NetBackup IT Analytics System Administrator Guide
- Introduction
- Preparing for updates
- Backing up and restoring data
- Monitoring NetBackup IT Analytics
- Accessing NetBackup IT Analytics reports with the REST API
- Defining NetBackup estimated tape capacity
- Automating host group management
- Categorize host operating systems by platform and version
- Bulk load utilities
- Automate NetBackup utilities
- Scheduling utilities to run automatically
- Attribute management
- Importing generic backup data
- Backup job overrides
- Managing host data collection
- System configuration in the portal
- Custom parameters
- Performance profile schedule customization
- Configuring AD/LDAP
- Configuring single sign-on (SSO) using security assertion markup language (SAML)
- Change Oracle database user passwords
- Integrate with CyberArk
- Tuning NetBackup IT Analytics
- Working with log files
- Portal and data collector log files - reduce logging
- Data collector log file naming conventions
- Portal log files
- Defining report metrics
- SNMP trap alerting
- SSL certificate configuration
- Configure virtual hosts for portal and / or data collection SSL
- Keystore on the portal server
- Portal properties: Format and portal customizations
- Data retention periods for SDK database objects
- Troubleshooting
- Appendix A. Configure TLS-enabled Oracle database on NetBackup IT Analytics Portal and data receiver
Manual steps for database import / export using data pump
Follow the steps to execute the Data Pump Export in a Linux environment
- Login to the Linux database server and switch to user aptare.
- Ensure that file
is owned by aptare user and has 755 permissions. - Ensure Oracle listener and Oracle services are running.
- Run following commands:
su - aptare sqlplus / as sysdba alter session set container=scdb;
The alter session set container=scdb; command is required for a container database. Please ignore it for a non-cdb environment.
In case of a preferred folder such as
:CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY datapump_dir AS '/new_directory_path';
- Export the database using following command:
/opt/aptare/oracle/bin/expdp parfile=/opt/aptare/database/tools/expdp_scdb.par
- You can also choose to ignore the
file and include parameters in the expdp command directly. In other words, the above command can be replaced by the following command which can also be executed from aptare user./opt/aptare/oracle/bin/expdp system/aptaresoftware@//localhost:1521/scdb FULL=Y directory=datapump_dir dumpfile=aptare_scdb.exp logfile=export_scdb.log CONTENT=ALL flashback_time=systimestamp
After successful completion, the data pump export file
is saved in/tmp
directory of the Linux Database server.In case you have specified a preferred directory,
is saved to that preferred location (such as/new_directory_path
). - This step is required only if the database is exported from an NetBackup IT Analytics version of 10.5 or above. Execute cp /opt/aptare/datarcvrconf/aptare.ks /tmp command to copy the aptare.ks file to /tmp folder
Follow the steps to execute Data Pump Import in a Linux Environment
- Place the export file
created using data pump export in/tmp
directory.If you have a different preferred directory (for example
), then placeaptare_scdb.exp
in your preferred directory (/new_directory_path
). - Ensure the
file is owned by the aptare user and has 755 permissions. - Ensure that files
are owned by aptare user and have 755 permissions. - Using root user, stop all Oracle and Aptare services by running following command: /opt/aptare/bin/aptare stop from root user.
- Using root user start Oracle services by running following command: /opt/aptare/bin/oracle start
- Ensure Oracle listener is running. Using aptare user check for status of Listener using following command: lsnrctl status
- Run following commands:
su - aptare sqlplus / as sysdba alter session set container=scdb;
The alter session set container=scdb; command is required for a container database. Please ignore it for a non-cdb environment.
drop user aptare_ro cascade;
drop user portal cascade;
In case of a preferred folder such as
:CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY datapump_dir AS '/new_directory_path';
- Run the following command using aptare user
/opt/aptare/oracle/bin/impdp parfile=/opt/aptare/database/tools/impdp_scdb.par
- You can also choose to ignore the par file and include parameters in the impdp command directly. In other words, the above command can be replaced by the following command which can also be executed from aptare user.
/opt/aptare/oracle/bin/impdp system/aptaresoftware@//localhost:1521/scdb schemas=portal,aptare_ro directory=datapump_dir dumpfile=aptare_scdb.exp logfile=import_scdb.log
- When import completes in a non-CDB environment, remove first command 'alter session set container = scdb;' from the file unlock_portal_linux.sql and run following command from aptare user.
The removal of the 'alter session set container = scdb;' is required only for a non-CDB environment and no change is required if it is a Container database.
sqlplus / as sysdba @/opt/aptare/database/tools/unlock_portal_linux.sql
- After exiting from sqlplus, execute following command from aptare user
sqlplus portal/portal@//localhost:1521/scdb @/opt/aptare/database/tools/validate_sp.sql
Go to
directory and check the fileimport_scdb.log
.In case you have specified a preferred directory, check for
in your preferred location.Check the log file for the compilation warnings for the packages: view apt_v_solution_history_log, cmv_adaptor_pkg, avm_common_pkg, sdk_common_pkg, server_group_package, load_package, common_package, util. These compilation warnings are addressed by the script itself and no action is required from the user.
