NetBackup IT Analytics System Administrator Guide
- Introduction
- Preparing for updates
- Backing up and restoring data
- Monitoring NetBackup IT Analytics
- Accessing NetBackup IT Analytics reports with the REST API
- Defining NetBackup estimated tape capacity
- Automating host group management
- Categorize host operating systems by platform and version
- Bulk load utilities
- Automate NetBackup utilities
- Scheduling utilities to run automatically
- Attribute management
- Importing generic backup data
- Backup job overrides
- Managing host data collection
- System configuration in the portal
- Custom parameters
- Performance profile schedule customization
- Configuring AD/LDAP
- Configuring single sign-on (SSO) using security assertion markup language (SAML)
- Change Oracle database user passwords
- Integrate with CyberArk
- Tuning NetBackup IT Analytics
- Working with log files
- Portal and data collector log files - reduce logging
- Data collector log file naming conventions
- Portal log files
- Defining report metrics
- SNMP trap alerting
- SSL certificate configuration
- Configure virtual hosts for portal and / or data collection SSL
- Keystore on the portal server
- Portal properties: Format and portal customizations
- Data retention periods for SDK database objects
- Troubleshooting
- Appendix A. Configure TLS-enabled Oracle database on NetBackup IT Analytics Portal and data receiver
Automate NetBackup utilities
The Veritas NetBackup utilities listed in this section can be set up to run automatically. A stored procedure can be edited to customize the list of utilities to be run as a background job on a particular schedule.
Windows: C:\opt\oracle\database\stored_procedures\nbu\setup_nbu_jobs_manual.sql
Linux: opt/aptare/database/stored_procedures/nbu/setup_nbu_jobs_manual.sql
All five are included in this file. To omit a particular utility from the scheduled job, use the following syntax before and after the block of code.
See Veritas NetBackup utilities.
Before the block of code to be omitted, use: /*
After the block of code to be omitted, use: */
In a text editor, open the setup_nbu_jobs_manual.sql file and modify the schedule to meet your needs. The following example illustrates how to edit syntax to customize the schedule.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Move clients that are in inactive policies -- Frequency: Every day at 02:30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jobName := dba_package.getSchedulerJobName('setupInactivePolicyClients'); IF (jobName IS NOT NULL AND LOWER(jobName) <> LOWER('setupInactivePolicyClients')) THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('setupInactivePolicyClients exists with default name '|| jobName || ' hence will be removed and recreated.'); DBMS_SCHEDULER.DROP_JOB(job_name => jobName); jobName := NULL; END IF; IF jobName IS NULL THEN DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB( job_name => 'setupInactivePolicyClients', job_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK', job_action => 'server_mgmt_pkg.setupInactivePolicyClients(NULL, NULL, 0, 0);', -- What to run start_date => SYSDATE + (5/48), -- First run is 150 mins from initial installation repeat_interval => 'TRUNC(SYSDATE+1,''DD'') + (5/48)', -- Next run is 2:30 each subsequent day enabled => TRUE); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('setupInactivePolicyClients exists and will be altered with updated version.'); DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE( name => jobName, attribute => 'job_type', value => 'PLSQL_BLOCK' ); DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE( name => jobName, attribute => 'job_action', value => 'server_mgmt_pkg.setupInactivePolicyClients(NULL, NULL, 0, 0);' ); DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE( name => jobName, attribute => 'repeat_interval', value => 'TRUNC(SYSDATE+1,''DD'') + (5/48)' ); END IF; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('setupInactivePolicyClients set to run at 2:30 every day');