drvtype -path drivepath [-nh ndmp_hostname] [-asciiname asciidrivename] [-index drvindex]] [-shared [yes|no]] [-cleanfreq hours] [-comment comment] [-drstatus UP | DOWN | DISABLED] [-scsi_protection [SPR | SR | NONE] [-robot robnum -robtype robtype] [-noverify] [-robdrnum robdrvnum | -VendorDrvName venddrvname | -ACS acsnum -LSM lsmnum -PANEL panelnum -DRIVE drivenum] [000-preview]
Windows systems:
-add -drive -type drvtype -port port -bus bus -target target -lun lun [-asciiname asciidrivename] [-index drvindex]] [-shared [yes|no]] [-cleanfreq hours] [-comment comment] [-drstatus [UP | DOWN | DISABLED]] [-scsi_protection [SPR | SR | NONE]] [-robot robnum -robtype robtype] [-noverify] [-robdrnum robdrvnum | -VendorDrvName vendor_drive_name] [-ACS acsnum -LSM lsmnum -PANEL panelnum -DRIVE drivenum] [preview]
UNIX systems:
-update -drive drvindex [-type drvtype] [-path drivepath] [-nh ndmp_hostname] [-noverify] [-newasciiname asciidrivename]] [-shared [yes|no]] [-cleanfreq hours] [-comment comment] [-drstatus [UP|DOWN|DISABLED]] [-robot robnum -robtype robtype] [-robdrnum robdrvnum | -VendorDrvName venddrvname | -ACS acsnum -LSM lsmnum -PANEL panelnum -DRIVE drivenum]
Windows systems:
-update -drive drvindex [-type drvtype] [-port port -bus bus -target target -lun lun ] [-nh ndmp_hostname -path drivepath] [-noverify] [-newasciiname asciidrivename]] [-shared [yes|no]] [-cleanfreq hours] [-comment comment] [-drstatus [UP|DOWN|DISABLED]] [-robot robnum -robtype robtype] [-robdrnum robdrvnum | -VendorDrvName vendor_drive_name] [-ACS acsnum -LSM lsmnum -PANEL panelnum -DRIVE drivenum]
-delete -drive drvindex
-multiple_delete -drive drvindex1:...:drvindexN
-add -disk_array array_hostname -disk_user_id user_ID -arraytype_name "name:displayname" -requiredport IP_port_number [-password password [-key encryption_key]]
-update -disk_array array_hostname -disk_user_id user_ID -requiredport IP_port_number [-arraytype_name "name:displayname"] [-password password [-key encryption_key]]
-delete -disk_array array_hostname -disk_user_id user_ID [-arraytype_name "name:displayname"]
-list_array_types [media_server]
UNIX systems:
-add -robot robnum -robtype robtype -robpath devfile [-nh ndmp_hostname]
Windows systems:
-add -robot robnum -robtype robtype -port port -bus bus -target target -lun lun
Windows systems:
-add -robot robnum -robtype robtype [-nh ndmp_hostname] -robpath changername [-bus bus -target target -lun lun]
-add -robot robnum -robtype robtype -cntlhost cntlhost
UNIX systems:
-update -robot robnum [-robtype robtype] [-robpath devfile] [-cntlhost cntlhost]
Windows systems:
-update -robot robnum [-robtype robtype] [-port port -bus bus -target target -lun lun | -cntlhost cntlhost]
-update -robot robnum [-robtype robtype] [-robpath devfile] [-nh ndmp_hostname] [-bus bus] [-target target] [-lun lun]
-update -robot robnum [-robtype robtype]
-delete -robot robnum
-multiple_delete -robot robnum1:...:robnumN
-add -drpath -path drivepath [-nh ndmp_hostname] -asciiname asciidrivename [-drstatus [UP|DOWN|DISABLED]] [-noverify]
UNIX systems:
-update -drpath -old_path drivepath -path drivepath [-nh ndmp_hostname] -asciiname asciidrivename [-drstatus [UP|DOWN|DISABLED]] [-scsi_protection SPR|SR|DEFAULT] [-noverify]
Windows systems:
-update -drpath -old_port port -old_bus bus -old_target target -old_lun lun -port port -bus bus -target target -lun lun -asciiname asciidrvname [-drstatus [UP|DOWN|DISABLED]] [-noverify]
UNIX systems:
-delete -drpath -path drivepath -asciiname asciidrivename [-nh ndmp_hostname]
Windows systems:
-delete -drpath -port port -bus bus -target target -lun lun | -path drivepath [-nh ndmp_hostname] -asciiname asciidrvname
