Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Setting up File System Archiving (FSA)
- About this guide
- About File System Archiving
- About FSA shortcut files
- Steps to configure File System Archiving
- Adding a Windows file server to File System Archiving
- About archiving from Windows Server 2012 or later file servers
- Permissions and privileges required by the Vault Service account on Windows file servers
- Adding a NetApp filer to File System Archiving
- Adding a NetApp C-Mode Vserver to File System Archiving
- Adding a Celerra/VNX device to File System Archiving
- Configuring FSA with clustered file servers
- Troubleshooting the configuration of FSA with clustered file servers
- Installing the FSA Agent
- Defining volume and folder policies
- About selecting the shortcut type for an FSA policy
- About FSA policy archiving rules
- Configuring the deletion of archived files on placeholder deletion
- Configuring target volumes, target folders, and archive points
- About adding target volumes, target folders, and archive points for FSA
- About managing archive points
- Archive point properties
- Effects of modifying, moving, or deleting folders
- About deleting target folders, volumes, and file servers
- Configuring pass-through recall for placeholder shortcuts
- Configuring and managing retention folders
- Configuring and running FSA tasks
- Using Run Now to process FSA targets manually
- Configuring file system filtering
- Managing the file servers
- PowerShell cmdlets for File System Archiving
- Appendix A. Permissions and privileges required for the Vault Service account on Windows file servers
- Permissions required by the Vault Service account for the FSA Agent
Adding a target folder and archive points for FSA
The Administration Console's New Folder wizard lets you set up file archiving from a folder and its subfolders within a target volume. The New Folder wizard lets you do the following:
Specify the archiving policy to use for the target folder and its subfolders.
Create archive points for the folder and its subfolders as required.
You can also use the New-EVFSAFolder PowerShell cmdlet to add a folder.
You can also use the ArchivePoints command-line tool to create and manage archive points. For information, see ArchivePoints in the Utilities guide.
A Dell EMC restriction prevents archiving from a Celerra/VNX device if the path to the files exceeds 1024 characters.
To add a target folder and archive points for FSA
- In the Administration Console, expand the Enterprise Vault site until the File Servers container is visible.
- Expand the File Servers container to show the file servers that have been added as targets.
- Expand the node for the appropriate file server.
- Right-click the volume that contains the folder you want to add as a target, and on the shortcut menu click New and then Folder.
The New Folder wizard starts.
- Specify the relative path of the folder that you want to add, or click Browse to select the folder.
If the path to the folder contains more than 244 characters, you cannot select the folder by browsing to it. You must type in the path manually. This restriction is due to a limitation in the Windows browse dialog box.
- Note that if you apply a folder policy and a file is not matched by the rules in the folder policy then, by default, Enterprise Vault tries to find a match in the volume policy rules. If you want to force Enterprise Vault not to apply the volume policy rules, edit the folder properties later in the Administration Console and select Ignore volume rules for this folder.
Specify the archiving policy to use for the folder. You can select from:
The volume policy.
A folder policy.
A retention folder policy. Retention folder policies let you add a predefined folder hierarchy to the target folder.
Zero-length files are never archived by File System Archiving.
- Specify whether to archive from the target folder, and whether to archive from its subfolders. You can defer archiving, if required. You can start or suspend archiving later from the target folder properties.
- If you choose either of the first two options, you can set the initial properties of the archive points if required. Otherwise, Enterprise Vault uses the default values when it creates the archives. To set the archive point properties click Properties.
Create archive points as required. You can create any of the following:
An archive point for the target folder.
An archive point for each immediate subfolder of the target folder. A new archive will be created for each existing immediate subfolder. If you have many folders to enable, this option may be easier than running the New Folder wizard many times.
An archive point for each immediate subfolder of the target folder, and for new immediate subfolders when they are created. The target folder is referred to as an auto-enabling folder.
If you choose this option, make sure that there is no archive point on any of the parent folders, or on the volume.
No archive point. This option enables you to use the same archive as for higher-level folders, but to choose a different archiving policy for the target folder.
If you create an auto-enabling folder, you cannot set the initial properties of the archive points. Enterprise Vault uses the default values.