Cluster Server 7.3.1 Configuration and Upgrade Guide - Solaris
- Section I. Configuring Cluster Server using the script-based installer
- I/O fencing requirements
- Preparing to configure VCS clusters for data integrity
- About planning to configure I/O fencing
- Setting up the CP server
- Configuring VCS
- Configuring a secure cluster node by node
- Verifying and updating licenses on the system
- Configuring VCS clusters for data integrity
- Setting up disk-based I/O fencing using installer
- Setting up server-based I/O fencing using installer
- Section II. Automated configuration using response files
- Performing an automated VCS configuration
- Performing an automated I/O fencing configuration using response files
- Section III. Manual configuration
- Manually configuring VCS
- Configuring LLT manually
- Configuring VCS manually
- Configuring VCS in single node mode
- Modifying the VCS configuration
- Manually configuring the clusters for data integrity
- Setting up disk-based I/O fencing manually
- Setting up server-based I/O fencing manually
- Configuring server-based fencing on the VCS cluster manually
- Setting up non-SCSI-3 fencing in virtual environments manually
- Setting up majority-based I/O fencing manually
- Manually configuring VCS
- Section IV. Upgrading VCS
- Planning to upgrade VCS
- Performing a VCS upgrade using the installer
- Tasks to perform after upgrading to 2048 bit key and SHA256 signature certificates
- Performing an online upgrade
- Performing a rolling upgrade of VCS
- Performing a phased upgrade of VCS
- About phased upgrade
- Performing a phased upgrade using the product installer
- Performing an automated VCS upgrade using response files
- Upgrading VCS using Live Upgrade and Boot Environment upgrade
- Planning to upgrade VCS
- Section V. Adding and removing cluster nodes
- Adding a node to a single-node cluster
- Adding a node to a single-node cluster
- Adding a node to a multi-node VCS cluster
- Manually adding a node to a cluster
- Setting up the node to run in secure mode
- Configuring I/O fencing on the new node
- Adding a node using response files
- Removing a node from a VCS cluster
- Removing a node from a VCS cluster
- Removing a node from a VCS cluster
- Adding a node to a single-node cluster
- Section VI. Installation reference
- Appendix A. Services and ports
- Appendix B. Configuration files
- Appendix C. Configuring LLT over UDP
- Using the UDP layer for LLT
- Manually configuring LLT over UDP using IPv4
- Manually configuring LLT over UDP using IPv6
- Appendix D. Configuring the secure shell or the remote shell for communications
- Appendix E. Installation script options
- Appendix F. Troubleshooting VCS configuration
- Appendix G. Sample VCS cluster setup diagrams for CP server-based I/O fencing
- Appendix H. Reconciling major/minor numbers for NFS shared disks
- Appendix I. Upgrading the Steward process
Manually configuring passwordless ssh
The ssh program enables you to log into and execute commands on a remote system. ssh enables encrypted communications and an authentication process between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network.
In this procedure, you first create a DSA key pair. From the key pair, you append the public key from the source system to the authorized_keys file on the target systems.
Read the ssh documentation and online manual pages before enabling ssh. Contact your operating system support provider for issues regarding ssh configuration.
Visit the Openssh website that is located at: to access online manuals and other resources.
To create the DSA key pair
- On the source system (sys1), log in as root, and navigate to the root directory.
sys1 # cd /
- Make sure the
directory is on all the target installation systems (sys2 in this example). If that directory is not present, create it on all the target systems and set the write permission to root only:Solaris 11:
sys2 # mkdir /root/.ssh
Change the permissions of this directory, to secure it.
Solaris 11:
sys2 # chmod go-w /root/.ssh
- To generate a DSA key pair on the source system, type the following command:
sys1 # ssh-keygen -t dsa
System output similar to the following is displayed:
Generating public/private dsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (//.ssh/id_dsa):
For Solaris 11:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_dsa. Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
- Press Enter to accept the default location of
. - When the program asks you to enter the passphrase, press the Enter key twice.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Do not enter a passphrase. Press Enter.
Enter same passphrase again:
Press Enter again.
To append the public key from the source system to the authorized_keys file on the target system, using secure file transfer
- Make sure the secure file transfer program (SFTP) is enabled on all the target installation systems (sys2 in this example).
To enable SFTP, the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file must contain the following two lines:
PermitRootLogin yes Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server
- If the lines are not there, add them and restart ssh.
To restart ssh on Solaris 11, type the following command:
- From the source system (sys1), move the public key to a temporary file on the target system (sys2).
Use the secure file transfer program.
In this example, the file name
in the root directory is the name for the temporary file for the public key.Use the following command for secure file transfer:
sys1 # sftp sys2
If the secure file transfer is set up for the first time on this system, output similar to the following lines is displayed:
Connecting to sys2 ... The authenticity of host 'sys2 (' can't be established. DSA key fingerprint is fb:6f:9f:61:91:9d:44:6b:87:86:ef:68:a6:fd:88:7d. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
- Enter yes.
Output similar to the following is displayed:
Warning: Permanently added 'sys2,' (DSA) to the list of known hosts. root@sys2 password:
- Enter the root password of sys2.
- At the sftp prompt, type the following command:
sftp> put /.ssh/
The following output is displayed:
Uploading /.ssh/ to /
- To quit the SFTP session, type the following command:
sftp> quit
- To begin the ssh session on the target system (sys2 in this example), type the following command on sys1:
sys1 # ssh sys2
Enter the root password of sys2 at the prompt:
- After you log in to sys2, enter the following command to append the file to the
file:sys2 # cat / >> /.ssh/authorized_keys
- After the public key file is copied to the target system (sys2), and added to the authorized keys file, delete it. To delete the public key file, enter the following command on sys2:
sys2 # rm /
- To log out of the ssh session, enter the following command:
sys2 # exit
- Run the following commands on the source installation system. If your ssh session has expired or terminated, you can also run these commands to renew the session. These commands bring the private key into the shell environment and make the key globally available to the user root:
sys1 # exec /usr/bin/ssh-agent $SHELL sys1 # ssh-add
Identity added: //.ssh/id_dsa
This shell-specific step is valid only while the shell is active. You must execute the procedure again if you close the shell during the session.
To verify that you can connect to a target system
- On the source system (sys1), enter the following command:
sys1 # ssh -l root sys2 uname -a
where sys2 is the name of the target system.
- The command should execute from the source system (sys1) to the target system (sys2) without the system requesting a passphrase or password.
- Repeat this procedure for each target system.