If you are importing DB from 10.4, upgrade the portal after the import to 10.5 build.
This step is required only if the database is exported from an NetBackup IT Analytics version of 10.5 or above. Run the following commands to copy the
file todatarcvrconf
folder.cp /tmp/aptare.ks /opt/aptare/datarcvrconf/ chown aptare:tomcat /opt/aptare/datarcvrconf/ chmod 664 /opt/aptare/datarcvrconf/aptare.ks
Run to change the password of the application account. For example, to change the password for the admin123 application user, run: admin123 newPassword
Restart all Oracle and Aptare services by running /opt/aptare/bin/aptare restart from root user.
Login to the portal Application using the application account.
Follow the steps for Windows Data Pump Export
- Login to the Windows database server.
- Ensure Oracle TNS listener and Oracle services are running.
- Ensure Aptare user has access to the file c:\opt\oracle\database\tools\expdp_scdb_win.par
Run following commands:
sqlplus system/aptaresoftware@//localhost:1521/scdb
create or replace directory datapump_dir as 'c:\opt\oracle\logs';
- After exiting out of sqlplus, execute the following command: c:\opt\oracle\bin\expdp parfile=c:\opt\oracle\database\tools\expdp_scdb_win.par
- You can also choose to ignore the par file and include parameters in the expdp command directly. In other words, the above command can be replaced by the following command: c:\opt\oracle\bin\expdp system/aptaresoftware@//localhost:1521/scdb FULL=Y DIRECTORY=datapump_dir LOGFILE=export_scdb.log DUMPFILE=aptare_scdb.exp CONTENT=ALL FLASHBACK_TIME=systimestamp
- After successful completion, the data pump export file aptare_scdb.exp is saved in C:\opt\oracle\logs directory of the Windows Database server.
- Copy file c:\opt\datarcvrconf\aptare.ks to c:\opt\oracle\logs folder.
This step is required only if database is exported from an NetBackup IT Analytics version of 10.5 or above.
Follow the steps for Windows Data Pump Import
- Login to the Windows database server.
- The Aptare user will already have access to import files c:\opt\oracle\database\tools\unlock_portal_win.sql and c:\opt\oracle\database\tools\impdp_scdb_win.par. In case the Oracle user does not have read and execute privileges on these files, please ensure privileges are granted before starting the import.
- Place the export file aptare_scdb.exp in c:\opt\oracle\logs directory
- In case the name of the export file is capitalized, please change it to lower case. For example, change the name 'APTARE_SCDB.EXP' to 'aptare_scdb.exp'
- Stop all Oracle and Aptare services using stopAllServices from windows services tab.
- Start OracleServicescdb from windows services tab and ensure Oracle TNS listener is running.
Run following commands:
Sqlplus / as sysdba
Alter session set container = scdb; (note this command is included only for a container database, otherwise switch to container database is not required)
CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY datapump_dir AS 'c:\opt\oracle\logs';
- After exiting out of sqlplus execute following command:
c:\opt\oracle\bin\impdp parfile=c:\opt\oracle\database\tools\impdp_scdb_win.par
- You can also choose to ignore the par file and include parameters in the impdp command directly. In other words, the above command can be replaced by the following command: c:\opt\oracle\bin\impdp "sys/*@//localhost:1521/scdb as sysdba" SCHEMAS=portal,aptare_ro DIRECTORY=datapump_dir LOGFILE=import_scdb.log DUMPFILE=aptare_scdb.exp
- After import is complete, execute the following command: sqlplus "sys/*@//localhost:1521/scdb as sysdba" @c:\opt\oracle\database\tools\unlock_portal_win.sql
- After exiting out of sqlplus, execute the following command: sqlplus portal/portal@//localhost:1521/scdb @c:\opt\oracle\database\tools\validate_sp.sql
To check for import logs, go to
and check the fileimport_scdb.log
.Check the log file for the compilation warnings for the packages: view apt_v_solution_history_log, cmv_adaptor_pkg, avm_common_pkg, sdk_common_pkg, server_group_package, load_package, common_package, util. These compilation warnings are addressed by the script itself and no action is required from the user.
If you are importing DB from 10.4, upgrade the portal after the import to 10.5 build
Copy the saved file from
folder. Ensure that the file is owned by NetBackup IT Analytics user and has appropriate Read and Write access to the copied file.Note:
This step is required only if database is exported from an NetBackup IT Analytics version of 10.5 or above.
After successful completion of the import process, run StopAllservices using service tab on Windows.
Run startAllServices using service tab on Windows.
from utils directory to change the password of the application account. For example, to change the password for the admin123 application user, run: updateUser.bat admin123 newPasswordLogin to the portal Application using the application account.