-dnh -all_hosts
-add -nh ndmp_hostname
-add -nh ndmp_hostname -user_id | -filer_user_id user ID [-password password [-key encryption_key]] -snap_vault_filer
-update -nh ndmp_hostname -user_id | -filer_user_id user ID [[-password password [-key encryption_key]]
-delete -nh ndmp_hostname -user_id | -filer_user_id user ID
-multiple_delete -nh ndmp_hostname_1: ... :ndmp_hostname_N
-add -default_user_id user ID [-password password [-key encryption_key]]
-update -default_user_id user ID [-password password [-key encryption_key]]
-delete -default_user_id
-add | -update -disk_array disk_array_host_name -disk_user_id user_ID -arraytype disk_array_type -requiredport IP_port_number [-password password [-key encryption_key]]
tpconfig -delete -disk_array disk_array_host_name -disk_user_id user_ID [-arraytype disk_array_type]
tpconfig -ddiskarrays
-add | -update -virtual_machine virtual_machine_name -vm_user_id user_id -vm_type virtual_machine_type -requiredport IP_port_number [-password password [-key encryption_key]]
-delete -virtual_machine virtual_machine_name -vm_user_id user_id [-vm_type virtual_machine_type]
-add -storage_server server_name -stype server_type -sts_user_id user_ID [-password password] [-st storage_type]
-update -storage_server server_name -stype server_type -sts_user_id user_ID [-password password]
-delete -storage_server server_name -stype server_type -sts_user_id user_ID
-dsh [-stype server_type]
-dsh -all_hosts
-dev_ping [-drive -path drivepath | -robpath robotpath] [-nh ndmp_hostname]
Windows systems:
-dev_ping [-drive] -port port -bus bus -target target -lun lun
-emm_dev_list [-noverbose]
-add -application_server application_server_name [-application_server_user_id user_ID] -application_type application_type -requiredport IP_port_number [-password password [-key encryption_key]] [-host_user_id host user ID] [-host_password hostpassword] [-host_RSA_key host RSA key]
-update -application_server application_server_name [-application_server_user_id user_ID] -application_type application_type -requiredport IP_port_number [-password password [-key encryption_key]] [-host_user_id host user ID] [-host_password hostpassword] [-host_RSA_key host RSA key]
-delete -application_server application_server_name [-application_server_user_id user_ID] -application_type application_type -requiredport IP_port_number [-password password [-key encryption_key]]
-add_plugin -snapshot_manager server_name -plugin_id netbackup_plugin_ID -plugin_type snapshot_manager_plugin_type
-modify_plugin -snapshot_manager server_name -plugin_id netbackup_plugin_ID -plugin_type snapshot_manager_plugin_type
-list_plugins --snapshot_manager server_name
-discover_plugin -snapshot_manager snapshot_manager_name -plugin_id netbackup_plugin_ID
-add -snapshot_manager snapshot_manager_name -snapshot_manager_user_id user_ID -manage_workload manage_workload [-requiredport IP_port_number] [-security_token security_token]
- update - snapshot_manager snapshot_manager_name -snapshot_manager_user_id snapshot_manager_user_id -manage_workload manage_workload [-requiredport IP_port_number] [-security_token security_token]
-snapshot_manager snapshot_manager_name [-delete_media_server media_server]
{-dsnapshotmanagers | -dmediaservers} [-snapshot_manager snapshot_manager_name
-dsnapshotmanagers [-manage_workload manage_workload]
-reset_password -snapshot_manager snapshot_manager_name -snapshot_manager_user_id user_ID
-refresh [-snapshot_manager snapshot_manager_name]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\Volmgr\bin\
tpconfig configures robots, drives, drive arrays, drive paths, and hosts for use with NetBackup.
