Cluster Server 7.3.1 Configuration and Upgrade Guide - Solaris
- Section I. Configuring Cluster Server using the script-based installer
- I/O fencing requirements
- Preparing to configure VCS clusters for data integrity
- About planning to configure I/O fencing
- Setting up the CP server
- Configuring VCS
- Configuring a secure cluster node by node
- Verifying and updating licenses on the system
- Configuring VCS clusters for data integrity
- Setting up disk-based I/O fencing using installer
- Setting up server-based I/O fencing using installer
- Section II. Automated configuration using response files
- Performing an automated VCS configuration
- Performing an automated I/O fencing configuration using response files
- Section III. Manual configuration
- Manually configuring VCS
- Configuring LLT manually
- Configuring VCS manually
- Configuring VCS in single node mode
- Modifying the VCS configuration
- Manually configuring the clusters for data integrity
- Setting up disk-based I/O fencing manually
- Setting up server-based I/O fencing manually
- Configuring server-based fencing on the VCS cluster manually
- Setting up non-SCSI-3 fencing in virtual environments manually
- Setting up majority-based I/O fencing manually
- Manually configuring VCS
- Section IV. Upgrading VCS
- Planning to upgrade VCS
- Performing a VCS upgrade using the installer
- Tasks to perform after upgrading to 2048 bit key and SHA256 signature certificates
- Performing an online upgrade
- Performing a rolling upgrade of VCS
- Performing a phased upgrade of VCS
- About phased upgrade
- Performing a phased upgrade using the product installer
- Performing an automated VCS upgrade using response files
- Upgrading VCS using Live Upgrade and Boot Environment upgrade
- Planning to upgrade VCS
- Section V. Adding and removing cluster nodes
- Adding a node to a single-node cluster
- Adding a node to a single-node cluster
- Adding a node to a multi-node VCS cluster
- Manually adding a node to a cluster
- Setting up the node to run in secure mode
- Configuring I/O fencing on the new node
- Adding a node using response files
- Removing a node from a VCS cluster
- Removing a node from a VCS cluster
- Removing a node from a VCS cluster
- Adding a node to a single-node cluster
- Section VI. Installation reference
- Appendix A. Services and ports
- Appendix B. Configuration files
- Appendix C. Configuring LLT over UDP
- Using the UDP layer for LLT
- Manually configuring LLT over UDP using IPv4
- Manually configuring LLT over UDP using IPv6
- Appendix D. Configuring the secure shell or the remote shell for communications
- Appendix E. Installation script options
- Appendix F. Troubleshooting VCS configuration
- Appendix G. Sample VCS cluster setup diagrams for CP server-based I/O fencing
- Appendix H. Reconciling major/minor numbers for NFS shared disks
- Appendix I. Upgrading the Steward process
Modifying VCS configuration to use I/O fencing
After you add coordination points and configure I/O fencing, add the UseFence = SCSI3 cluster attribute to the VCS configuration file /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/
If you reset this attribute to UseFence = None, VCS does not make use of I/O fencing abilities while failing over service groups. However, I/O fencing needs to be disabled separately.
To modify VCS configuration to enable I/O fencing
- Save the existing configuration:
# haconf -dump -makero
- Stop VCS on all nodes:
# hastop -all
- To ensure High Availability has stopped cleanly, run:
gabconfig -a
In the output of the commands, check that Port h is not present.
- If the I/O fencing driver vxfen is already running, stop the I/O fencing driver.
# svcadm disable -t vxfen
- Make a backup of the file on all the nodes:
# cd /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config # cp main.orig
- On one node, use vi or another text editor to edit the file. To modify the list of cluster attributes, add the UseFence attribute and assign its value as SCSI3.
cluster clus1( UserNames = { admin = "cDRpdxPmHpzS." } Administrators = { admin } HacliUserLevel = COMMANDROOT CounterInterval = 5 UseFence = SCSI3 )
Regardless of whether the fencing configuration is disk-based or server-based, the value of the cluster-level attribute UseFence is set to SCSI3.
- Save and close the file.
- Verify the syntax of the file /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/
# hacf -verify /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config
Start the I/O fencing driver and VCS. Perform the following steps on each node:
Start the I/O fencing driver.
The vxfen startup script also invokes the vxfenconfig command, which configures the vxfen driver to start and use the coordination points that are listed in /etc/vxfentab.
# svcadm enable vxfen
Start VCS on the node where is modified.
# /opt/VRTS/bin/hastart
Start VCS on all other nodes once VCS on first node reaches RUNNING state.
# /opt/VRTS/bin/hastart