Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Setting up File System Archiving (FSA)
- About this guide
- About File System Archiving
- About FSA shortcut files
- Steps to configure File System Archiving
- Adding a Windows file server to File System Archiving
- About archiving from Windows Server 2012 or later file servers
- Permissions and privileges required by the Vault Service account on Windows file servers
- Adding a NetApp filer to File System Archiving
- Adding a NetApp C-Mode Vserver to File System Archiving
- Adding a Celerra/VNX device to File System Archiving
- Configuring FSA with clustered file servers
- Troubleshooting the configuration of FSA with clustered file servers
- Installing the FSA Agent
- Defining volume and folder policies
- About selecting the shortcut type for an FSA policy
- About FSA policy archiving rules
- Configuring the deletion of archived files on placeholder deletion
- Configuring target volumes, target folders, and archive points
- About adding target volumes, target folders, and archive points for FSA
- About managing archive points
- Archive point properties
- Effects of modifying, moving, or deleting folders
- About deleting target folders, volumes, and file servers
- Configuring pass-through recall for placeholder shortcuts
- Configuring and managing retention folders
- Configuring and running FSA tasks
- Using Run Now to process FSA targets manually
- Configuring file system filtering
- Managing the file servers
- PowerShell cmdlets for File System Archiving
- Appendix A. Permissions and privileges required for the Vault Service account on Windows file servers
- Permissions required by the Vault Service account for the FSA Agent
Configuring file system filters
You use registry settings to implement custom filters, and enable filtering for Enterprise Vault File System Archiving tasks.
See “To configure file system filter registry settings”.
To control the behavior of the archiving task in the event of filter errors, you can configure the following entries in the XML configuration file, Enterprise Vault\EVFSAArchivingTask.exe.config
MoveOnFilterFailure. This setting controls the action taken by the archiving task if it cannot load a filter.
If the setting is not present in the configuration file, then the default value is "0"; the archiving task stops if it cannot load the filter.
MaxFilterError. During archiving, the archiving task keeps a count of the number of filtering errors reported. The MaxFilterError setting lets you configure the maximum number of errors permitted before the archiving task stops.
If the setting is not present in the configuration file, the default value is 100.
See “To configure entries in EVFSAArchivingTask.exe.config”.
After you upgrade Enterprise Vault, you must update the .NET binding redirections in the configuration file to use the newer version of the Enterprise Vault API Runtime. The ReadMeFirst file for the API Runtime describes how to do this.
To configure file system filter registry settings
- On the Enterprise Vault server, start Regedit and navigate to the following location in the registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE \Wow6432Node \KVS \Enterprise Vault \External Filtering \File System
If either External Filtering or File System keys do not exist, then create them.
- Create a new string entry for each custom filter under the File System key. Filter names must be an unbroken numbered sequence starting at 1.
For the value of a custom filter setting enter a string value that contains the name of the .NET assembly, and the fully-qualified filter class name of the new external filter:
A fully-qualified class name includes the namespace. For example, if the class name is CustomFilter, the namespace is Veritas.EnterpriseVault.FileSystem, and the filter is implemented in Veritas.EnterpriseVault.FileSystemCustomFilter.dll assembly, then the value of the registry setting should be as follows:
Veritas.EnterpriseVault.FileSystemCustomFilter.dll! Veritas.EnterpriseVault.FileSystem.CustomFilter
Note that the class name is case-sensitive.
- If you change the registry settings during an archiving run, you need to restart the associated File System Archiving task to implement the changes.
To configure entries in EVFSAArchivingTask.exe.config
- Take a back-up copy of the file,
Enterprise Vault\EVFSAArchivingTask.exe.config
, and then open the file for editing. - Add a section called <FSAFilter> to hold the settings. This section must also be declared in the <configSections> element. For example,
<configSections> <section name="FSAFilter" type="System.Configuration.DictionarySectionHandler"/> </configSections> <FSAFilter> </FSAFilter>
- Add one or both of the entries, MoveOnFilterFailure and MaxFilterError, as required. The entries must be in the form:
<add key="name" value = "value"/>
Entries can take the following values:
MoveOnFilterFailure. "0" (default), or "1". If the setting value is "0", then the archiving task stops if it cannot load a filter. If the setting value is "1", then the archiving task loads the next filter, or continues to archive.
MaxFilterError. Integer (default 100). The maximum number of filter errors permitted before the archiving task stops.
The following example shows the file with the settings added:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <configSections> <section name="FSAFilter" type="System.Configuration.DictionarySectionHandler"/> </configSections> <FSAFilter> <add key="MaxFilterError" value = "150"/> <add key="MoveOnfilterFailure" value = "1"/> </FSAFilter> <runtime> <generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/> </runtime> </configuration>
The settings in this example file have the following effect:
key="MaxFilterError" value = "150" - The archiving task will stop if more than 150 filtering errors are reported.
key="MoveOnfilterFailure" value = "1" - If the archiving task cannot load a filter, it will try to load the next filter, or continue to archive.