On UNIX systems, tpconfig [-noverify] starts the media management and device management utility. This menu-based utility creates and modifies devices in the EMM database. The EMM database identifies the robotics and drives that are under control of ltid (the Media Manager device daemon). ltid uses this database to correlate drives in the operator's drive status display to the device files in the /dev directory.
For example, assume that you want to configure a drive that the system recognizes as an 8-mm type drive. Look in the /dev directory and locate the no rewind on close device path for an 8-mm type drive. Then specify this device path for the drive. tpconfig then records the device path in the appropriate device database.
After you use tpconfig to change your device configuration, use stopltid to stop the ltid and avrd daemons (if they are running). Then use the ltid command to start the daemons again. See ltid for more information.
On Windows systems, when your device configuration changes are complete, stop and restart the NetBackup Device Manager service.
You must have administrator privileges to run this utility.
The following four options apply only to NetBackup Enterprise Server. They specify the configuration for ACS (Automated Cartridge System) robots.
- -ACS acsnum, -LSM lsmnum, -PANEL panelnum, -DRIVE drivenum
acsnum specifies the number for the robotic library as configured on the ACS library software host.
lsmnum specifies the Library Storage Module that has this drive.
panelnum specifies the robot panel where this drive is located.
drivenum specifies the number of this drive.
- -add
Adds a drive, a robot, a virtual machine, an application server, or Snapshot Manager, depending on the accompanying options.
- -add_media_server media_server
Add the media servers you want to associate with the Snapshot Manager for protecting cloud workloads. To associate multiple media servers, you must run the command multiple times. The media server must be on version 8.1.2 or later. If you do not associate a media server, the NetBackup master server is used.
- -all_hosts
Displays all hosts that have credentials on a media server.
- -add_plugin
Adds a Snapshot Manager plug-in to the Snapshot Manager that is configured with NetBackup.
- -application_server application_server_name
Specifies the host name of the application server.
- -application_server_user_id user_ID
Specifies the user name that is required to log into the application server.
- -application_type application_type
Specifies the type of the application server. You can also use values as specified by the third-party plug-in vendor. The example values for the application_type are:
- -arraytype_name "name:displayname"
Specifies the type of the disk array for which to add, update, or delete credentials.
The double quote marks (") are required only if name or displayname includes one or more spaces.
The disk array vendor provides the values for name:displayname. The name portion is a unique string used internally by NetBackup. The displayname portion is a more human-readable string that is used in NetBackup Administration Console displays and menus.
The values depend on the disk array vendor and the provider type that are used for the array, as follows:
For an array-specific provider, the format is as follows:
By default, NetBackup includes several array-specific providers, including (but not limited to) the following:
For the generic array provider, the format is as follows:
For example, OPENARRAY::HITACHI_HDS:Hitachi HDS DF Series.
To determine valid disk array type names, use the -list_array_types option.
Requires a Flexible Disk or Snapshot Client license.
- -asciiname asciidrivename
Specifies a name for the drive. This name identifies the drive to Media Manager. If you do not specify a drive name, Media Manager generates a name. If you add or update shared drives (Shared Storage Option), make this name as descriptive as possible.
- -bus bus
Specifies the SCSI bus number to which the robot or drive connects.
See the NetBackup Device Configuration Guide.
- -cleanfreq hours
Specifies the number of hours between drive cleanings. When you add a drive, NetBackup starts to record the amount of time that volumes are mounted in that drive.
If the drive is in a robot and a cleaning volume is defined in the robot, the cleaning occurs in the following situation: The accumulated mount time exceeds the time that you specify for the cleaning frequency. NetBackup resets the mount time when the drive is cleaned.
If the drive is standalone or a cleaning tape is not defined, the following message appears in the tpclean -L output comment field: NEEDS CLEANING. To clean the drive, use the tpclean command.
A frequency-based cleaning is not needed if TapeAlert is used.
- -snapshot_manager server_name
Specifies the host name of the Snapshot Manager.
