Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Setting up File System Archiving (FSA)
- About this guide
- About File System Archiving
- About FSA shortcut files
- Steps to configure File System Archiving
- Adding a Windows file server to File System Archiving
- About archiving from Windows Server 2012 or later file servers
- Permissions and privileges required by the Vault Service account on Windows file servers
- Adding a NetApp filer to File System Archiving
- Adding a NetApp C-Mode Vserver to File System Archiving
- Adding a Celerra/VNX device to File System Archiving
- Configuring FSA with clustered file servers
- Troubleshooting the configuration of FSA with clustered file servers
- Installing the FSA Agent
- Defining volume and folder policies
- About selecting the shortcut type for an FSA policy
- About FSA policy archiving rules
- Configuring the deletion of archived files on placeholder deletion
- Configuring target volumes, target folders, and archive points
- About adding target volumes, target folders, and archive points for FSA
- About managing archive points
- Archive point properties
- Effects of modifying, moving, or deleting folders
- About deleting target folders, volumes, and file servers
- Configuring pass-through recall for placeholder shortcuts
- Configuring and managing retention folders
- Configuring and running FSA tasks
- Using Run Now to process FSA targets manually
- Configuring file system filtering
- Managing the file servers
- PowerShell cmdlets for File System Archiving
- Appendix A. Permissions and privileges required for the Vault Service account on Windows file servers
- Permissions required by the Vault Service account for the FSA Agent
The format of the Web Access application URL in the Celerra/VNX fs_dhsm command
When you configure the Celerra/VNX connection to use for FSA recall requests, one of the required parameters to the fs_dhsm command is:
-secondary ev_url
Where ev_url is the URL of the Enterprise Vault Web Access application.
The format of ev_url is as follows:
Where server_name is the name of the Enterprise Vault server that hosts the Storage service for the Celerra/VNX archiving target, as specified in the ComputerEntryTable of the Directory database. This name is the same as the display name of the Enterprise Vault server in the Administration Console.
You can determine the server_name from the Administration Console as follows:
In the Administration Console, expand
under the site container in the left pane.Identify the Enterprise Vault server that hosts the Storage service for the Celerra/VNX archiving target.
server_name is the display name of the Enterprise Vault server as shown under the node. For example, if the file server name is shown as , then server_name is .
The Celerra/VNX is case-sensitive, so make sure that you supply the URL in the correct case.
If the Celerra/VNX fails to find a connection with the server name that you specify in the URL, the files are archived but no placeholders are created. The File System Archiving task report's "Shortcut status" column then shows the error "NO_MATCHING_CONNECTION".
You cannot include a port number in the URL. For example, if you use a non-default port such as port 8080 for the Web Access application, do not attempt to specify the port as follows:
-secondary http://evserver.demo.local:8080/EnterpriseVault
If you attempt to include a port number, the fs_dhsm -connection command fails with a message similar to the following, and the archiving and recall of files on the Celerra/VNX will fail:
Error: The host name in the secondary url evserver.demo.local:8080 is either missing or formatted incorrectly.
If the Web Access application uses a port other than the default port (port 80 for HTTP, or port 443 for HTTPS), use the -httpport or -httpsport parameter of the fs_dhsm command to specify the port number.