Cluster Server 7.3.1 Configuration and Upgrade Guide - Solaris
- Section I. Configuring Cluster Server using the script-based installer
- I/O fencing requirements
- Preparing to configure VCS clusters for data integrity
- About planning to configure I/O fencing
- Setting up the CP server
- Configuring VCS
- Configuring a secure cluster node by node
- Verifying and updating licenses on the system
- Configuring VCS clusters for data integrity
- Setting up disk-based I/O fencing using installer
- Setting up server-based I/O fencing using installer
- Section II. Automated configuration using response files
- Performing an automated VCS configuration
- Performing an automated I/O fencing configuration using response files
- Section III. Manual configuration
- Manually configuring VCS
- Configuring LLT manually
- Configuring VCS manually
- Configuring VCS in single node mode
- Modifying the VCS configuration
- Manually configuring the clusters for data integrity
- Setting up disk-based I/O fencing manually
- Setting up server-based I/O fencing manually
- Configuring server-based fencing on the VCS cluster manually
- Setting up non-SCSI-3 fencing in virtual environments manually
- Setting up majority-based I/O fencing manually
- Manually configuring VCS
- Section IV. Upgrading VCS
- Planning to upgrade VCS
- Performing a VCS upgrade using the installer
- Tasks to perform after upgrading to 2048 bit key and SHA256 signature certificates
- Performing an online upgrade
- Performing a rolling upgrade of VCS
- Performing a phased upgrade of VCS
- About phased upgrade
- Performing a phased upgrade using the product installer
- Performing an automated VCS upgrade using response files
- Upgrading VCS using Live Upgrade and Boot Environment upgrade
- Planning to upgrade VCS
- Section V. Adding and removing cluster nodes
- Adding a node to a single-node cluster
- Adding a node to a single-node cluster
- Adding a node to a multi-node VCS cluster
- Manually adding a node to a cluster
- Setting up the node to run in secure mode
- Configuring I/O fencing on the new node
- Adding a node using response files
- Removing a node from a VCS cluster
- Removing a node from a VCS cluster
- Removing a node from a VCS cluster
- Adding a node to a single-node cluster
- Section VI. Installation reference
- Appendix A. Services and ports
- Appendix B. Configuration files
- Appendix C. Configuring LLT over UDP
- Using the UDP layer for LLT
- Manually configuring LLT over UDP using IPv4
- Manually configuring LLT over UDP using IPv6
- Appendix D. Configuring the secure shell or the remote shell for communications
- Appendix E. Installation script options
- Appendix F. Troubleshooting VCS configuration
- Appendix G. Sample VCS cluster setup diagrams for CP server-based I/O fencing
- Appendix H. Reconciling major/minor numbers for NFS shared disks
- Appendix I. Upgrading the Steward process
Refreshing keys or registrations on the existing coordination points for disk-based fencing using the installer
You must refresh registrations on the coordination points in the following scenarios:
When the CoordPoint agent notifies VCS about the loss of registration on any of the existing coordination points.
A planned refresh of registrations on coordination points when the cluster is online without having an application downtime on the cluster.
Registration loss may happen because of an accidental array restart, corruption of keys, or some other reason. If the coordination points lose the registrations of the cluster nodes, the cluster may panic when a network partition occurs.
Refreshing keys might cause the cluster to panic if a node leaves membership before the coordination points refresh is complete.
To refresh registrations on existing coordination points for disk-based I/O fencing using the installer
- Start the installer with the -fencing option.
# /opt/VRTS/install/installer -fencing
The installer starts with a copyright message and verifies the cluster information.
Note down the location of log files that you can access if there is a problem with the configuration process.
- Confirm that you want to proceed with the I/O fencing configuration at the prompt.
The program checks that the local node running the script can communicate with the remote nodes and checks whether VCS 7.3.1 is configured properly.
- Review the I/O fencing configuration options that the program presents. Type the number corresponding to refresh registrations or keys on the existing coordination points.
Select the fencing mechanism to be configured in this Application Cluster [1-6,q]
- Ensure that the disk group constitution that is used by the fencing module contains the same disks that are currently used as coordination disks.
- Verify the coordination points.
For example, Disk Group: fendg Fencing disk policy: dmp Fencing disks: emc_clariion0_62 emc_clariion0_65 emc_clariion0_66
Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y).
Successfully completed the vxfenswap operation
The keys on the coordination disks are refreshed.
- Do you want to send the information about this installation to us to help improve installation in the future? [y,n,q,?] (y).
- Do you want to view the summary file? [y,n,q] (n).