- -snapshot_manager_user_id user_id
Configures the user name and password for the Snapshot Manager. Use this option with the -add, -update, or -delete command to specify the user name and password of the Snapshot Manager.
- -cntlhost cntlhost
This option is only applicable for NetBackup Enterprise Server.
For a robot whose robotic control is on another host, this option specifies the host that controls the robotic library.
This option applies only for the TLD robots that can have the robotic control on another host. It also applies to ACS robots.
For an ACS robot, specify the host name where the ACS library software is installed.
- -comment comment
Adds a comment about the drive. This field is useful for storing SCSI inquiry data so you can easily check the drive type and firmware level.
- -d
Lists the current configuration information. On UNIX systems, the listing is sent to stdout. This option may truncate drive names to 22 characters.
- -dappservers
Displays all configured application servers. For example, hadoop server or hbase server.
- -dsnapshotmanagers
Lists all the Snapshot Managers you have configured NetBackup.
- -ddiskarrays
Displays all configured disk arrays.
- -ddnh
Displays the default credentials on the media server.
- -default_user_id user_ID
Configures a user name and password for all media servers and NDMP host combinations under a given master server. You add a user name and password only once per filer. Use this option with the -add, -update, or -delete command to specify the user name and password.
- -delete
Deletes a drive, robot, or host credentials, depending on the accompanying options.
- -delete_media_server media_server
Delete a media server that is associated with a Snapshot Manager.
- -dev_ping
Retrieves the device information from a device.
- -discover_plugin
Initiates discovery of the specified plug-in on the Snapshot Manager that is configured with NetBackup.
- -disk_array array_hostname
Specifies the host name of the disk array. You can only use this option if the NetBackup Snapshot Client license is installed.
- -disk_user_id user_ID
Specifies the user name that NetBackup must use to communicate with a disk array. You can only use this option if the NetBackup Snapshot Client license is installed.
- -dl
Lists the current configuration information in long format. On UNIX systems, the listing is sent to
. Lists the full drive name.- -dmediaservers [-snapshot_manager snapshot_manager_name]
Displays all the media servers that are configured with a Snapshot Manager. If you do not provide the Snapshot Manager name, all the media servers that are configured with all the Snapshot Managers are displayed.
- -dnh
Displays the credentials on the NDMP host that is on the media server.
- -drive
Use this option with the -add option to specify that the action is for a drive.
- -drive drvindex
Specifies the drive index. Use this option with the -update, -delete, or the -multiple_delete command that specifies the action for a drive.
- -drpath
The drive path that is added, updated, or deleted.
- -drstatus UP|DOWN|DISABLED
Sets the initial status of the tape drive to the UP, DOWN, or DISABLED state. Discovered drive paths are enabled (UP) by default. An administrator or operator can disable or configure the drive path up/down. The user can also perform this action with options in the Device Management window.
A drive status of DISABLED means NetBackup stores the path but never to use it. In addition, if subsequent discoveries of this drive path occur, NetBackup does not configure it for use.
- -dsh
Displays the OpenStorage credentials for the specified server type (-stypeserver_type) or for all media servers (-all_hosts).
- -dvirtualmachines
Displays all configured virtual computers.
- -emm_dev_list [-noverbose]
Lists the complete tape device configuration as seen by the EMM database. This information includes all media servers, master server, NDMP hosts, and their credentials.
- -filer_user_id user ID
Configures a user name and password for all media servers that are connected to a filer. You add a user name and password only once per filer. Use this option with the -add, -update, or -delete command to specify the user name and password.
- -host_user_id host user ID
Enter the host's user ID for SSH implementation. Use this option only with relevant BigData workloads. For example, MongoDB needs this option, but these are not required for Hadoop.
- -host_password hostpassword
Enter the host's user password for SSH implementation. Use this option only with relevant BigData workloads. For example, MongoDB needs this option, but these are not required for Hadoop.
- -host_RSA_key host RSA key
Enter the RSA key fingerprint for SSH implementation. Use this option only with relevant BigData workloads. For example, MongoDB needs this option, but these are not required for Hadoop.
