Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Setting up File System Archiving (FSA)
- About this guide
- About File System Archiving
- About FSA shortcut files
- Steps to configure File System Archiving
- Adding a Windows file server to File System Archiving
- About archiving from Windows Server 2012 or later file servers
- Permissions and privileges required by the Vault Service account on Windows file servers
- Adding a NetApp filer to File System Archiving
- Adding a NetApp C-Mode Vserver to File System Archiving
- Adding a Celerra/VNX device to File System Archiving
- Configuring FSA with clustered file servers
- Troubleshooting the configuration of FSA with clustered file servers
- Installing the FSA Agent
- Defining volume and folder policies
- About selecting the shortcut type for an FSA policy
- About FSA policy archiving rules
- Configuring the deletion of archived files on placeholder deletion
- Configuring target volumes, target folders, and archive points
- About adding target volumes, target folders, and archive points for FSA
- About managing archive points
- Archive point properties
- Effects of modifying, moving, or deleting folders
- About deleting target folders, volumes, and file servers
- Configuring pass-through recall for placeholder shortcuts
- Configuring and managing retention folders
- Configuring and running FSA tasks
- Using Run Now to process FSA targets manually
- Configuring file system filtering
- Managing the file servers
- PowerShell cmdlets for File System Archiving
- Appendix A. Permissions and privileges required for the Vault Service account on Windows file servers
- Permissions required by the Vault Service account for the FSA Agent
Example commands to prepare a Celerra/VNX device for FSA
The following example shows some commands to prepare a Celerra/VNX to use placeholder shortcuts. In this example, neither the Web Access application nor the Data Mover HTTP server uses SSL.
$ server_param server_2 -facility shadow -modify stream -value 1 $ /nas/bin/server_user server_2 -add -md5 -passwd celerraaccessaccount $ fs_dhsm -modify fsa_fs -state enabled $ server_http server_2 -append dhsm -users celerraaccessaccount -hosts $ server_http server_2 -service DHSM -start $ fs_dhsm -connection fsa_fs -create -type http -read_policy_override passthrough -secondary http://EVServer.demo.local/EnterpriseVault -user vaultadmin@demo.local -password p4ssw0rd -cgi n -httpport 8080
The Data Mover server name is
.FSA will use the Data Mover account
to authenticate on the Celerra/VNX.The Celerra/VNX file system name is
.The IP address of the File System Archiving task computer is
Pass-though is enabled for the Celerra/VNX device.
The URL of the Enterprise Vault Web Access Application is
.The Vault Service account that will have access to all the archives from which files are restored is
.The password for the Vault Service account is
.The Web Access application uses an HTTP connection on the non-default port 8080.
In the following example, both the Web Access application and the Data Mover HTTP server use SSL.
$ server_param server_3 -facility shadow -modify stream -value 1 $ /nas/bin/server_user server_3 -add -md5 -passwd celerraaccessaccount $ fs_dhsm -modify fsa_fs -state enabled $ server_http server_3 -append dhsm -users celerraaccessaccount -hosts $ server_http server_3 -service DHSM -start $ fs_dhsm -connection fsa_fs -create -type https -read_policy_override passthrough -secondary https://EVServer.demo.local/EnterpriseVault -user vaultadmin@demo.local -password p4ssw0rd -cgi n -httpsport 4334 $ server_http server_3 -modify dhsm -ssl required $ server_http server_3 -modify dhsm -authentication digest
The Data Mover server name is
.FSA will use the Data Mover account
to authenticate on the Celerra/VNX.The Celerra/VNX file system name is
.The IP address of the File System Archiving task computer is
Pass-though is enabled for the Celerra/VNX device.
The URL of the Enterprise Vault Web Access application is
.The Vault Service account that will have access to all the archives from which files are restored is
.The password for the Vault Service account is
.The Web Access application uses an HTTPS connection on non-default port 4334.
You do not use the Windows security setting "System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing".
You must also select the configuration option
for the target file server in the Vault Administration Console.