NetBackup IT Analytics System Administrator Guide
- Introduction
- Preparing for updates
- Backing up and restoring data
- Monitoring NetBackup IT Analytics
- Accessing NetBackup IT Analytics reports with the REST API
- Defining NetBackup estimated tape capacity
- Automating host group management
- Categorize host operating systems by platform and version
- Bulk load utilities
- Automate NetBackup utilities
- Scheduling utilities to run automatically
- Attribute management
- Importing generic backup data
- Backup job overrides
- Managing host data collection
- System configuration in the portal
- Custom parameters
- Performance profile schedule customization
- Configuring AD/LDAP
- Configuring single sign-on (SSO) using security assertion markup language (SAML)
- Change Oracle database user passwords
- Integrate with CyberArk
- Tuning NetBackup IT Analytics
- Working with log files
- Portal and data collector log files - reduce logging
- Data collector log file naming conventions
- Portal log files
- Defining report metrics
- SNMP trap alerting
- SSL certificate configuration
- Configure virtual hosts for portal and / or data collection SSL
- Keystore on the portal server
- Portal properties: Format and portal customizations
- Data retention periods for SDK database objects
- Troubleshooting
- Appendix A. Configure TLS-enabled Oracle database on NetBackup IT Analytics Portal and data receiver
System configuration: functions
Buttons available at the top of the tabbed space, apply across all functional tabs.
Table: Function description
Function buttons | Description |
Save and Apply | Before saving and applying changes, a dialog is displayed to show old values and new values to verify the update. Some changes require a Portal restart. If a restart is required, this is displayed in the confirmation dialog. See Starting and stopping portal server software. for information about restarting systems. |
Undo Changes | Cancels changes and resets to the last value across all tabs within the System Configuration area. Use the field level refresh icon to reset values field by field. |
Restore All Defaults | Resets default values for all parameters across all tabs within the System Configuration area. Rollover the icons to display the parameters default value. |
Download | Click to download a text file of all your system setting values. This includes any custom parameter values. |
Expand/Collapse All | Click to expand or collapse all categories on within the System Configuration area. Categories can be expanded or collapsed individually using the icon beside the category title. |