- -index drvindex
Specifies a drive index, a unique number that is used to identify the drive. When you add a drive, you are not required to supply a drive index, since Media Manager uses the next available drive index. Each drive on a particular host must have a unique index number.
- -key encryption_key
Creates an encrypted key so that encrypted credentials can be safely sent over the network. You should provide the obfuscated password for the -key option.
- -l
Lists the current device configuration (to stdout). On Windows systems, -l displays the Windows device paths in the {p,b,t,l} encoded form: p is the port, b is the bus, t is the target, and l is the LUN.
- -list_array_types [media_server]
Lists the disk array types for which you can add and manage credentials.
To restrict the output to the disk array types that are valid for a specific media server, specify that media server.
The command output is in a name:displayname format for each array type.
The disk array vendor provides the values for name:displayname. The name portion is a unique string used internally by NetBackup. The displayname portion is a more human-readable string that is used in NetBackup Administration Console displays and menus.
The values depend on the disk array vendor and the provider type that are used for the array, as follows:
For an array-specific provider, the format is as follows:
By default, NetBackup includes several array-specific providers, including (but not limited to) the following:
For the generic array provider, the format is as follows:
For example, OPENARRAY::HITACHI_HDS:Hitachi HDS DF Series.
- -list_supported_cloud_providers
Lists the integer that is associated with each cloud provider.
- -list_supported_plugins
Lists all the supported Snapshot Manager plug-ins for the Snapshot Manager that is configured with NetBackup.
- -list_plugins
List all the configured plug-ins with Snapshot Manager.
- -lun lun
Specifies the logical unit number (or SCSI ID) to which the robot or drive connects.
For more about device paths, see the NetBackup Device Configuration Guide.
- -manage_workload
Specifies if the Snapshot Manager is used for on-premises storage array management or in-cloud workloads. This option is required when you register a Snapshot Manager.
ONPREM specifies that the Snapshot Manager is used for on-premises storage array management.
CLOUD specifies that the Snapshot Manager is used for cloud management.
- -modify_plugin
Modifies the credentials of a Snapshot Manager plug-in that is added to the Snapshot Manager that is configured with NetBackup.
- -multiple_delete
Deletes multiple drives or robots, depending on the accompanying options.
- -newasciiname asciidrivename
Specifies a new name for the drive.
- -nh ndmp_hostname | puredisk_hostname
Specifies the host name of the NDMP server.
- -noverify
Drive paths are not verified. Normally, tpconfig verifies that the no rewind on close drive path has the correct minor number bits that relate to the following: No rewind, variable, Berkeley-style, and so on. This option may be helpful if you use non-standard platform device files, so make sure that your device files are correct.
- -old_bus bus
This option is used on Windows systems. It specifies the SCSI bus number that a user may want to add, upgrade, or delete.
- -old_lun lun
This option is used on Windows systems. It specifies the logical unit number (or SCSI ID) to which the robot or drive connects. You can find this information in the registry. Use this command to add, upgrade, or delete an existing logical unit number.
- -old_path drivepath
When this option is used with the -update command, you can change the path to one that already exists in the database. If the path does not exist, an error occurs.
- -old_port port
This option is used on Windows systems. It specifies an existing SCSI port number that a user may want to add, upgrade, or delete.
- -old_target target
This option is used on Windows systems. It specifies an existing target number (or SCSI ID) to which the robot or drive connects. Use this command to add, upgrade, or delete an existing target.
- -password password
Sets the password to log on to the NDMP,
, OpenStorage, virtual machine host, or an application server. The password length should not exceed 100 characters.- -path drivepath
Specifies the drive's device path on the media server or on the NDMP filer.
On Windows systems, the drive_path variable is a non-NDMP Windows device path for drives. Use it in the {p,b,t,l} format: p is the port, b is the bus, t is the target, and l is the LUN. This information is located in the registry.
- -plugin_id netbackup_plugin_ID
Specify a plug-in ID for NetBackup to associate with the cloud plug-in. The plug-in ID must be unique. The ID can contain only the letters and symbols shown:
A-Z, a-z
+, .,_,-
- -plugin_type snapshot_manager_plugin_type
Specify the Snapshot Manager plug-in type. You can use the tpconfig -list_supported_plugins command to get a list of all the Snapshot Manager supported plug-ins.
