NetBackup IT Analytics System Administrator Guide
- Introduction
- Preparing for updates
- Backing up and restoring data
- Monitoring NetBackup IT Analytics
- Accessing NetBackup IT Analytics reports with the REST API
- Defining NetBackup estimated tape capacity
- Automating host group management
- Categorize host operating systems by platform and version
- Bulk load utilities
- Automate NetBackup utilities
- Scheduling utilities to run automatically
- Attribute management
- Importing generic backup data
- Backup job overrides
- Managing host data collection
- System configuration in the portal
- Custom parameters
- Performance profile schedule customization
- Configuring AD/LDAP
- Configuring single sign-on (SSO) using security assertion markup language (SAML)
- Change Oracle database user passwords
- Integrate with CyberArk
- Tuning NetBackup IT Analytics
- Working with log files
- Portal and data collector log files - reduce logging
- Data collector log file naming conventions
- Portal log files
- Defining report metrics
- SNMP trap alerting
- SSL certificate configuration
- Configure virtual hosts for portal and / or data collection SSL
- Keystore on the portal server
- Portal properties: Format and portal customizations
- Data retention periods for SDK database objects
- Troubleshooting
- Appendix A. Configure TLS-enabled Oracle database on NetBackup IT Analytics Portal and data receiver
Login issues
The following sections highlight common login issues and their possible solutions.
File system is out of disk space.
Fully qualified URL incorrectly set up
URL not in the local hosts file or in DNS.
Domain incorrectly specified
Values in Tomcat Application Server and Apache Web Server do not match what's in DNS.
When a user can't log in to the Portal, the reasons are usually one of the following:
User forgot password. Change the user's password.
LDAP service is not running.
There is a port conflict. Another program is listening on port 80, resulting in a port conflict. Apache Web Server needs port 80. Use the netstat command to determine the other application that's listening on port 80, then assign that application a different port.
If Single Sign On (SSO) is not properly set up in the Admin>Advanced>System Configuration, after restarting you may not be able to log into the Portal. This utility resets the Single Sign On (SSO) parameters to provide Portal access. Run the following scripts from the command prompt:
cd /opt/aptare/utils ./
cd C:\opt\aptare\utils resetSSOConfig.bat
Restart the Portal services after running the OS specific script.