NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
cat_export — export catalog image metadata from the NetBackup database (NBDB) to one or more flat ASCII image header files.
-all | -client name | -backupid backupid | -mediahost hostname [-delete_source] {-replace_destination] [-export_dependents] [-export_no_dependents] [-staging [-source_master name]] [-base directory_name]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\
The cat_export utility is used in specific scenarios to export image metadata from NBDB or a staged copy of NBDB to flat ASCII image header files in a target directory. It organizes the data into a directory hierarchy based on the hierarchy that is used in the NetBackup database.
cat_export is normally used in conjunction with the cat_import command as part of a disaster recovery scenario or to relocate image metadata information from one repository to another. More information is available on NetBackup disaster recovery.
For more about Disaster Recovery, see the NetBackup Troubleshooting Guide.
By default, cat_export exports the image metadata that is specified with the -backupid option as well as the image metadata that is dependent on the specified backup images.
You must have administrator privileges to run this command.
- -all
Exports the catalog image data of all the clients of the master server.
- -base directory_name
Changes the target directory of the catalog metadata from the default directory
to the specified directory name.- -backupid backupid
Exports the catalog image data of the specified backup ID.
- -client name
Exports the catalog image data of the specified client.
- -delete_source
Deletes the original image metadata in NBDB.
- -export_dependents
Used with the -backupid and -client options to export VMware image metadata that is dependent on the specified backup image.
- -export_no_dependents
Used with the -backupid, -client and -mediahost options to export the specified image header but not any of the dependent image metadata.
- -mediahost hostname
Exports the catalog image data that has at least one fragment on the specified media host. The hostname value can be a media server or a snapshot client.
- -replace_destination
Forces the new flat files to overwrite any existing flat files in the target directory.
- -staging [-source_master name]
Specifies that the copy of the NBDB in the staging directory should be used as the source of the export operation instead of the NBDB. You can use this option for the following reasons:
To export the image metadata to the legacy flat file format in the
(default) directory.To export the image metadata, so that you can import it into another copy of NBDB by using the cat_import command.
Example 1 - Export all image metadata for alfred
into the /catExport/images/alfred
# cat_export -base /catExport -client alfred
Example 2 - Export all NBDB image metadata to the netbackup/db.export
# cat_export -all
Example 3 - Export only the image metadata related to client hostname1
from the copy of NBDB that is located in the staging directory:
# cat_export -client hostname1 -staging