- -port port
Specifies the SCSI port number to which the robot or drive connects. You can find this information in the registry.
- -refresh
Refreshes the Snapshot Manager.
- -requiredport IP_port_number
Specifies the IP port number on which the disk array, a virtual machine, or an application server accepts a connection from NetBackup. The default port number for a Nutanix Acropolis Cluster is 9440. The default port number for Hadoop is HDFS NameNode HTTP UI. The provision to change this port number is available only through the command line interface. If you have configured the host-related parameters for a BigData workload, you must specify all the parameters if you want to update the required port.
- -reset_password
Resets the Snapshot Manager password.
- -robdrnum robdrvnum
Specifies the physical location (within the robot) of the drive. If you assign the wrong number, NetBackup does not detect it. An error eventually occurs because the robotic control tries to mount media on the wrong drive.
You can usually determine the physical location by checking the connectors to the drives or the vendor documentation.
- -robot robnum
A unique number that identifies the robot to NetBackup. You assign the robot number with the add option.
Robot numbers must be unique for all robots, regardless of the robot type or the host that controls them.
On NetBackup Enterprise Server, robot numbers must be unique for all robots that share the same EMM server (and use the same EMM database). This requirement applies regardless of the robot type or the host that controls them. For example, the same EMM server but different hosts control two TLD robots. If so, the robot numbers must be different.
- -robpath devfile
Specifies the robot's device path on the media server or on the NDMP filer.
On Windows systems, the drive_path variable is a non-NDMP Windows device path for drives. Use it in the {p,b,t,l} format: p is the port, b is the bus, t is the target, and l is the LUN. This information is located in the registry.
- -robtype robtype
Specifies the type of robot that you plan to configure and can be any of the types that NetBackup supports. Check the Support website to determine the robot type to specify for a particular model of robotic library.
Robot type can be any of the following for NetBackup Enterprise Server:
acs for Automated Cartridge System or tld for tape library DLT.
Robot type can be any of the following for NetBackup server:
tld for tape library DLT
- -scsi_protection SPR | SR | NONE
Specifies the access protection that NetBackup uses for SCSI tape drives.
SPR - SCSI Persistent Reserve In / Persistent Reserve Out
SR - SCSI Reserve/Release
NONE - No SCSI access protection
The default condition is SCSI Reserve/Release (SR).
- -security_token
Specifies either a standard or a reissue token.
This parameter is mandatory when the manage_workload option is CLOUD. When you add a Snapshot Manager with NetBackup security level as VERY HIGH, the value of security_token parameter must be standard token. When you update a Snapshot Manager, the value of security_token parameter must be reissue token of the Snapshot Manager host.
- -shared yes|no
Indicates that you want to add or update shared drives.
- -snap_vault_filer
The -snap_vault_filer flag is used with the NetApp P3 feature. Set this flag when the user name and password for that filer are stored. If not set, the user interfaces do not allow the user to add volumes on this filer. If you stash the user name and password without this flag, do the following: Decide if you want its functionality, do a tpconfig -delete operation, and then re-add it with the flag. This flag is used with the NetApp P3 feature when used in the following context:
tpconfig -add -user_id root -nh mmnetapp2-target target -snap_vault_filer
- -st storage_type
Specifies a numeric value that identifies the storage server properties. The storage vendor provides this value. Whether the disk is formatted and how it is attached are mutually exclusive and complementary.
The following are the possible values of storage_type:
Formatted disk = 1
Raw disk = 2
Direct attached = 4
Network attached = 8
The storage_type value is the sum of whether the disk is formatted or raw (1 or 2) and how the disk is attached (4 or 8). The default value is 9 (a network attached, formatted disk).
- -storage_server server_name
Specifies the host name of the storage server.
- -sts_user_id user_id
Specifies the user name that is needed to log into the storage server. If the storage server does not require logon credentials, enter dummy credentials.
You must remember these credentials. You need these credentials during disaster recovery of the storage server.
