NetBackup IT Analytics System Administrator Guide
- Introduction
- Preparing for updates
- Backing up and restoring data
- Monitoring NetBackup IT Analytics
- Accessing NetBackup IT Analytics reports with the REST API
- Defining NetBackup estimated tape capacity
- Automating host group management
- Categorize host operating systems by platform and version
- Bulk load utilities
- Automate NetBackup utilities
- Scheduling utilities to run automatically
- Attribute management
- Importing generic backup data
- Backup job overrides
- Managing host data collection
- System configuration in the portal
- Custom parameters
- Performance profile schedule customization
- Configuring AD/LDAP
- Configuring single sign-on (SSO) using security assertion markup language (SAML)
- Change Oracle database user passwords
- Integrate with CyberArk
- Tuning NetBackup IT Analytics
- Working with log files
- Portal and data collector log files - reduce logging
- Data collector log file naming conventions
- Portal log files
- Defining report metrics
- SNMP trap alerting
- SSL certificate configuration
- Configure virtual hosts for portal and / or data collection SSL
- Keystore on the portal server
- Portal properties: Format and portal customizations
- Data retention periods for SDK database objects
- Troubleshooting
- Appendix A. Configure TLS-enabled Oracle database on NetBackup IT Analytics Portal and data receiver
Update the web server configuration to enable SSL
These instructions apply to Apache version 2.4.xx and the steps should be taken on the designated Web server.
Copy the certificate files, typically generated via a certificate authority (CA), to a folder in the Web server's Apache configuration folder.
Configuration files shipped with NetBackup IT Analytics licensed modules may use path names with recommended folder names. To use folders with different names, be sure to update all references to the recommended name in the default configuration files.
Stop the Apache and Tomcat services. From a terminal console, enter the following commands.
/opt/aptare/bin/tomcat-agent stop /opt/aptare/bin/tomcat-portal stop /opt/aptare/bin/apache stop
C:\opt\aptare\utils\stopagent.bat C:\opt\aptare\utils\stopportal.bat C:\opt\aptare\utils\stopapache.bat
Update the Apache configuration file to enable SSL.
Un-comment the following lines by removing the # character.
#LoadModule ssl_module modules/ #Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
#LoadModule ssl_module modules/ #Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
On an SSL enabled Portal server, it is recommended to either disable http or redirect http protocol to https.
To disable http protocol, edit
file and remove VirtualHost section of portal configurationTo redirect http protocol to https, edit
file, remove all entries of VirtualHost section of portal configuration and add following lines in same VirtualHost:ServerName aptareportal.<hostname> Redirect permanent / https://aptareportal.<hostname>/
Update the Apache SSL configuration file.
For the sample SSL configuration file shipped with your installation. Note that some of these lines may not be present in your configuration.
Linux: /opt/apache/conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
Windows: C:\opt\apache\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf
Disable the SSLMutex by adding a # at the beginning of the SSLMutex line (if this line is listed in your configuration).
Disable the SSLMutex by adding a # at the beginning of the SSLMutex line (if this line is listed in your configuration).
Ensure that an IP address is available for the Portal and/or Data Collection, as required.
Linux: #SSLMutex "file:/opt/apache/logs/ssl_mutex"
Windows: #SSLMutex "file:c:\opt\apache\logs\ssl_mutex"
If any of the previous configurations are missing for either the Portal or Data Collector, the host configuration information must be added to enable SSL.
Proceed with the following steps.
To ensure a secure web server, remove any port 80 VirtualHost sections from the
file.This prevents the HTTP message headers from getting unencrypted if one end of the communication is using non-HTTPS protocols.
If a Virtual Host declaration is missing from the default Apache SSL configuration file, add the missing virtual host declaration to the configuration file. See the relevant section for instructions.
For each active virtual host section in the Apache SSL configuration file (httpd-ssl.conf), ensure that declaration lines beginning with the following are un-commented (they do not have a # at the beginning of the line):
SSLEngine SSLCertificateFile (update certificate file details) SSLCertificateKeyFile (update certificate key file details)
Run the deployCert utility as root user on the Portal server to save the ssl certificates configured with Apache in java keystore itanalytics.jks .
This will be used while configuring SingleSignOn and Syslog over SSL.
Linux: /opt/aptare/utils/ update
Windows: C:\opt\aptare\utils>deployCert.bat update
Verify the Apache configuration is valid:, for Linux only
# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/apache/ssl/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH (If https is enabled)
# /opt/apache/bin/apachectl -t
If SSL is enabled, change the applicationUrl in to https instead of http.
Restart Apache and both Tomcat (Portal and Data Collector) services.
/opt/aptare/bin/apache start /opt/aptare/bin/tomcat-portal start /opt/aptare/bin/tomcat-agent start
C:\opt\aptare\utils\startapache.bat C:\opt\aptare\utils\startagent.bat C:\opt\aptare\utils\startportal.bat