NetBackup IT Analytics System Administrator Guide
- Introduction
- Preparing for updates
- Backing up and restoring data
- Monitoring NetBackup IT Analytics
- Accessing NetBackup IT Analytics reports with the REST API
- Defining NetBackup estimated tape capacity
- Automating host group management
- Categorize host operating systems by platform and version
- Bulk load utilities
- Automate NetBackup utilities
- Scheduling utilities to run automatically
- Attribute management
- Importing generic backup data
- Backup job overrides
- Managing host data collection
- System configuration in the portal
- Custom parameters
- Performance profile schedule customization
- Configuring AD/LDAP
- Configuring single sign-on (SSO) using security assertion markup language (SAML)
- Change Oracle database user passwords
- Integrate with CyberArk
- Tuning NetBackup IT Analytics
- Working with log files
- Portal and data collector log files - reduce logging
- Data collector log file naming conventions
- Portal log files
- Defining report metrics
- SNMP trap alerting
- SSL certificate configuration
- Configure virtual hosts for portal and / or data collection SSL
- Keystore on the portal server
- Portal properties: Format and portal customizations
- Data retention periods for SDK database objects
- Troubleshooting
- Appendix A. Configure TLS-enabled Oracle database on NetBackup IT Analytics Portal and data receiver
AD/LDAP Configuration Properties
AD/LDAP configuration supports following properties and can be set in the in
OS specific
file location:
Table: AD/LDAP Configuration Properties
Property | Description |
ldap.enabled | To enable LDAP, set this property to true. Supported Values: true | false |
ldap.searchBase |
Example: dc=example,dc=company,dc=com |
ldap.url |
Example : ldap:// OR ldaps:// |
ldap.dn |
Example: ldap.dn =CN=Admin,CN=Users,DC=example, DC=company,DC=com |
ldap.password | Set to the password of the user who is used in ldap.dn property. It will get empty and encrypted value will be set in |
ldap.password.encrypted | It is set when you restart the Portal Tomcat service after configuring LDAP. It has encrypted value of the |
ldap.loginAttribute | The login attribute used for authentication. This is the attribute name in Active Directory that specifies the username, such as uid or sAMAccountName. Example: ldap.loginAttribute=sAMAccountName |
ldap.authorization | If set to true, Portal authorizes the user against AD groups. At least one AD group of which the new user is member must be configured as a User Group in the Portal. Note: If the AD group is not mapped with the User Group in the Portal, then authentication fails during login with the error: "No user group mapping present for external LDAP user." Supported Values: true | false |
ldap.newUserDomain | Portal domain name where new user gets created. It is only used if To find domain name in portal, navigate to > >Example: |
ldap.keystore | If SSL support is enabled for LDAP, then it must have:
Note: If SSL is not enabled for LDAP, then this must be commented out. |
ldap.keystore.password | Password for the keystore which is set in Note: If SSL is not enabled for LDAP, then this must be commented out. |
ldap.keystore.password.encrypted | It is set when you restart the Portal Tomcat service after configuring LDAP. It has encrypted value of the Note: If SSL is not enabled for LDAP, then this must be commented out. | | Its value is the AD attribute that indicates whether the user is active or inactive. During Portal authentication via AD, the REST API uses the AD attribute assigned to this property to check whether the user is still an active AD user. For example, if |
ldap.disable.user.attribute.value | Its value must be same as that value of the AD attribute (specified in For example: If
REST API matches this value with the value of the AD attribute specified in Note: A Portal super user must explicitly activate the user that was deactivated in both AD and Portal in the past but is again activated only in AD. A Portal administrator with adequate privilages can also activate such a user. Without user activation, Portal access will be restricted. |