- -stype server_type
Specifies a string that identifies the storage server type. The server_type value can originate from one of the following sources:
Veritas provided storage. Possible values are AdvancedDisk and PureDisk.
Third-party disk appliances. The vendor supplies the server_type string.
Cloud storage. Use the csconfig cldprovider -l command to determine the possible stype values. The cloud stype values reflect the cloud storage provider. Cloud storage stype values can also incorporate a suffix (for example,
). Possible suffixes are:_raw: The NetBackup backup image is sent to the cloud in raw format. Use this option if you do not want to compress or encrypt data before sending to cloud storage.
_rawc: Compresses the data before it is written to the cloud storage.
: Encrypt the data using AES-256 encryption before writing the data to cloud storage. You must have KMS configured in NetBackup to use this option._cryptc: Compress and encrypt the data before writing to cloud storage.
The storage server type is case-sensitive.
- -target target
Specifies the target number (or SCSI ID) to which the robot or drive connects.
You can find this information in the registry (Windows systems) or the NetBackup Device Configuration Guide.
- -type drvtype
Specifies the type of drive that you configure.
Drive type can be any of the following for NetBackup Enterprise Server:
4mm for 4mm tape drive, 8mm for 8mm tape drive, 8mm2 for 8mm tape drive 2, 8mm3 for 8mm tape drive 3, dlt for DLT tape drive, dlt2 for DLT tape drive 2, dlt3 for DLT tape drive 3, dtf for DTF tape drive, qscsi for QIC tape drive, hcart for Half-inch cartridge drive, hcart2 for Half-inch cartridge drive 2, hcart3 for half-inch cartridge drive 3. Drive type can be any of the following for NetBackup server: 4mm for 4mm tape drive, 8mm for 8mm tape drive, dlt for DLT tape drive, hcart for Half-inch cartridge drive, qscsi for QIC tape drive.
- -update
Changes the configuration information for a drive, robot, or Snapshot Manager.
- -user_id user_ID
Specifies the user ID of a particular NDMP host on a media server for which you add credentials.
A media server is allowed only one user ID per NDMP host name. If you try to add a second user ID for a single NDMP host name fails.
- -virtual_machine virtual_machine_name
Specifies the host name of the virtual machine whose credentials are to be added, updated, or deleted. You can only use this option if the NetBackup Snapshot Client license is installed.
- -vm_type virtual_machine_type
Specifies the type of virtual machine. The following are possible values:
1 - VMware VirtualCenter Servers
2 - VMware ESX Servers
3 - VMware Converter Servers
You can only use this option if the NetBackup Snapshot Client license is installed.
- -vm_user_id user_id
Specifies the user name that NetBackup must use to communicate with a virtual machine's disk array. You can only use this option if the NetBackup Snapshot Client license is installed.
You must have administrator privileges to run this command.
tpconfig -d may truncate drive names to 22 characters, and tpconfig -l may truncate drive names to 32 characters. To list the full drive name, use tpconfig -dl.
The delete multiple NDMP host credentials applies only to credentials that are specific to this host and the specified filer. In other words, it has no default or no filer credentials.
In the following examples, the command that is entered is shown on multiple lines because of page limitations. The actual command is entered on one line.
Example 1 - Robotic control on the local Windows server
The following example adds a robot that connects directly to a Windows host, and also adds drives to that robot.
The following procedure applies only to NetBackup server:
Add the robot by using the following command:
# tpconfig -add -robot 7 -robtype tld -port 0 -bus 0 -target 2 lun 0
If there are drives in the robot that have not been configured, add them.
The following command configures the drive with the system name of Tape0 under control of the robot that is configured in step 1. ( The server has attached and recognized Tape0.)
# tpconfig -add -drive -type dlt -port 1 -bus 2 -target 3 / -lun 4 -comment "DEC DLT2000 8414" -index 0 -drstatus up / -robot 7 -robtype tld -robdrnum 1 -asciiname DLT2000_D1
The command in this example uses the comment field. This field is useful for storing the drive's SCSI inquiry data so that drive type and firmware level can be easily checked.
If the robot contains any drives that are currently configured as standalone drives, update the drive configuration to place them under robotic control.
The following commands update the configuration for drives 1 and 2:
# tpconfig -update -drive 1 -type dlt -robot 7 -robtype tld -robdrnum 1 # tpconfig -update -drive 2 -type dlt -robot 7 -robtype tld -robdrnum 2
Assign the correct robot drive number to the drives. If robot drive numbers are incorrect, tape mounts or backups may fail.
Example 2 - Robotic control on the remote host
This example applies only to NetBackup Enterprise Server:
It assumes that one or more tape drives that are in the robot, connect to the Windows host where you currently manage devices.
The following is a sequence of tpconfig operations that adds a robot that connects to another host:
Add the robot by executing the following command:
# tpconfig -add -robot 9 -robtype tld -cntlhost perch
Ensure that the robot number matches the one on the control host.
If the robot contains any drives that are currently configured as standalone, update the drive configuration to place them under robotic control.
The following commands update the configuration for drives 1 and 2:
# tpconfig -update -drive 1 -type dlt -robot 9 -robtype tld -robdrnum 1 # tpconfig -update -drive 2 -type dlt -robot 9 -robtype tld -robdrnum 2
Assigned the correct robot drive number. If robot drive numbers are incorrect, tape mounts or backups may fail.
If there are drives in the robot that have not been configured, add them now.
The following command configures the drive with the system name of Tape0 under control of the robot that is configured in step 1. (The Windows server has attached and recognized Tape0.)
# tpconfig -add -drive -type dlt -port 1 -bus 2 -target 3 -lun 4 -comment 'DEC DLT2000 8414' -index 3 -drstatus up -robot 9 -robtype tld -robdrnum 3 -asciiname DLT2000_D3
Example 3 - Configuring new standalone drives
The following is an example of how to add a standalone drive after the drive is installed:
# tpconfig -add -drive -type dlt -port 1 -bus 2 -target 3 -lun 4 -comment 'DEC DLT2000 8414' -index 6 -asciiname DLT2000_standalone
Example 4 - Demonstrate how Windows displays device paths
This example demonstrates how to how the -l option displays the Windows device paths in the p, b, t, l format.
C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>tpconfig -l
Device Robot Drive Robot Drive Device Type Num Index Type DrNum Status Comment Name Path robot 0 - TLD - - - - {3,1,0,1} robot 1 - TLD - - - - {3,1,0,3} robot 2 - TLD - - - - {3,1,2,0} drive - 0 pcd - DISABL - SONY.SDX-400V.000 {1,0,0,0} drive - 1 hcart2 2 UP - IBM.ULTRIUM-TD2.001 {3,1,0,2} drive - 1 hcart2 2 UP - IBM.ULTRIUM-TD2.001 {3,1,1,2} drive - 2 hcart2 1 UP - IBM.ULTRIUM-TD2.002 {3,1,0,5} drive - 2 hcart2 1 UP - IBM.ULTRIUM-TD2.002 {3,1,1,5} drive - 3 hcart 1 DOWN - IBM.ULTRIUM-TD1.003 {3,1,0,6} drive - 3 hcart 1 UP - IBM.ULTRIUM-TD1.003 {3,1,1,6} drive - 4 hcart 2 UP - IBM.ULTRIUM-TD1.004 {3,1,0,7} drive - 4 hcart 2 UP - IBM.ULTRIUM-TD1.004 {3,1,1,7} drive - 5 hcart2 2 UP - IBM.ULTRIUM-TD2.005 {3,1,2,1} drive - 6 hcart2 1 UP - IBM.ULTRIUM-TD2.006 {3,1,2,2}
Example 5 - Add a Snapshot Manager in NetBackup
tpconfig -add -snapshot_manager -snapshot_manager_user_id User1 -manage_workload ONPREM -requiredport 1024 Enter the Snapshot Manager host's password for User Id User 1: Please re-enter the Snapshot Manager host's password to confirm it:
Example 6 - Add a Snapshot Manager plugin in NetBackup
tpconfig -add_plugin -snapshot_manager -plugin_id ITAzure -plugin_type azure Enter Tenant ID: test Enter Client ID: test Enter Secret Key: Enter confirm Secret Key: